How do we make modest girl desirable in Hollywood again?

How do we make modest girl desirable in Hollywood again?

Left has no tits or ass, what is wrong with her?

That frame and shoulders on the right girl though. She should lift.

the virgin betty
the chad stacy

By calling whores out as whores.

I don't know which one I hate more. The skeleton on the left, or the fat wetback on the right.

Ariel Winter really is fucking disgusting.

>tfw an actress has better shoulders than your average millennial male


Fake Krager, I did not post this.

One is a massive sjw cunt, the other is actually kind of chill

You need to be 18 years old or older to post here.

>tfw caught in the middle

which side will she choose gentlemen

Man-hating sjw like worst emma

pls no

Which is the SJW cunt?

she's white

stop watching so much porn

You can just see the zealous rage waiting to be unleashed in her eyes

both are attractive in their own way

white males and their autism are just threatened by right because their little white dicklets would probably feel smaller and a fiery woman has no place in their bullshit patriarchy where they would see every girl be barefoot in their kitchen

Right, girl from low-tier sitcom, is SJW cunt. Constantly complaining about how everyone sexualizes her and how awful men are.

Left, Kiernan Shipka, girl from toppest tier drama, is chill.

She shaved her head for a role. Not for personal reasons. MBB must be allowed not to be poisoned.

Tits on a fat girl are cheating.

I read this 3 times and still aren't sure what you're saying I'm threatened by

I smell reddit

You're a nigger.

she's just a fat version of demi rose

strong independent women, i guess. As if being a massive roastie for the whole world to see is a sign of strength.

who is that? what is she famous for besides having tits?


Sucking dicks of rich arabs

She looks like Frances McDormand

>unironically using feminist bullshit dogma
>accusing others of being dicklets

By shaming the ones who act like whores instead of empowering them.

I see it too. It's the laugh lines and jawline.

Wanting a talented child not to be completely ruined by the Hollywood machine is clearly only something reddit would care about.

Are you asking us to control our dicks ?


Change age of majority for 15 years old in all america

what's wrong with girls being barefoot???

she is not going to age well

just look at her face wtf

lol that's hilarious, she sexualises herself every time I see her.

Being an Instagram prostitute

>Being Antifeminist
>Not a dicklet

>being a male feminist
>not a dicklet
>not a rapist

>male feminists
>not prostrating themselves 24/7
>not ashamed of their own sexuality
>not resigned to being defective women

Unfortunately, Emma could never hope to be 1/100th as talented as McDormand. She's going to end up as old and shriveled without the talent to keep her worthwhile.

>I'm a feminist lol

Daily reminder that Ariel winter used for emancipation from her mother at the age of 15 because her mother wouldn't let her have sex with her 30 year old boyfriend. And the state of California granted the emancipation.

having a fake ass of kardashian proportions

That much is clear. She skipped the talented actress and attractive woman stages and went straight to washed up bitter feminist. That Steinem muff really got to her.


who cares about their degeneration
outside of hollywood she would be already pregnant with her second child as a stupid beaner


It's funny to see the horny virgin teenagers on Sup Forums grow up to be bitter virgin 20somethings and how their attitudes towards women have shifted

What is going on with Ariel's neck I don't understand


>and how their attitudes towards women have shifted


That word is as old as Sup Forums. Lurk more newfaggot.

Is that Kevin Pereira?