If mutants were real

Would you support them or nah? Me? Hell no. I'd be all "hell yeah Mr. Stark (yes, Stark), build those titanium Sentinels". Anyone who sympathizes with the muties is fag that shouldn't live tbqh.

BUT(!) if I was a mutant, I'd probably try to bone every X-Babe and be all "we are the next step of humanity" and shit. Fuck you, X-Pussy is prime.

If mutants were real they would be worshipped as gods.

Because they would be gods.

Do I want people that can destroy the planet when they get a mood swing be allowed to roam free to do what they want? Yeah, no. That's not like being black, they're literally a walking weapon that shouldn't be allowed to live.

Depends. I would hire Storm to stop climate change and end droughts worldwide, Cyclops as a cheap energy source and general try to make the best out of their powers.
But I would send Sentinels against mind manipulators, mutant whose powers can cause harm and terrorists.
This is I think the most reasonable position.

not all mutants are at that level, kid who can turn his arm green doesn't deserve to die

No. Those fuckers are always destroying everyones property due to them always fighting each other and not taking any responsibility. Fuck muties

Would you kill Superman?

If I was a mutant, I'd support me.

Otherwise, don't care. People with fire powers can kill people. So can people with bombs and guns.

I'd support mutants, but not necessarily support the X-Men.
They kinda were in the beginning before Trask started publishing propaganda.

Do X-men comics exist in this hypothetical world?

agreed, nice trips btw

>People would be openly racist toward dudes who can fart out nuclear explosions
If mutants were real everyone would be too scared to even look in their general direction, you'd have to be an absolute retard to actually try making them mad.

Definitely support. Also I'd hook up with a mutant so my kids would have a better than average change to getting superpowers.

Eventualy we would be living on Boku no Hero world, and everything would go back to normal, but much more awesome.

Isn't Fantomex one of these nanocyborgs?

1/3rd human, 1/3rd Sentinel, 1/3rd mutant.

Honestly? Id be super pissed that I myself wasnt a mutant. Its like I lost the evolutionary lottery. Although knowing my luck, Id probably get a stupid mutation. Not all mutants have cool abilities

If I was an average joe? I'd be jealous and afraid, so to the camps they go.

If I was an average mutant? Enroll at Xavier's and hope to use my mutation and develop a cool secondary one.

If I was X-Man tier? Join Xavier's, commit myself and try to bone every mutie babe (except for Storm, cause she sucks).

If mutants were real, I would like them heavily regulated on their abilities. No one wants to live next to the guy who can explode the entire block into bits, or convince you to give him all your savings.

Regular joes would be too busy getting back at whoever did them wrong (other people, bosses, their girlfriend/wife, the government, the political party they dont agree with), and powerful men would be playing chess with entire countries, much worse than what we have now with the US and Israel. Truth be told, Marvel will never go the logical conclusion of mutants in real life: It would be a really dark world, where every conspiracy would be real, because there is people powerful and bored enough to make them happen.
Just think about how some people try weird shit because they feel unfulfilled, bored or bitter, now give them the ability to destroy buildings or turn peoples minds off. The real world is already shitty without powers, we would be beyond fucked if we did.

>all these anti-mutant anons

I bet you're all the same people who keep screaming that the government is gonna take your guns away.