In the Force Awakens...

>In the Force Awakens, Kylo Ren acts shocked when an imperial officer tells him a girl was with Han Solo and the Millenium Falcoln, shouting “what girl!?” While Force choking him
>in TFW novel, Before the start of their lightsaber fight, when Rey Force pulls Skywalker's lightsaber, Kylo Ren says to her quietly, "It IS you".

is it fair to say they actually did plan Rey to be the daughter of Luke or at least related to someone important?

Why did they abandon this

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sorry, nothing was planned
just a mystery box

But u got subverted right little man baby? Now buy my porgs and get to the back of the bus you pasty white bitch

Yes, she is Luke's daughter somehow even if she doesn't have a mother and was birthed by the Force tree's non-human womb or something crazy like that.

They might be holding out on some mysterious stuff like who Rey's parents are and Snoke's background because they were expecting a better reception to TFA and want to save those things for later to help motivate people more to see movies and/or tv shows in the future.

For example, they might make movies focusing on Luke before episode 7 in the future that would have more information about Snoke and the history of Rey.

JJ probably had plans
Ryan had other plans
JJ will re-plan the other plans.

There is nobody overseeing the entire trilogy. Ryan fucked over JJ, and JJ will fuck over Ryan.

it's an incoherent mess.

literally no plans, Rian even says this

originally the 2 main characters were supposed to be darth vaders grandchildren. kira, th enew MC, and the jedi killer, who was repurposed into kylo ren

Because those things were written by three different people with no oversight managing them.

Because there was no overarching vision to unite anything that happens in any of the movies. Each writer had such a hard-on over being able to put their own "mark" on Star Wars that they completely ignored what every other writer did before them, other than making superficial connections so that at the end of it all they could still call it "Star Wars" and get carried by the strength of the name alone .

Everyone on Sup Forums unanimously hates this star wars bullshit and doesn't give a fuck about whatever kind of low brow discussion you make up about it. No one cares. It's not even fun to make fun of. It's so tiresome and bland even normalfag bugmen have to force themselves to pretend to like it.

Fuck off and take your garbage progressive think tank produced franchise and keep feeding it to white yuppie urbanite hipster trash and clapping seal numale consumers who are blindly bound to it.

Imagine how great it would be if these Disney shills were all forced on their own star wars board instead of wasting their lives making awful star wars threads here for a dollar a piece.

I'd hope you get ran over by a semi truck but death would probably a blessing for you.

Keep Sup Forums from turning into a Disney media advertisement board.

/sw/ when?

>is it fair to say they actually did plan

They didn't have any plans. They didn't plan anything.

Read the RJ interview from like five months ago. He said when he took over literally nothing was plotted out and they told him to just make it up himself.

When RJ he took over he probably said to JJ "Wow, I loved TFA, I have so many questions. Who are Rey's parents? What is Snoke's origin? Why did Luke leave a map if he didn't want to be found? What's up with the Knights of Ren. How did his lightsaber get from cloud city to that chest? How did-" and JJ just cut him off and said "I didn't write any of that. Just do whatever you want. Write it yourself."

And RJ realized he was in way, way over his head since he's only written things like Looper which was an absolute clusterfuck of plot holes and inconsistencies. And if this had been TFA it still would have been okay, because that film had like a 12 person oversight team working on every facet. But Disney too major heat for TFA being too by committee and a virtual copy of ANH, so they said forget the oversight this time "It's all you RJ. Our trillion dollar toy and entertainment franchise is entirely in your hands!" And then RJ was like "Hmm... okay... it's thinking time RJ... who were Rey's parents... I got it! They were nobodies. Just some drunks who sold her off for drug money and died of overdoses. Now who was Snoke and how did he get so powerful so fast.... hmm this one is hard. I know! He was nobody, who cares! Lets just kill him off and no one will care who he was. Knights of Ren? They were nobody, just ignore them. Drop them. Why did Luke leave a map if he didn't want to be found? Who cares! Just ignore it." etc. And we ended up with TLJ.

apparently he made a list of all the possibilities of who her parents could be but settled on nobodies because he didn't want ppl to think you had to have Jedi genes to be a Jedi that ANYONE can be a Jedi
anyways apparently before that tho he was seriously considering making her a clone

Oo no. This is only partly accurate. This interpretation implies that Rian’s story choices were at the fault of JJ’s when it’s so very apparent Rian is the one that said fuck you to Jj and decided to go his own way. Rian ruined it himself. He had every single thread open to do whatever he wanted to with and neutered them one by one. Everyone loves to rag on JJ but the way Rian handled the story was inexcusable. Nay, it wasn’t deliberate. Just look at his smug tweets.

He didn't say fuck you to JJ. There was nothing to say fuck you to. JJ didn't write anything.

I don't get this. People keep parroting that JJ had nothing planned beyond TFA, but can that REALLY be expected? NOTHING was planned whatsoever? All of this time and effort was put into starting up a brand new trilogy of Star Wars films, and all of these plot threads were woven, and in the end they stopped where the movie ends?

I don't believe that one bit. It's incomprehensible. Perhaps they had nothing written, but nothing planned? Rian has to be full of shit, especially considering the majority of TLJ was spent throwing away pretty much everything TFA had set up, and making light of it on top of it all.

Billions for the rights, hundreds of millions on production and promotion, the change under the couch cushion for the writing.

Sounds about right, no?

Why did Disney decide to go with multiple directors for a trilogy in the first place? One of the dumbest decisions I have ever seen.

I liked it
it had flaws but I thought it was fun
to me Star Wars has always been focused on being fun, outside of the 2-3 darker or more dramatic moments per movie

Control. If they sign the same writers/director for three films, then they are going to do what they want and be able to push back when the studio wants a change. When they know that their position has no permanence, they are less likely to fight the studio.

Jj set up threads to follow and Rian nipped them to SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS

JJ planted a bunch of plot seeds in the first movie, but that hack Rian couldn't payoff any of them in any interesting or meaningful ways because he's a shit writer. Simple as that.

>don't put vital plot point or explanations in your movies specifically so you can create more movies and TV shows to explain them
That's the most Jewish thing I'e ever heard, holy shit. To be honest, the only thing I can think of that would fit in with the plot points in both VII and VIII is that Rey was genetically engineered by Snoke in order to have a super strong apprentice, but was rescued by someone and dumped on not-Tatooine.

Damn, lootboxes keep getting worse and worse desu.

>is it fair to say they actually did plan Rey to be the daughter of Luke or at least related to someone important?
>implying the whole "youre nobody" speech wasnt just a swerve
>implying Rey isnt the Emperor's granddaughter
>implying this whole trilogy isnt just an ironic twist of an evil Skywalker antichrist in confrontation with a Palpatine Light Side Messianic figure
>implying Based Rey isnt royalty when her name literally translates to "King" in Spanish
>implying the Force would show Kylo Rey's parents before revealing them to her
>implying Kylo wasnt just playing on her feelings
>implying she wasnt a student at Luke's temple that Ben clearly remembers but Luke has forgotten because he has PTSD and supressed memories

I literally looked this up a few hours ago.

The only reason Kylo would even have known anything about her is if he had a shared force vision with Rey. That would only make sense if she were his sibling like originally was the story and they had been separated before she was old enough to know anything.

Why would she be Luke's daughter? Mara Jade isn't even a thing in the films.

The feminist rag i was reading implied a good plot device would have been if they made Rey a clone of someone but that doesnt really work if theyre just now considering taking up cloning again.

Pic related was a better story.

based implyingposter

This is like video game DLC

>not implying Palpatine was Anakin's magic force father which makes Rey is a Skywalker anyway


But a vocal minority of its fanbase refuses to move on, trudging along in a feeble attempt to manufacture their perfect individual version of Star Wars for the satisfaction of their wet dreams. The Force Awakens may have been dangerous because it reinforced reminders of the old, but the backlash was strong, even though it utilized structural similarities and plot developments for the sake of mystery-box subversion. Many viewers hated Abrams’ film because it exposed their reverence and mythologization of the original trilogy to an absurd degree and refracted it back in the characters’ personalities. Cries and whimpers of “It’s the same thing as the original Star Wars!!” might as well be re-worded into “I didn’t like it because it gave me exactly what I’ve been worshipping for the last thirty years!!”. While The Force Awakens, in a sense, weakened those who have never moved on from the original trilogy, The Last Jedi leaves them in the blood-red dust. It soars off into the galaxy with a fresh twinkle in its eye and a comical, sly reverence for Star Wars itself and not the version so many people have fabricated in their fantasies. The characters have been freed from their ties to Original Trilogy characters, and while they will always carry them within their hearts. Johnson showcases that no progression can be unearthed without change, and change is the opposite of stagnantly committing to ancient fandom favorites just because that’s how they’re remembered. The truth hurts for the personalities in The Last Jedi and the audience observing it play out across the screen; they have realized their stories are just that. It’s what you take away from them, and where you go from there that matters. This gargantuan space-opera train is finally back to square one freed from the constraints of its sickening fanbase and bursting into hyperspace towards the future. Time to let go

Its just an improv? How is this an acceptable way to make movies?

You ever think maybe he lied about this to justify his garbage plot that dropped everything that was set up for him?

liking starwars in any capacity designates you as a manbaby

>so triggered by a movie he made this copypasta


Rey was named after Jeffrey Jacob Abrams

>nothing was planned

literally this

this but unironically