He basically became a numale, right?
He basically became a numale, right?
In the movie? No.
>being forced to associate violence and sex to being physically ill is being a numale now
get a fucking life
>goes from violent criminal to wilful puppet of the government that castrated him
Idk user
No, lmao what thw fuck do you thibk a numale is
A numale is a reactionary rejection of the worst behaviors associated with masculinity, many of which Alex finds himself guilty of. He is then reformed and recoils in horror at the sight of blatant sexuality and violence, bizarrely embracing his punishes in hopes of feeling joy once more.
Well... shit.
>mfw you have a point
Did Big K actually keep his eyes forced open or is that another Kubrick-circlejerk-myth?
I read it was real. The guy putting eye drops in his eyes was a real doctor and Malcolm Mcdowell also hurt one of his eyes like this.
They injected him with high dosages of soy
No, he was cured al(t)right.
he became an initiate. previously he was a Ger.
Pic related is literally what a person would look like if subjected to such indoctrination
stop posting pictures of yourself it's an anonymous board
he grew up.
No, he was back to his old ways by the end of the movie, but he was briefly and unwillingly a pacifist due to the therapy he underwent, if that's what you mean. Alex was always a prime example of an alpha-male so it's hard to picture him as a numale, no matter what was done to him.
>criminal = alpha
Yeah no wonder this world's going to shit
I unironically listen to the A Clockwork Orange soundtrack.
composed by?
did you not see the movie you fucking retard?
The Barry Lyndon soundtrack is maximum comfy, when I'm in bed shitposting at night it sounds great from my phones speakers.
What are you suggesting I got wrong?
Castrated maybe, but not, by definition, numale. Its implied that he'd go right on fighting and raping if it wasn't for mental chains, and in fact the ending implies that he will.
In the book he does, but then he grows out of it an decides to get married and have a kid, not due to a sudden inkling of morality, but simply due to paternal instincts
Yes it was 100% real. The doctor was an actual doctor that had to constantly be applying eyedrops so McDowell's eyes didn't dry out. Also him freaking out to make it stop was more of a genuine reaction than acting. During the scene McDowell's eye got scratched which caused him to be unable to see properly for a day afterwards.
>simply due to paternal instincts
Uhm no. He simply got bored and doesn't see much of a point in the life he was leading before anymore.
It is very clear that by the end of the film he is no longer influenced by the brainwashing.
Good point, user.
Suppose so. Not like has much choice at that point.
>What are you suggesting I got wrong?
>wilful puppet
He wasn't a willful puppet. He went along with it to get out of prison, then when he realized what had happened, he wasn't happy about it.
>criminal = alpha
>Yeah no wonder this world's going to shit
It wasn't the fact that he was a criminal that made Alex alpha, it was the way he carried himself. He was leader of his gang/group, dominating men who were bigger and probably physically stronger/tougher then he was. He was charming and with a few words could convince two young women to come back to his place for a marathon fuck session, where he fucks them both, then fucks one, then fucks the other, the fucks the first one again, implying a very decent stamina.
There's also the fact that he charmed his parents and guidance/social councilor and had them eating out of the palm of his hand.
Except for the fact that he expresses joy when he realizes he's back to his old self.