Marine Cypher T?
Worst MGS
that would be MGS4
No, MGS4 is way more coherent and better as a MGS-game than this hot flaming garbage. Good Lord.
Who gives a fuck about a coherent plot in a MGS game? MGSV is one of the better ones because you're basically Snake Plisken and the game play is the best.
>that cool London part
>liquid ocelot
>that fucking last third of the game
Better stealth and no grinding as well.
Fuck the right off you underage fuck. MGS3 have better gameplay than empty open-world garbage that is MGSV
>that grain
wait those drones were real?
the hoverpod things in mgs3 were also real if i remember
I've played the series more than you have. Went back and replayed 4 again recently and it's amazing how much better than open-world is than the old linear games. Best stealth too.
>and the game play is the best.
>constantly having to retake outposts you captured 5 minutes ago
I see you're seething when someone is critizing your favorite game, kiddo. But you wouldn't know what made the series good in the first place, since you didn't play MGS before MGSV.
The first MGS is too fucking dated. That stairway part is also just not fun nor were the boss fights.
Ultimate pleb filter
Played it in '98. Have gotten stealth + bandana in every game. Got every dog tag on every difficulty in MGS2. If your dedication to the series is more autistic than that, I'm embarrassed for you.
Sure you have friend, I also believe in everything I read online
>tfw this kino boss fight that ends the entire series
>tfw Ocelot is the actual hero of the series and played everyone to free humanity from the Illuminati
what exactly was the point of this wolf?
MGSV didn't even have any fucking boss fights, MGSV didn't have a single memorable moment, they ruin years of character arcs because Kojima is a fucking hack who can't write shit