Why don't they make movies like this anymore?
Why don't they make movies like this anymore?
Women don't understand them.
too expensive
why not just make capeshit using the same assets and wealth of source material for a fraction of the cost
It's amazing how they were able to get Disney characters in such a raunchy kids film
Infinity war budget: 500 million
Roger Rabbit: 70 Million
Roger Rabbit was made in 1988.
At the time, no movie was ever as expensive as the average blockbuster today.
How would modern women react if they saw this movie in 2018?
$70,000,000 in 1988 → $140,080,473.37 in 2014
Guardians of the galaxy budget: 200 million
For a movie with unknown character vs nostalgia characters.
>thinking this deviant art tier story was ever good
Isn't there going to be a rated R muppets movie this year?
Oh, shut the fuck up.
Every single thing coming out these days is either a """soft reboot""" or a sequel to something extremely overrated.
I'd take a "deviant art tier story" over the next Avengers or Transformers shit any day now.
keep telling yourself that
oh good, bet you can't wait for Space Jam 2
Joke's on you, retard.
Space Jam sucked, and the sequel is going to suck even more.
you clearly, showed me.
Hollywood is creativity bankrupt along with being morally bankrupt. Luckily soon it will be financially bankrupt and the healing can begin.
It's a legit good entertaining movie with some underhanded political undertones. I rewatched recently thinking I was gonna realize it's aged awfully and was meh... it's actually still fun and entertaining.
Anyone who has lived in LA at some point in their life will relate to this movie.
The movie throws a nice jab at GM and their role in destroying LA's public transit in favor of their shitty (((highway))) system. Definitely a political message that most people could get behind.
They do. Look up Happy
It's still going to take about 15-20 years for technology to catch up to the point that independent film creators will be able to cheaply produce CGI content that's of a good quality.
This is what ultimately will kill Hollywood, when a handful of people will able to come together and produce something amazing thanks to assisted AI. Granted there will be a lot of shit made with the barrier to entry that low, but the good stuff will rise to the top and will be better than anything the kikes put out.
Fuck CGI, why not practical effects?
Practical effects cost money.
The costs of CGI movies are already astronomical.
It's about time, not money.
Jim Henson's son is making a puppet crime movie
movie had some top-tier nightmare fuel in it
it was LITTY
Rodger Rabbit is an adaptation of a novel.
This. The success of Pewds (love him or hate him) is just a taste of the future. Guy unironically browses Sup Forums and made Hitler jokes until the media crawled up his ass and just hit 60 million subs.
>tfw you will never see another movie where the main villain is a cartoon character who wears human skin and apparel to blend in to human society and uses his political connections and resources to orchestrate the genocide of his own species purely for profit and lulz
Not saying that Doom is a deep character (he isn't) but he's certainly a good villain.
I miss when Spielberg was good.
Ready Player One looks like it's going to be shit, even compared to the book.
>melissa mccarthy as a top-billed cast member
The timing of Ready Player One's release is already very cynical. It's definitely a movie made for the soyboy/manchild audience and the drooling idiots who spend money on lootboxes for their favorite games like Overwatch.
Conversely, Roger Rabbit was released at a time when people stopped giving a shit about animation, and yet it somehow reinvigorated the industry's love for the medium and gave birth to the disney renaissance.
Rabbits have changed.
There is one almost like that, actually. Happy! on Syfy
I don't know why, but they should.
Peter Rabbit
Then it's the right time now as well. Animation today is either 2.5D/3D CGI shit like Pixar and co., it rough draftlike garbage like Rick and Morty and likes, which was somewhat amusing when they started at the end of the 90s but now we only got these. Roger Rabbit 2 and classic Loony Toons are due
>The timing of Ready Player One's release is already very cynical.
I'm still going to see the movie, if I've read the book I'm always curious even if I don't expect much.
Wanting to see beautiful representations of the female form on screen is misogynistic now.
Some people might have a problem with Jessica, but she was a really sympathetic character. She had her own career, and urged Eddy not to judge her based on her looks. She did what she did for love.
Dolores was a strong independent woman too. She was very believable.
But space jam gave me my first furry boner
I still think CGI is great at making something look cartooney as possible and would never get to the point where it is convincing enough on its own.
Take the Mask for example.
Based gonna-get-banned poster.
I kinda already did.
Why would a movie about video games and escapism in VR be released at a time when video games and VR are at the height of popularity?
Movies that are made to bank on ongoing contemporary pop culture trends are cynical.