Is there a bigger sign of being a pretentious hipster than liking Wes Anderson movies?

Is there a bigger sign of being a pretentious hipster than liking Wes Anderson movies?

it's definitely at the top of obvious signs

Is there a bigger sign of being a pretentious hipster than liking movies?

Posting about how much you hate things. I mean REALLY fucking hate.
Better than another star wars thread.

being the edgy momma's son that pretends to hate anderson's films to look KOOL

Is there a bigger sign of being a hideous cocksucker than being OP?

Pfft, liking any movies at all seems kinda hipster-y to me. "Hey, you know what is sure to be fun and engaging? Let's sit still for 90 minutes and stare forward into space!"

Fuck you, his movies are comfy.

is there a bitter sign of being a bitter contrarian than not liking wes anderson

They ain't even obscure. They play on Comedy Central between Saving Silverman and Beer League.

I'm sick of this "Wes Anderson movies are pretentious" meme. His movies don't pretend to have any deep themes or sophistication, they're just silly colorful movies for women and occasionally children.

I got a thing in the mail today that asked if I want to switch to a "clean energy" provider. Nothing would change for me other than the fact that I'd pay more for my energy bill every month. I have to imagine the kind of person that would agree to that is pretty fucking unbearable.

Remember when Wes Anderson’s cuck fetish overcame him to the point that he cast a prime Saoirse as the love interest of some manlet poo?

This. You could argue that a lot of the "humor" in his movies thinks it's funnier than it actually is.

is there a bigger sign of being a pretentious hipster than genuinely anything anything?

a true patrician like myself instead isolates themselves behind multiple layers of irony and judgment at all times

it's better this way

the world can't hurt me anymore


Its not that Wes Anderson is pretentious, its the fact that reddit and tumblr circlejerk over him being the greatest director of all time that makes liking him pretentious

Fuck off faggot. They're fun little adventures. Stop being a jaded cunt.

Is there a bigger sign of being a pretensious hipster than posting on Sup Forums?

No judging others based off what films they like is a far bigger sign of being a pretentious hipster

you bet i enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

bottle rocket is the only good one


Bottle Rocket is the most underrated Anderson's kino.

A lot of people like Wes Anderson movies
If anything hating them is a sign of being pretentious

Find a flaw

Liking Refn.

There's wanna be hipsters and kids who are actually hip who someone who is totally uncool would still call hipsters because they have no sense of taste or culture.

It's not what you like, it's how you like it.

I like wes anderson's movies and I'm not pretentious

Liking? No. Championing? Yes.

Pic related is a more telltale sign.

I feel like that only really happened right after Grand Budapest came for a bit and then it stopped. And only Reddit would really make it pretentious, tumblr is obnoxious but its mostly just snowflakes being stupid(and also notably has lots of women), I wouldn't really say the majority of it is 'pretentious'(some definitely is, of course, but far from all)

Really any film in that bastardized latin dialect raped by the c*lts subhuman phonology.

What annoys me more than hipsters are insecure nerds who hyperventilate as they game theory step out any possible things they might enjoy that someone would call them hipster for

His movies always act like they are quirky or offbeat when all they really are is annoying and bland.

This. I put on The Grand Budapest to go to sleep. I watch a little bit and roll over and go to sleep.

It's mindless and comfy.

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

Liking Charlie Kaufman movies

The hipsterest of all

Being a contrarian hipster who pretends his films are bad is a bigger sign.

that's what you think about yourself

He didn't demolish the other half of the cove then replant all the trees to establish perfectly symmetrical center shot.

there is literally nothing wrong with being pretentious

I wonder if pretentious movies are even real. Maybe it's just an aesthetic that I don't like.

Not to mention that this was intended to demonstrated the "passing down" the spirit of Europa from the aging, dying-out, lost WWI-WWII generations to young male refugees from shithole countries.

I like GBH. I didn't love it, but it was an enjoyable experience

In reality I am far removed from being in anyway associated with "hipsters", still enjoy most of his movies.

If you forego enjoying movies for some possibly perceived notion of how that might make you appear, I feel sorry for you and those like you.

He's an autistic hack just like Kubrick

Late Godard is great, one of the few non-hackish francophone directors.

thot is a word that is used by people with autism.


didn't know blacks were known for being autistic, I thought that was more of a german or finnish thing.

liking Duffer brothers movies is pretentious hipster faggotry. wes anderson is for normies. his films are kino though. OP is a faggot.

Life Aquatic and Rushmore are good. Deal with it, butthole

I like it and I can admit I'm pretty much an idiot.

Just liking him? No, there is nothing pretentious about liking something. But it would be pretentious to boast about said admiration.

I like bottle rocket.

I enjoyed Darjeeling Limited, it wasn't as quirky and extremely symmetrical as his other movies.

they're fun, light-hearted, and comfy...thinking Wes is a GOAT filmmaker is a sign of standard hipsterdom

Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom were both kino

I watched the Fantastic Mr. Fox today. It was a solid stop animation flick. I enjoyed myself.

I had one of the songs from his films stuck in my head the other day.


"Movie nerds" are bad fucking company and you shouldn't touch any of them with a ten foot pole.

>Good Wes Anderson
anything where Bill Murray does not have a prominent role
>Bad Wes Anderson
anything where Bill Murray has a prominent role