How do you take a good flick like Cube, and fuck it up with two shitty sequels?
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By making sequels in the first place.
post more movies like cube please
already seen circle and the exam
oh cmon, hypercube wasnt bad at all
cube zero is actually a prequel
Circle and exam is it. Nothing else really stacked up to that and cube were you the user I recommended those two to months ago in another cube thread? how did you like them?
Cube zero was not...terrible. was absolutely on a shoestring budget and an interesting concept. Cube 2 was hot garbage though.
>oh cmon
fuck off reddit
>dude just stay in the room I put you in lmao
is Sup Forums so easily impressed
Fuck you. The only decent thing was the guy endlessly running into, and killing the nerd with the watch. The traps, the whole premise, the characters, the ending - everything else is just terrible.
90's born queer kill yourself
the descent
Fermat's room I see recommended often, but have never seen myself so I can't confirm on how good it is. Devil is...strange, the caveat is that the ending involves the supernatural, and the movie fools you because of that which cheapens the reveal behind everything. Not a big fan but it still sorta fits the vibe in a way.
House of 9 and 9 Dead are two others that are worth a look. 9 Dead is actually really damn solid, but ruined by Melissa Joan Hart being in it and having a god-awful ending. Everything preceding that though feels tight and enjoyable to watch, like Cube mixed with Saw. House of 9 I don't actually remember very much, it's been a long time since I've seen it, but I recall putting it on my "recommend to people that like Cube" list.
the first movie made me so mad because the nigger almost fucked the qt girl and then killed her at the end
just like real life i guess
Nah, I think you recommended them to me 2 years ago. I liked them.
Cube Zero was pretty good and despite most peoples saying, i really liked that old guy with the eye protese
Cube 1 was top notch ofcourse, i watched it as a little kid and this is the only movie that legit gave me nightmares
I realised 2 and enjoyed 0
Watched the first Cube, and personally believed it was lazy to make a cop the primary enemy outside the cube itself. That choice reflected by the purported heroes in contrast added to my disillusion.
It was a non-political film, with a political message, that did not reflect the substance of the movie they intended.
I love Sunshine, but it more or less tried to play off the dichotomy of faith vs religion in the same way that this movie tried to do so with liberalism vs conservatism. And fucked it up worst than Sunshine.
That fake eye-guy was so over the top it was great. Didn't it play some weird ass carnival music as well when he was doing shit? That movie was just all over the place and I enjoyed it, although for different reasons than the original.
lul zero is miles better than hypercube
faith vs science*
Apologize, but I'm shitty drunk.
What he is was of lesser importance than his degregation over the movie itself. He starts out completely rational and naturally takes the leader role - while the nihilistic guy just takes a backseat and mopes about. AS it goes on and he is challenged more you see his gradual descent and ruthlessness, while as he develops purpose the original mopey guy begins to stand up to and reject the leader. Who or what they were outside of the cube did not matter one bit. If you think cube had a political message what about Circle? You must see messages in everything - what was the political message behind the autist making it out? What was the message behind the guy getting diced in the beginning? What about the deleted scene with the alien body? Not everything is a message bud.
>some weird ass carnival music
stop being such a fucking nigger user
I didnt mind the sequels.
The original was good but it was still a bit of cult indie production so the drop in quality wasnt that huge.
nigga how in the fuck is Cube about american politics?
I mean it's a fucking canadian movie m8
It's on netflix, but I didn't get very far into it, so no real opinion on it yet.
also El Incidente (2014) might tickle your fancy. I didn't care for it too much.
Cube Zero completely ruined the tone and mystery of the original, which was why Cube was so great. You didn’t know anything more than the victims. Cube allowed just enough information to keep it truly speculative horror
Not that user, but Circle is straight up student film level. It's basic life boat ethics, which is basic college level English class material. There is no real message, it's more of a meditation that completely ruined what little merit it had with the ending. the smartest thing it did was how it handled the Muslim lady, cause they knew they were too stupid to even touch the topic.
Now, on to Cube. The cube is an obvious allegory for the societies we live in. A an ever-changing vast maze(akin to the shining). An uncontrolled system that essentially created itself due to compartmentalization.
I was gonna say something along those lines about circle but you crushed it
>I was gonna say
you shouldn't be saying anything you retarded faggot.
Are you so retarded that you think liberalism and conservatism are American concepts?
Oh I'll bite you dumb fuck
mentioned the dichotomy of liberalism vs conservatism being a central theme of the movie. By definition, each would be representative of it's extremes to even be a dichotomy. US conservatism is nothing like the sort abroad: people like Trump would have been viewed as extremists and laughed out of the party elsewhere. Similarly, while European liberalism is more grounded and realistic (even if it may be technically a step further than what americans practice as "liberalism") the liberals in the US champion social justice, immigrant rights, and other social liberal darlings while the financial aspects of liberalism (which the europeans have used as their banner) get handwaved in favor of the Red Meat social issues that ignite the base and get them excited. This is not a unique problem of the times, both sides have had these aspects that form solid bases of their parties and warp their ideologies - these are not fringe.
So yeah, American Liberalism and Conservatism is vastly fucking different and, in my opinion, the extremes of each school of thought. So when that user was talking earlier and throwing words around like a low-budget '97 Canadian psychological thriller has some sort of deeper philosophical or political depth to it - he was throwing around words to sound smart and analytical. If you reference the "Dichotomy of Liberalism and Conservatism" (granted he mentioned dichotomy of some other movie and then equated his argument to that previous dichotomy) the reference must ultimately be of US Conservatism and Liberalism. So what was this film trying to "play off" in that regard? Nothing. Get the fuck out of here spouting garbage like you're some sort of kino analyst
Cube is one of my favorite movies. Vincenzo Natali did a short film called Elevated with David Hewlett before the film. It’s pretty cool
Hypercube is a fun B-movie to watch with friends. Cube Zero is actually pretty decent. All 3 movies are good in their own way.
They all expand the lore of a very small, claustrophobic universe. It’s brilliantly simple but complex when you think about it
>movie 2
>movie zero
You must be new to horror movies...
uuuuh it isn't really scifi-horror but The Invitation is pretty good
>people like Trump would have been viewed as extremists
Confirmed tard
this desu, it was fine as is
Coherence maybe or the original Saw but everybody’s seen that. Not too much else
I'm too tired to do my usual autistic math thing about the origninal film (some anons know). If anyone cares I'll watch the archive and post it later somewhere in a day or two if I remember.
confirmed american
I never said if I liked the guy or not, only that his views would be taken as extremist even within his own party in europe.
Interesting concept. Poor execution. Good scenes though
Fermat’s Room.
He isn't an extremist, he's saying things that politicians said, almost word for word, before Obama and race politics ran amuck
damn son! Are you in every Cube thread ever?
fuck off nigger
Why? What's wrong with being in every Cube thread? Obviously I'm in them too
>What's wrong
being a nigger
>Says the 56% Amerimutt
lurk more before attempting to fit in again.
everything's about american politics, haven't you heard? de sade's "conversation between a priest and a dying man" is about american politics.
God I would give my life to have her as my wife till we die.
How is Triangle like Cube?
Unironically, the Maze Runner. At least the first movie. Its like a YA Cube. Both also have shitty sequels.
Imagine typing this all out like anyone gives a fuck lmao
So I'm genuinely curious - what is it about Cube that warrants these threads? They don't pop up often, but they seem more common than the movie series really deserves. Isn't Cube kind of a made-for-TV sort of thing?
cube zero had the best trap. the acid trap right at the start was hella sicknasty
It's a fairly good movie with an interesting setting and it doesn't totally shit the bed. Also, I think Cube is the type of movie where you could picture yourself in the situation and people generally like that.
Fuck, I'd watch it.
Someone fund this
Fermat's room is pretty good, but it's in Spanish and the ending is a little anitclimatic
Cube wasn't that good to begin with. It had a cool concept and set design but that's about it.
this japanese movie desu