How far will Doom go when he enters the MCU? Will he become the god emperor of the multiverse...

How far will Doom go when he enters the MCU? Will he become the god emperor of the multiverse, and create a police force of Thors to serve him?

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Before anyone asks, yes, he actually did this

what are his actual powers if i may be so bold?

Memes, his power is memes.

>god emperor of the multiverse



He's a mystic and that's about it. For the most part his main source of strength is his incredibly sense of self greatness.

Doom actually saved the universe once.

if they want to make doom a good character they have to make him not such a gary stu and he cant wear his mask all the damn time

He'll protect the universe to his dying breathe because he believes he's it's true ruler, and because he's ruler he must protect it. Only he can sit on the throne.

He is an inventor like Stark, ruler of a nation like T'Challa, and a mystic like Strange, and he started from nothing like Rogers.

He’s a combination of stark and dr strange but evil, so he uses both super tech and magic to singehandedly shit on the avengers

>Female Thors

Ah a gypsy then, how profound

a level 5 memester

I’m just glad Fargo man is directing his movie cause even if it’s shit it’ll at least be interesting in style

He shouldn't ever even take it off. Just cast an actor who can has an incredible control of his voice.
If he can create an intimidating presence with that alone, he's perfect.

Well, he is Latvarian, so that sounds about right.

He's one of the smartest people out there, and easily is able to build a suit just as powerful as Iron Man's. He also built a time machine to go back in time to learn magic and have sex with Morgana Le Fay. He doesnt fuck up the time stream though becuase he's not stupid. and he has achieved godhood multiple times. In OPs pic related, he became the capital G god of the entire multiverse

Absolutely incorrect.

If they go with DOOM he has to be introduced by invading other films and trample over the other characters. DOOM in-character is trying to look like a gary stu. This is the whole point. If he ever even slightly loses, it should be revealed to be a DOOMbot or body double.

Only in his own film should he ever lose, and even then only the audience and Squirrel Girl should ever see it. And he should never take the mask off.

And he's played by Jon Hamm.

he'll probably just spend multiple movies trying to sleep with Sue Storm

Basically yeah. Every once in a while some writer gets a boner for him and makes him out to be some sort of god emperor bad ass, but ultimately he just ends up as a punchline for some hero when it's all said and done, so the whole thing just feels all the more pathetic

and then when he becomes god, he'll erase Reed from existence, make Sue his wife, turn Ben into a wall that keeps the zombie universes and ultron universes out, and make Johnny into the sun
but he's literally the only villain that marlel portrays seriously though (don't reply with squirrel girl because that doesn't count)

Doom has the will and the power to bend the world to it's knees. Basically how Zola talks about Red Skull, but even moreso.

No, but he'll get more cheese than Doritos, Cheetos, or Fritos

>Weaving wasted on one mediocre movie
could've been a good Doom, desu

The First Avenger is the second best of the Phase I movies. And he played a perfect Red Skull and I seriously want to see him back in the trenchcoat.

Basically he's the second best at everything. That sounds crappy, but it's a huge deal. Second best power armor, second best scientist, second best sorceror, one of the smartest guys in the universe, he probably has a huge dick. He went into hell to save the soul of his mother, he's survived literally thousands of years of torture, he's gained enough power to conquer the universe more than once and just threw it away. If he weren't one of the most hated people in the Marvel universe he'd be one of the biggest Mary Sues ever.

What are the essential DOOM comics? I have some time to read this week.

Triumph and Torment is Doom kino

That'd have been awesome, but he was the perfect Red Skull so no regrets. I'd like to see Jeremy Irons as Doom. There aren't enough actors with the eloquence and presence to pull him off. He doesn't need to be audacious, but you need to hear one word and know who that he's the only one who deserves such a fucking name.

why did you feel the need to comment on his penis lowly traveler?


Is this supposed to be an incredible feat.? Because plenty of characters have done crazy shit and they're already in the MCU. Sounds like you just wanna wank off to Dr Doom.

Unless they retconned it, he's the 2nd most intelligent person on earth..

Reed Richards is the smartest.

I'm no mentioning moon fucking girl. that's trash

Doom saved the universe once

I swear writing Doom is like being given le way to do whatever the fuck you want and for the most part it turns out awesome.

The smartest person list is kind of inconstant. Particularly when you bring up intelligent mutants and characters like Amadeus Cho or fucking Moon Girl

Magical Iron Man in charge of a country

DOOM is the smartest person who is not in some way a mutant.

Stark is only every shown as smarter when he's also shown as being mutated or enhanced.

I didn't feel like I needed to. I wanted to.

Stark is only shown as enhanced in some way when he enhances himself. Richards intelligence had been related to his cosmic ray mutation in earth X, but that's the only thing I can think of that really says his stretchy powers had anything to do with it. Pym and Banner are often on the theoretical list, but their areas of expertise are so different that it's hard to really compare them. The big tech things I associate with Doom are his personal equipment/power armor and his doombots, but he definitely isn't first in terms of weapons or robotics as those would probably go to Stark or the shit tons of robot using villains

He'll be a foreign exchange student guy that RDJ Stark fucked up during college like throwing beer during his experiments leading to his butthurt and getting a slight scar.

He gets rejected by Tilda, when trying to get some magic shit to fix his face.

Somwrhing about Dr. D completly activated my penis. I'm not even gay though, so I don't know why.


Would Doom and Luther get along? Would doom see Luther as a fraud ?

He's a sorcerer and a genius scientist.

will Dracula be there also?

Luthor would try to play him as a chump. Doom would go along until it clashed with his objectives, he became a hindrance, or actively tried to harm Latveria. Then he would kill Luthor. Doom isn't opposed to working with others as long as their goals align. Namor and T'Challa, have fought with and worked with him as well.

That's a sick burn.

Ain't nothing wrong with that.

>Reed fails to invent self-sucking dick

>DOOM is a dick about it

Pretty succinct way of putting it.

Someone who doesn't read comics here, why does it always seem like Reed is getting cucked in every Fantastic Four comic that gets posted

it only misses out that DOOM came from nothing

Stephen Strange seems to have had natural magical ability, Stark is a billionaire, and T'Challa is a prince who became king.

DOOM is some random asshole gypsy who decided he ought to run a country and be a superhero one day and then later that day he had done it.

He should be in the MCU. Start in phase 4 with cameo's where he BTFO out of the heroes or villains, and make him into a troll icon on the internet. And then make ONE film about him, where it's him and Squirrel Girl, and he goes through real set-backs and failures, but always manages to cover it and make it look like it was just as planned.

And then he could be a villain for a Black Panther film. Wakanda versus Latveria would be interesting.

And if it were up to me DOOM would be a gypsy and Latveria would be a state created since the fall of the USSR, one that is a homeland for refugees from anywhere. He has conquered land from a country to make room for refugees. The war with wakanda is because of refugees from wakanda that wakanda genuinely mistreated, but DOOM would be the one who initiates violence. If it were up to me. The whole idea is to get EXTREME and EDGY people to like DOOM, so you need things that alt-right and SJW would both hate and love. And you need to let him win on screen all the time.

>came from nothing
Well to be fair he is adept at magic because of being a quasi tiefling or plane touched.

That's because every once in a while to make Doom seem threatening again there's some theoretical outcome where he wins everything, which in Doom's case means he fucks Reed's wife. In the main continuity he loses to squirrel girl and probably fucks Susan look-alike Doombots


Why is there a frog Thor?

Unless Marvel/Disney decide to take risks with their formula I really don't see this happening. Pretty much every villain with the exception of Loki shows up for one movie with only a few sentences of backstory, is portrayed as an evil bad guy, and dies or is permanently neutralized by the end. Doom would suffer the same fate

Doom is great because he has the moral high ground with his end game, and everyone in the Marvel Universe knows it but they hate him for it.

He loses to Squirrel-Girl for very good reasons.

He is not going to go all out to kill her when she isn't doing that to him. If she had actually tried to KILL him, DOOM wins easily.

Doom will be the new Loki. Loki is going to die for real, and Doom being a reoccurring villain to top Thanos and regularly BTFO the Avengers is a good fit.

He also ends up sleeping with her.

So really, who lost that fight?

They would most likely turn her black

He's strong as worf

>A good Doctor Doom

Pick one. We were going to have a movie about him made by God Emperor Noah Hawley, but after Fox was bought by Disney I doubt we'll ever see that happen.

He’s basically pursuing The Golden Path

His mum using witchcraft whilst pregnant is responsible for him becoming self aware in vitro, like a Dune pre-born almost.

>he assumes artifacts aren't racist

wtf hypocrit

Eh, giving a random black lady Thor's powers isn't really any different from giving a random white lady Thor's powers in my book

The white one can be hot.

And that's why Reed gets mad at him, because Doom has seen the future and knows that the only way for humanity to survive is through him. Something that none of the protags are willing to do.

the white one would be pretty to look at

Either that or Doom is just an unreliable narrator and an egomaniac narcissist

It's not racist if Count Dracula historically fought Islam

This. I mean they literally tried to enslave him and his people. What was he suppose to do?

But honestly, I don't even understand what count Dracula wants there. The wording is weird to a non-native English speaker such as myself.

This can’t be real. Are comics really this far gone?

i thought this was funny

>probably fucks Susan look-alike Doombots

you mean Reed look-alike Doombots, right?

for thor frogposting

Nah. Reed knows he is telling the truth, they had a big argument about free will and personal choice. Reed unironically would rather go down in a blaze than submit to Doom and save humanity. This is why in Secret Wars, Doom's confidant was Dr. Strange. Stephen doesn't have the same grudge that Reed and Doom does, and he takes his job seriously. Whereas Reed doesn't actually have a job that has duties which require him to be willing to put aside petty issues. Stephen's job is to be the Sorcerer Supreme and all the responsibilities that come with it. The primary reason why he is a superhero is because he hates Doom so much.

Dr Doom should unironically rule the Marvel universe


was it good? I like Doom and Thor.

>the pit on that fem Thor on the far right.

I think it has to do with some kind of meeting of people in the area (I assume that Latvera is close to Romania or something, I didn't read the issue)

iirc Thanos only conquered the Universe. in DC, I think this giant blue guy almost destroyed the Multiverse.

secret thors lol

Doom knows he's the right man for the job. He's the only one with a decent working time machine (other than Cable). He goes to the past to bang Morgan LaFey and he's constantly travelling to the future to see the shifting timelines and pick out the best future for humanity. And guess what that future is?...

Even the Wakandan Panther God is surprised by Doom's altruism-based megalomania.

You mean darkseid?

This Darkseid? The one defeated by some random stairs?

Thors was unironically awesome. It was basically a detective story featuring all these elseworlds-versions of Thors trying to track a serial killer who was killer the Jane Fosters of every world. It sounds dumb when you spell it out like that, but the Thors were the best part of Secret Wars. When they showed up, it was always treated like a big moment.

No user, I think it was this Darkseid, the one mugged by random kids.

Nah the one that ended the multiverse for lols

So... Dr Manhattan?

Is god emperor doom a pun on god emperor of dune?

I like Doom because he gets his priorities right.

man the 70's was a weird time in comics

Yea basically

Will there ever be a better movie Doom?

that's throg you faggot.

This could have been funny without the window bit.