Even though intellectually I know he did nothing wrong, I kind of get the creeps whenever I see him in anything now

Even though intellectually I know he did nothing wrong, I kind of get the creeps whenever I see him in anything now.

open bobs

Stop posting this shifty little cunt


>I know he did nothing wrong
because he's muslim and it's ok for muslims to rape?

Same. I try not to think of that chick sucking on his tiny brown dick, but that's the mental picture I get now

>tfw bitch lasagna

Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas. Even if he's innocent, I'll admit it's nice to see that his sanctimonious bullshit didn't save him when his so-called friends turned on him.

i fuk ur pusy yess bitchA?''

yes i fuck you england domino fuk pussy veeery nice send bob

Indians in general do that to me

hi sexi lady domelk now

Because he's ugly and creepy looking

Do you look at James Franco and feel creeped out? Probably not

Why are white women so racist against brown men?

sip whte wine baby milktruck arriving

i've always listened to women and believed they have unjust obstacles that deserve attention. i wasn't all vocally male feminist about it like that bitch aziz but i was on their side. not anymore. i was wrong. women need to shut the fuck up.

What? According to the woman's own account, he was asking what she wanted the whole time and she never said no or attempted to leave. How is it rape if the "victim" never made any attempt whatsoever to communicate a lack of consent?

mmm very yes white whore i send nipple to u do u reseev on phone?

>gives your fiancée the claw

Thats the most rape apologist shit I've ever heard.

Actually yes. But he was always creepy and usually plays creepy characters

Thats the most white feminist thing I've ever heard.

I want to vomit when I think of him having sex and I actively resent being made to do so


calling himself a comedian is something wrong

>this thread

I was trying to point out how lefties have this conundrum: when "oppressed" muslims "rape" "oppressed" women, who is in the wrong? It's entertaining is all.

I got the creeps from him before from his stupid face and gremlin voice

He has a very punchable face

indians are so fucking annoying and creepy

>at the gym the other day
>go to use piece of equipment
>Indian creeps up behind me and whispers
>"are y-you using this"
>Tell him yes
>Comes back a few minutes later
>whispers again
>"i-i was using this"
>Realize that he's using fucking about 15 pieces of equipment at once and is annoyed because I took one of them
>Keeps scowling at me. dart him back some death stares and he quickly averts his eyes
>get off the piece of equipment and he immediately goes back on it

>can't be a feminist unless you're non-white

because there's witness testimony that he gets female attention, meanwhile your virgin self faps to traps?

They're beta-male rapists. I don't know how it happened. I think they're the only race that enjoyed being colonized desu.

>extreme SJW is okay when it's non-white
some of you are retarded as fuck

show pusy

i'm SJW and i applied for an opinion approval on this matter and i still haven't received a response. i'd like to talk to the manager.