It's universally agreed Hemsworth sucks as Thor, right? The guy has the charisma of a rock

It's universally agreed Hemsworth sucks as Thor, right? The guy has the charisma of a rock.

Say what you want about the MCU but the actors themselves tend to fit their roles. This clown looks and performs like he was picked for some YouTube Marvel fan project but lucked into Hollywood at the last second

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He's okay.

Thor is an incredibly boring stoic character, outside of Ultimate, so...

Nah, hes pretty decent. Does well with what he is given, Marvel Studios just doesnt care about Thor Movies since they both didnt do as well.

I always figured Triple H from WWE would've made a better Thor

He actually would be, but he's kind of old now.

>Tom Hiddleston was supposed to be Thor

Thor's fine, but the scripts of his movies are shit.
Space fantasy stuff are mostly fine, but 100% of earth scenes, except the coffee shop scene are fucking horrible.

One of my friends and I joke that pic related would have made a better Thor than Hemsworth.

Well back then he would've. His age could've played well into it.

>Hemsworth sucks as Thor
Movies are shit because the script is shit and the Thor movies looks cheap, he's ok

Marvel is too afraid to take Thor to his potential.

Hemsworth himself isn't too bad. He's got a great voice for Thor I think. If he spoke Ye Olde English it might be even better, but I don't think they would ever dare.

Finding an actor that can wear the helmet would be neat.

Chris does his best with the material given but he doesn't much to work with.

Lets dispel this notion that 616 Thor was this great deep character. He was pretty flat in the comics until the Whor saga which actually developed him. You always hear about fans talking about how great the stories that surround him are(God Butcher, God Bomb, etc) and never the character himself.

I think he's fine actually.

I love Hemsworthy as Thor- the first one gets a bad rap imho, Natalie Portman was not the right fit for Jane Foster though. Dark World suffered from editing problems, they should have kept the part with Bor killing Malekith 's wife

Ragnarok is going to be amazing


Dude's only 47. RDJ's older than him.

I actually enjoy Hemsworth as Thor. It feels like he's getting better in the role the more he appears, especially now that they've established a niche for him as the lovable goof of the main trio.

This is what I picture thor looking like, a bit more neanderthal

He's basically a comedy actor. There's a reason why his best reviews to date came in Lady Ghostbusters where he played a parody of a good-looking dumb guy.

Since Feige & co. must know this, I think they picked him because they were afraid to really take Thor seriously and wanted a guy who would convey that it's all a joke and we shouldn't take this too seriously.

That's a legit way to approach Thor because a lot of writers play him for laughs (including Stan Lee, who came up with the ridiculous mock-Shakespeare dialect). But it would have been nice if they'd tried to find a real Shakespearian actor, someone who could convince you to take him seriously.

Not really bothered by the actor or character, just the world he inhabits

I liked him in Ghostbusters