I bypassed flight school

i bypassed flight school

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literal affirmative action

Did every one of the writers just forget about Force Awakens or did they consciously ignore it?

invalid criticism, even though his whole storyline in TFA relied on him "needing a pilot" in several situations, they clearly established that he wasn't a good pilot of the speeder thing and needed instructions

>So you're a farmboy? Excellent, you'll be just fine using our fighter jet.


>Implying the First Order doesn't provide a basic flight training class for it's troops.

>I didn’t go to flight school, I stole planes

He used the force and was a kino technician.

luke is established as a good pilot
tfa starts off with finn needing a pilot because he cant fly

>never flown a plane
>first time does a great job
Yeah, it's not exactly like driving a car, user.

So star wars needs a black guy, fine. How was this the the gut that got the part?

Yeah, I'm still gonna call bullshit. You can be a good car driver. It's different from driving a boat or plane. Going from a desert planet speeder or whatever the T-16 does is different from a zero-g warplane in space. Even with force/midichlorian/Anakin spinning trick genes.

He flew the spaceship to the casino planet.

He didn't do a good job. He glided along the salt in a straight line until his plan was to crash the thing into a big gun.

He took the same school where they taught Rey how to swim for desert people and how to fly the millennium falcon when only being a junk scavenger.

Look up what a T-16 is.

>We could almost get our starship for that
>And who's going to fly it, kid, you?
>You bet I could, I'm not such a bad pilot myself you know.

He flew a T-16 Skyhopper for years, using it for pest control on the moisture farm. He was already an experienced pilot.

>They're forming in straight line / They're going through a tight wind / The kids are losing their minds / The blitzkrieg bop…

I dont give a fuck what wookipedia soyboy fanfiction says

Again, dusting crops is just slightly different from flying in space with enemy fighters and gunners shooting at you.

also he's the third most gifted force user in the universe

Except the T-16s Luke flew on Tattooine were made by the exact same company that made the T-65 X-Wing fighter he used in the OT. The cockpits were essentially the same the only difference is one could fly in space while the other couldn't.

It's not fanfiction. It's canon. Just because you got BTFO doesn't mean you can keep acting like a retard. But you probably will anyways.

>flying for the first time
>in a war zone
>not shot down
>he didn't do a god job

Did you even watch the movie?

He's a good enough actor, who has a lot of charisma and charm?


The rebels needed pilots for the assault on the Death Star so they took Luke even though he has no experience in combat situations. They didn't have much time until the Death Star was in range to blow them up. So it's not like they had a choice to tell him no. And Biggs did vouch for him.

assblasted you are

>good actor
lmao no.

he's got charm but he's not a good actor. non of the nu-wars people are except for Oscar Isaac.

I remember leaving the theater and I kept thinking about this scene. I kept thinking to myself how pissed reviewers would have been if right before Finn was about to crash into that thing the movie switched to that scene from Independence Day where that drunk pilot flew into the aliens laser.
Then the movie just continues as Independence Day and never switches back to TLJ.

Worst part about this scene was the fact that I reacted to it as
>oh wow a battle is coming, I hope something cool happens
and then proceed to have the only eventful thing be stolen from me
fuck everything Rose related

He's a manlet with a terrible body and a worse face
>charisma and charm

How about what Luke himself says?


>I didn't go to flight school. I went to flight.

>Again, dusting crops is just slightly different from flying in space
Not in star wars

Once again another thread ignoring previous scenes or context and having a clear double standard to make their case, pretty damn confident the movie pointed out he is not piloting the thing well, and to all the faggots who say
>m-muh tfa
He obviously needed a good pilot to escape the destroyer and the tie fighters and someone who can take him outside of the reaches of the first order.
And finally its star wars, its soft sci-fi, not like the movies ever state how tough it is to pilot a ship, if anything the movies make it look like driving a car.

Our Opinions are different


boyega is right, we need more windu

>He obviously needed a good pilot to escape the destroyer and the tie fighters and someone who can take him outside of the reaches of the first order.
He needed a pilot to get off him off the destroyer, a pilot to get him off Jakku and a pilot to get him off the planet with the anus eyed alien's bar.
Now, in a story that's set maybe a week days after the events of the first film, a period in which he's been in a coma, he's able to fly a ship to the casino planet and back as well as pilot those land speeder things.

It's almost as if Rian Johnson is a hack.

that's because you're an ignorant 90's born sack of shit.

he piloted the ship to the casino planet? Couldve just switched on a auto pilot or maybe rose was flying or taught him something, point is why does it matter, you can literally take this level of nitpicking and tear apart all of the fucking films so why does it matter now. Hell how the fuck did luke servive the trech run if he never had any experience flying an x wing but all the seasoned pilots end up dead within seconds, because of the force, how does a slave child pilot a naboo fighter and single handedly destroy the separatist droid thing, the force.

nothing in nu wars makes sense you pathetic little faggot

>Hell how the fuck did luke servive the trech run if he never had any experience flying an x wing but all the seasoned pilots end up dead within seconds
"It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home"
>how does a slave child pilot a naboo fighter and single handedly destroy the separatist droid thing, the force
That scene is as silly as Finn flying, though I suppose at least Anakin has been shown to pilot something prior to that, and has been mocked on here for ages.
This isn't nitpicking, it's a basic plothole that brings in to question the events of the previous film. The worst part is this is a minor plothole in the grand scheme of things. Last Jedi is full to the brim with them.

fucking star wars child, its always been filled with nonsensical plot convenience after plot convenience and contrivances you little bitch.

the real movies have internal consistency, disney wars doesn't

i dont disagree, it is still a plot convenience that he can pilot the thing but this franchise has always covered it's ass for the mistakes the film makes in other extended works, i never take it seriously while watching these films.
Also no, if finn the grown man who was a storm trooper flying a speeder badly bothered you as much as a insufferable little kid winning war because of POTTERY bothered you the same way then i dont know what to tell you.

>point is why does it matter,
Finn is the first Star Wars character to explicitly be established to not be able to fly. To ignore this in the sequel is laziness.

you're just embarassing yourself at this point. was tfa your first star wars?

>i dont disagree, it is still a plot convenience that he can pilot the thing but this franchise has always covered it's ass for the mistakes the film makes in other extended works, i never take it seriously while watching these films.
This is the most basic expectation that a story adheres to established rules of the universe and backstory of the characters.
>Also no, if finn the grown man who was a storm trooper flying a speeder badly bothered you as much as a insufferable little kid winning war because of POTTERY bothered you the same way then i dont know what to tell you.
It didn't. But Phantom Menace is still a far better film than Last Jedi, which is really saying something.

No they don't asshole, they have been around for decades giving them the advantage of being looked at from many perspectives and allowed time for the inconsistencies to be pardoned and made sense of in other works of fiction or through sheer osmosis or just plain head canon.
They both have inconsistencies, and consistencies.

No, return was.

nothing from tfa makes any sense and nothing that came after it made any sense either. you just don't know shit about star wars faggot.

>our heros illegally park on a beach for no reason
>knowing it's not hide tide and ship won't be washed away when they return
>space traffic wardens launch immediate investigation on tip from member of the public
>finn and rose get locked up for basically a highway violation
>be held without trial in a dungeon for not using proper space ship parking lot

rian "i am immune to criticism and have no regrets" johnson

if he wasn't high while writing this shit I have no other explanation


>police think it's not excess force to blow up your ship in civilian coastline to prevent your escape

I wish I was making this up

No, every problem disney wars has is just a smaller dosage of the problems the prequels have. While i wont lie, tfa and tlj were just plain undeniably lazy at times, the phantom menace stopped making sense the moment the separatist tried to kill qui gon and kenobi.

>Being around longer gives people more time to pardon inconsistencies
Retarded logic. Them being around longer makes them open to being examined longer. And yet ten minutes of Last Jedi contains more errors, plot holes and inconsistencies than the entire original trilogy.

>No, every problem disney wars has is just a smaller dosage of the problems the prequels have.
Not even close.

nothing dipshit? Really? God your a hyperbolic faggot.
>m-muh space wizards you just dont get star wars.
Star wars or rather the pedestal it was placed upon was a mistake and you are just living proof of that.

Literally the most misspelled word in the English language. I know Sup Forums is stupid as shit but come on

exactly user, nothing, not the story, not the characters, nothing



get it right you incredible dumbfuck cock rider

Yeah, I doubt anyone in that group of Amerilards knows the difference between its and it's either.

Are you blind, when did it fly?

better question:

Beyond your autistic redditor self, who gives a fuck?

>autistic redditor self
stop trying to fit in faggot

it's as if this girl understood the ridiculous premise of this photograph, yet lacked the words to tell these people how stupid they would all look.

Anakin is also the Star Wars version of Jesus Christ.

Its in the movie you drooling fucking retard. Holy shit no wonder TLJ defenders love that trash. Theyve never seen the OT.

What is you're problem?

>how does a slave child pilot a naboo fighter and single handedly destroy the separatist droid thing

It's on auto pilot until they get to the control ship. Anakin then crashes it into the hanger and shoots a bunch of missiles blowing up the reactor which is located in the hanger for some reason.


>even the dog is fat

*saves the nigger*

>Hurr durr da Sup Forums hacker man set it all up derp
There's the explanation.





why is she shaking?

holy shut who thought this was a good idea


You need to stop thinking and instead hate capitalism and the southern accent having alien that sicced the popo on an innocent black man.

too much msg?

Them parking there in the first place is stupid but I can buy the over-response from the cops. The Casino Planet is basically private law and that means you get fucked over for even minor offences.

I see why is there fuss about this. Flying in SW is like driving a car. If he did not know before, he could learn. Or he wanted Poe in Force Awakens cuz he is a good pilot, meaning less chance to get killed.
So much things are wrong with TLJ, and this is not one of them


fuck off ignorant 3rd world faggot