Johnny Ola told me about this place

>Johnny Ola told me about this place
Realistically, can one person be this fucking dumb?

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This is what real life is like. Never noticed?

>ass kiss so much you drop dime on yourself

you are now remembering that time in school when you were bragging then you snitched on yourself on some lowkey cringe shit and Chad called you out and everyone laughed at you forever and ever and ever

*glass breaks*

Jock here. There was this kid in high school I picked on so bad. I'm in my 30s now. Ran into him at a bar a few years ago and pulled him to the side and apologized about what an asshole I was. He acted like he didn't even remember it. Always wondered if the apology ever meant anything to him.

I read a gigantic book about New York's Five Families last year.

Turns out real life criminals are even dumber than their fictional counterparts.

John Gotti's son took over the Gambino crime family when his father was arrested.

John Gotti's son kept cash, guns and drugs in his personal safe at his nightclub.

He also kept a list in there are future Mafia prospects for all of the five families. It was a short list of people who were potentially going to be made. It inlcluded their names, their connections, their crimes and what families they would belong to.

No other Mafioso in the history of the mob had done this, because it was a pretty logical rule that, you know, you don't keep lists of criminals and their crimes for people to read. He did this because he said having to remember a half dozen different people was too difficult.

He went to jail for a long time.

He didn't like being told what to do by his younger more successful brother. You have to be an older brother to understand what that's like. Theres a lot of physcology behind it. You grow up taking care of your sibbling and then one day they are giving you orders and taking care of you. It's a pretty shitty feeling.

>In a 1997 search of the basement of a property owned by Gotti, the FBI found a typed list of the names of the "made" members of his organization, as well as $348,700 in cash, a list of the guests who attended his wedding, along with the dollar amount of their wedding gifts (totaling more than $350,000), and two handguns. Also found was a list of several men who were inducted into other families in 1991 and 1992; a longstanding rule in the New York Mafia calls for prospective wiseguys to be vetted by the other families before being inducted. However, normally these lists are destroyed almost as soon as the inductions take place. The discovery enraged Gotti's father as well as the other bosses, since it put dozens of other mafiosi at risk of government scrutiny. The episode earned him the nickname 'dumbfella' in the New York media.

tfw i realize im a fredo

iktf :(

being tipsy and too relaxed

god on you. he remembers, and he forgave you. and now he feels much better. u got good karma points now. spend them wisely.


It's been a while since I've watched this, what's the problem here? Is Johnny Ola who he set Michael up to?

I still laugh about the kid I picked on and the things I said/did to him. He had a bladder disorder to where he would just piss himself in class. Was so funny.

The scene is about him slipping up. He mentions Roth but he told his brother he didn't know any Roth. He says "Johnny ola told me about this place" And then he said"Old man Roth would never come to a place like this but ol Fredo knows these places like the back of his hand"

That basically explains everything. Fredo had been spending a lot of time in Cuba and knew Roth well.

He acted like he was meeting Johny Ola for the first time when in fact they'd been dealing behind Mikey's back

There was an attempt on Michael's life at the beginning of the film where he and his wife almost got sprayed in their house. Michael believes the attempt was made by Roth and Ola, and that they had help from someone on the inside. Later, he introduces Johnny Ola to Fredo, pretending not to know each other (though Fredo was visibly nervous). Then they go to a club where Fredo loudly says that Johnny Ola told him about him, retardedly blowing his cover in the process.


>Things I said/did to him
>Hey nice pee pants there peepee boy, am I right guys??!?

because he lied to Micheal the very same night a few hours before about not knowing Uncle Jun

kys reddit

I need to rewatch these films again


There's so much wrong in this. You need to rewatch the movie.

Did Roth KNOW it was Michael who killed Moe Green, and he was tacitly explaining it to him without saying it? Or did he genuinely never find out?

He knew. Otherwise why bring it up? The point was he was making clear to Michael he knew, despite his anger at Moe's death, the difference between what was personal and what was business - and Michael should also realise that.

>those those kike gansgters dying, one after another

The thing is, I always felt like that comment was what sealed his fate. "He knows, he's a threat" would always be an issue. Even if Roth hadn't tried to kill Michael.

>mfw not even Israel would take in Roth

Pretty cold desu

>The thing is, I always felt like that comment was what sealed his fate. "He knows, he's a threat" would always be an issue. Even if Roth hadn't tried to kill Michael.

Yeah, absolutely. I think Roth believed Michael would be more diplomatic like his father.

>tfw you say a hail mary but it never helps you catch fish

Holy shit are people this retarded? Please tell me you're 8 y/o.

I thought his son was killed by a neighbour in a car accident?

Most criminal didn’t finish elementary, retard. Can you seriously expect anything from them? They are as dangerous as your average Drumpfag.


It's bullshit, Meyer Lansky was a major US gangster AND an Israeli hero for his gunrunning for the Hagannah.

>most niggers are criminals
>most criminals are niggers
>criminals are uneducated
>niggers are uneducated
Pretty racist stuff there dude

>Realistically, can one person be this fucking dumb?

I guess OP has never clicked on Sup Forums

>dangerous as your average Drumpfag.
>I guess OP has never clicked on Sup Forums

>we need a guy that will star in nothing but kinos, fuck meryl streep and then die at his peak
>I know just the guy sir

>and if you do exactly as I say Snake, you'll finally have your escape from New York

really, Mr. Carpenter?


>not wanting to live the good and easy life on your brothers dime
Piss off im still waiting for someone to come and whisp me away so i can live luxury

Deer hunter was the best, Fredo was an amazing character, and good for him he fucked Meryl in her prime she was a babe.

>you will never be John Cazale
feels bad tbqh

Fredo was playing a longer game than Michael realized. "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer" remember? The attempted hit on Michael wasn't any different from Michael telling Tom Hagen he was out in Part I -- sometimes you have to be harsh to the people you love in order to protect them. In fact Fredo was probably the one who killed the assassins and dumped them in the creek. And yet Michael acted so butthurt.