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>coming soon, in 3043

I just cant see him in the role.

Doo doo dooooo

It's time to kick ass and be accused of dexual harassment, and I'm all out of ass

>It's time to chew ass

>A wrestler is playing a character that ripped off a wrestler's line from They Live

>Doot doo doo dooooo*

Two memes as one. We have come full circle.

Is it in production? Sure hope it doesn't take Forever.

and blow it out your bubblegum.

and I'm all out of ass

>soft R, like deadpool
>cgi blood
>the theme of the movie is, duke is a joke to everybody around him and his toxic masculinity actually makes things worse
>has a female black sidekick who likes smoking and sex more than he does
>a complete comedy with even the action being 100% satirical
yeah can't wait

>not picking the man for the part he was born to play

ummm but duke nukem is misogynistic and EXTREMELY problematic sweeties. sad!


Fuck I would watch it. I think moot might have been turning a little sjw towards the end though so I doubt he would agree to the role unless it's the nightmare envisioned by

The pathetic voice actor clinging to Duke. I hate hearing how the faggots are in real life.

cant wait to see him bury those alien niggers

" I'm gonna chew ur balls off"
- Dirk Fuckem

3d was my first video game fap this was an awesome trailer too

What’s with the John Cena resurgence? Is he making a comeback?

hes a part timer now in wrestling so he will do more acting stuff