I'm so certain I'm gonna get banned for this



I was dreading this storytime.

Soldier on OP, we're in this together.


Based on the solicit and preview, I'm confident in saying this is the stupidest book ever published by any company.

I welcome California leaving the Union




It's Steve Jobs!


The difference with United State of Hysteria is that this writer is a nobody who has only writen about young adults revolting again the system (see young terrorist)







I see we're already getting into cartoon levels of supervillainy here.


>ripping off the NCR flag
I hope Bethesda sue them.



im curious at how this ends
i dont think they are stupid enough to end the comic in then someone assasinated trump and e verything was good again


No american here but remind me again why is that bad?

I have heard they also pay taxes somehow.

It'll be a trans black woman or something along those lines that takes the killshot





I see Bannon will be the first guy killed and then the government will crack down on the population killing the protagonist love interest. Predictable.



Why are illegal immigrants bad? Many reasons!

A) A lot of them are genuine criminals, which means that smuggling is a huge trade, as is selling other hopeful migrants into sexual slavery
B) Because they'll be deported they work for less than minimum wage and deal with awful work conditions, driving wages down
C) Mexican food is shit



This could actually be good if it wasn't for this shit tier villain


Yeah but what about the families that have been in the US for years and are still illegal?

Are they exceptions? And if they are how many will be exceptions?


>straight ripping off IB

I actually kind of dug that exchange if it weren't for the whole bird rattling of all the exposition thing.

A nation has rules, a system of aid and protection.
Illegal immigrants are formally not a part of that nation but do request the benefits it gives to its citizens, and that's when the entire security and future of that system falls apart.
In other words, illegal immigrants are literally parasites.


>Sovereign Citizens Coalition
fuck this is going to be a tough one

This was legitimately the worst thing I have ever read. It's not even entertainingly bad like America, it's just bad. It's up there with re:monster as king and queen of the literary shitpile.


>Yeah but what about the families that have been in the US for years and are still illegal?

They've still committed a crime and contributed to a lot of what I talked about. They should be deported. It may seem cruel, but you either let them walk all over you or you don't.

>Are they exceptions? And if they are how many will be exceptions?
Beats me. There were blanket amnesty in the past, but those caused major demographic shifts are were largely done for vote buying reasons.

Look at California. It used to be a rather red state, instead of the bluest of the blue. You can thank it becoming a mexico proxy state for that.


a Sup Forumsetard being retarded. who would have thought?

Where did they get the guns?

Sales tax doesn't cover the cost of their health care, educating their kids, and incarcerating their criminals. They're a net drain on the system.

>demented liberal wet dream


6/10 women get raped crossing the border.
six in every ten
Thats every single woman of all ages of the bell curve
toddlers to grannies
60% of all women

Think about that for a hot second, now think about why you might not want people being smuggled into a country to work for what is esentially slavery, having your own native economy be morally liable for its own dependency on unpaid labour.

It's not immoral to stop illegal immigration, its the only moral available.




>what about the families that have been in the US for years and are still illegal?

They're illegal and so should be sent packing.


*San Jose
Of course this is the only time we get mentioned in a comic.

That's a horrible looking prosthetic.

Oregon? Mexico? The Gun Dimension?

Where was that dude keeping the shotgun? How did a Californian get an M-16? Why is a largely liberal state with some of the harshest gun laws suddenly populated by people who willingly give their children guns?


>california war zone

ok, I'm interested at this point.

>when you recognise the names only because of fallout 1-2

>it's not fucking news
>it's not a fucking chipmunk

Any possibility that this wouldn't consist of characters speaking like facebook comments was thrown out the down.

Why do only mentally retarded people get to write comics these days?

Dammit black mask.
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank is super good.
Why does everything else you make either meh or maybe crap.



>has the chance to make at least a decent villain president
>first page is pretty much "tehehe I'm so evil "

Is like the writer isn't even trying



This is a joke, right?
I honestly can't tell.

LEL that persepective

So they watched patriot after REEing on election night... and decided to imagine impossible situations of government over-reach.




>independent california
>not calling it new california republic


Sort of off topic, but is there any comics/stories of Texas succeeding from the US? That seems a bit more believable.

That bear looks scared shitless.

>Brexit was bad!
>Calexit is good!

>Guns are bad!
>Unless we want to threaten law enforcement with them!

>Militias are crazy!
>Unless they're wearing black masks!


With the shit show that is Secret Empire at least Hydra Steve had the balls to flatten Los Vegas to get like a dozen rebels why the fuck hasent cheeto-man nuke the rebels he's a fucking evil dictator who's gonna stop him

Jesus and they're shitting on service members? They really went out of their way to piss everyone off aside from Occupy-Level faggots.

The baby also holding a gun would have made this page so much better.

No i mean, they did not have guns in the pockets abd they would have noticed a shotgun, did they pull it out of their asses?


This page is so stupid that I can't help but love everything about it.


In that case, gun dimension.


>the gunforce
It's like the speedforce, but cooler.


is that fucking steve jobs?


As someone who lived in California, particularly in the conservative parts, this made me physically ill to read. Do I get a storytime of pain badge for this?