Did Stanley Kubrick smoke weed
Did Stanley Kubrick smoke weed
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No you delusional faggot he actually accomplished things in his life
pointless question, you degenerate.
smoke weed everyday xD
Harrison Ford smoked a joint everyday driving to the set of Raiders of the Lost ark and look at how successful he is
>Dead in every single franchise
>Bitter, confused old man
>Visibly hates life
I'm pretty sure it says in the Kubrick archives that Stanley spent about 300$ a month on weed and that he would smoke atleast a gram a day
talking shit you. I bet you haven't even visited the archives.
Weed makes you stupid, so no.
>driving to the set
So he's at least slightly high in every scene of that movie?
Does Denis Villeneueve smoke weed
Possibly yes
He took a ton of psychedelics you uncultured faggot
t. his dealer
i smoke weed and watch rick n morty so that can,t be true
yes but only if the rituals called for it.
Do you guys think Peter Dinklage smokes weed
>Hey Peter don't you just wish you were high
You kid but Stephen Hawking regularly chooses edibles to deal with his pain instead of regular opiates or pain pills
Probably not a coincidence he hasn't done anything noteworthy since the 70s
Not him but I have can confirm Stanley was a pothead
How do you know stephen hawking is even smart? That could be literally anyone talking through his little computer.
I always thought he was a pothead, anyone else?
He's not, didn't drink. Would bum a cigarette occasionally. He was much more into control
>Potheads this desperate
>“No. I believe that drugs are basically of more use to the audience than to the artist. I think that the illusion of oneness with the universe, and absorption with the significance of every object in your environment, and the pervasive aura of peace and contentment is not the ideal state for an artist. It tranquilizes the creative personality, which thrives on conflict and on the clash and ferment of ideas. The artist’s transcendence must be within his own work; he should not impose any artificial barriers between himself and the mainspring of his subconscious. One of the things that’s turned me against LSD is that all the people I know who use it have a peculiar inability to distinguish between things that are really interesting and stimulating and things that appear so in the state of universal bliss the drug induces on a good trip. They seem to completely lose their critical faculties and disengage themselves from some of the most stimulating areas of life. Perhaps when everything is beautiful, nothing is beautiful.”
seemed like more of an amphetamines guy desu
good thread
he makes an interesting point
ever since his condition everything he says now could be completely and artifically falsified and solidified with modern (((scientists)))
he`s completely wrong though
i feel really creative on acid and sometimes even compose interest song pieces or come up with some cool movie ideas in my head that i completely forget post-peak because sometimes i never have a piece of paper and pen with me (yes i know, autism sriked again)
i have managed over my experiences with acid to focus less on the high and the hallucinogenic aspect of it and instead focus more on the thought loops/endless thinking and creativity aspect that LSD also induces you into
he's wrong about lsd specifically but the rest is correct
lsd turns me into a raving schizophrenic and i feel the literal opposite of oneness, i feel attacked through every conceivable angle of space and time
>i can't remember what my cool ideas were, but trust me, they were really cool
Typical14 y/o reddit crossposter, ladies and gentlemen.
that'd suck to get high, forget you were a midget, and then suddenly go to move and everything is farther away
all i`m saying that if a man his calliber took some and managed to feel and focus on thinking instead like i did he would have made more greater masterpieces before his demise
one tab of decent LSD can provide a lot more good than bad even if taken once in the entire lifetime
No, guy had a brilliant mind, he didn't need crutches to experience the world and create something out of it.
may be you have personal problems that you are running away from
LSD tends to through you into thoughloops where there is in a sense, for a lack of better words, unfinished business that you must overcome and deal with by thinking through it and comng out with a better understanding of that problem
usually doing the opposite throws you into this so called "bad trip" its you evading your personal fears instead of overcoming them
I like marijuana. If you don't your lame
A dude was naturally good at “IT” !!!
and youre stupid.
people dont smoke weed to be geniuses user
~~*SmOkE wEeD eVeRyDaY dUdE*~~
Formerly Chuck's
thank you based sneedposter for being so based