Itt: Films a woman could never understand

itt: Films a woman could never understand

>inb4 master and commander
master and commander

Any movie that involves honor, power struggles, or brotherly love


>frodo and sam are gay
truly suffering to listen to that


Who else would marry Lawrence. We're all anonymous here, don't be shy

Movies a man could never understand

The Seventh Seal.


Tried watching The Godfather the other night with my girlfriend. BOY WAS THAT A MISTAKE!!

>it's too long
>who's that
>why's he doing that?
>why doesn't he just run away?

She tried putting her feminine penis in your butt?

Why do they say this? Women have friends too.
I talked about this film with my mother and I remember her saying it would have been better if they weren't so gay.

3/4. Good job.

Because they don't understand the true suffering and connection those two men have. They do not understand the class dynamics at play, the transcendental need to do good, redemption, and relief knowing that a man has done right.

Tolkien based their relationship off his relationship with his men in the trenches in WWI. That should explain why they don't know.

It's sad that it's that easy.

Name a single film that women can understand on an instinctual leven without “mensplaining?”

Harry Potter. Unironically. Because it's a woman's interpretation of myth, and therefore superficial, draped in drama, and pleb as fuck.

Especially the ones in the #metoo movement.

Female friendships are shallow and only exist for convenience and social proofing. They wouldn't throw water on their besties if they were on fire.

>ew why are they all naked, user?
fucking roasties can't appreciate classical aesthetics

>It's sad that it's that easy.
Meant for you.

>or brotherly love

>uh user why did he try to kill his own soldier, this movie doesn't make any sense!

>wtf why did aragorn kiss boromir's head?!


>huh so he just died? i'm so confused user!

one of you letterboxd fags make a list. Last time someone did it rustled the jimmies of the entire website

You hit the nail on the head. It isn't sexist or misogynistic to say this, women truly can't understand themes like these. It isn't instinctual in their brains to do so.

>"Jack, I swear..." what did he mean by this, user????

>men are easy, they just want one thing!
>what the fuck why are all men dicks?!

how did this movie and barry lyndon get made at the same time, classic kino pairing

won't you have a bit of soup m8

>Literally my mom's favorite movie

Yeah okay.

>t. turk

And you would?

Yes, I'm gay.