Awful Netflix movies

Awful Netflix movies.
I will start

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Why even do this concept if you're gonna just throw out all interesting possibilities and make b movie shit


all of them

jesus fucking christ

what was the point of this shit, i coud not even finish it

what happen

Literally almost all of them
They feel cheaper than Lifetime/SyFy movies and thats saying something

It gad bad dialogue, and kinda stupid characters.

They spend 90 minutes setting up the premise for the film, teasing 18 different things that may or may not be going on
And then in the last 10 minutes kill off every character, and explain literally nothing about what happened or why or how.


Like, what was the point of the boarded up basement?

>spends billions on original content
>90% of it is shit


I only watched the back half of this and was pretty offended by how shitty the ending was. It was torture porn of the worst kind.

>what is I Don't Feel At Home in This World Anymore

>somehow no deathnote yet
How can this be?

god this shit was so fucking bad

Who's the neanderthal next to that guy in front?

>Make a point of showing the kid break the step.
>Make a point of showing the broken step again later.
>Never plays a part at all in the movie.

This was one of many random set-ups with no payoff. This whole movie was just a mess.

A shitty “indie film” cash in that came a decade too late?

People are too busy trying to defend the shitty choices made in this movie.

So you haven't seen it.

This is honestly the most retarded movie I've ever seen, before it I thought Maisie Williams might have potential but after I lost respect for her as an artist

You're kidding. Is it like a practice film for apprentice shills?

I actually liked but then ending happened and it was completely retarded by trying to introduce a twist when the plot itself was enough for a satisfying ending.

robert redford was based, but it was basically eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


That's not a Netflix movie, is it?

Are there actually any good netflix movies?

John doesn't even die at the end.

>I thought Maisie Williams might have potential

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, 1922, and Gerald's Game are all I can think of, and two of those are Stephen King adaptations.

I thought this was just about shitty movies we watched on netflix desu

Just reading the plot synopsis gave me minor brain damage.
Who would want to rape 2017 Maisie Williams?

>That fucking accent
I thought english people were supposed to be good a southern accents because they're sort of close.. She jumps accents three times in the first sentence

>I'm buildin somethin (southern)
>Yur naught (english)
>Onea dem perrrvs likes te touch little girrls are ya(Louisianian)

>Maisie Williams playing a trash goblin

Not bad

jesus christ you can tell she's trying so hard

this looks fucking awful

the dog is john

Even the movie that actually got a budget feels like a tv shoe episode

Polka King was around 6.5-7/10 for me.

>I swear guys there's no disney shill in this board

Her and every other GoT actor's career would be non-existent if it weren't for the TV budget actors.

That's a really weird name for a dog

I didn't even bother because I am not an anime fan and if they kept the plot I know it's dumb because anime, and if they changed it I know it's dumb because it probably created a bunch of contrivances and shit.

Seems one, or both things were true since not a single soul who has seen it has told me to watch it.

Aren't most GoT actors pretty bad? Except for like..Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime?