Going on 12 years


I think I'd give my life to have this man back in the world. I'm almost certain.

Now all we have is that bald faggot on jewtube.

i walk millwalk mill and say "mama this ain't right, how he die"

Crikey m8


I love Croc Hunter. I love Terri and Bindi. Robert is cool. Best animal show ever made.

>dat thicc daughter he left behind


thicc like a MacDonalds customer

Is this real?

Literally who?

I like em thick but that's too thicck.



fuck off you underage fag

ok gramps




it looks like it is real


I guess the son is following in his footsteps. Just hope he doesn't follow the last part of Irwin's life. Best avoid it as much as possible.



time marches on

Get 7's

Americans, does the Australian accent have the same effect as the British where it makes us look smart or do we just sound like lobotomised retards?

I got his autograph at zoo years ago. I stammered like an idiot asking for it but i got to hear say crikey. I'll never get rid of it.

Not just retards. Lazy smug retards. Basically nigger-tier.

you sound like hicks

We just think of Crocodile Dundee. You don't sound smart. Some British accents aren't posh though, so it depends.


I wish all Australians were like Steve Irwin.


the accent makes the person seem bro tier

People think it sounds cool and will want to talk to you, but it doesn't sound smart or posh like received pronunciation

Nothing smart was ever said by an Australian.

I can't imagine fucking Bindi Irwin and not thinking of her dad.

Not the same effect at all.
It comes across as cool and bro tier, but unrefined, someone who's a good time to hang with.
Brit accent comes across as smart but snobbish. Unless it's cockney british, then it just comes across as an uneducated retard.