Death note

Would you get caught if you had it?

Just dont kill anybody you know personally, then its impossible for anyone to catch you

>Write down multiple world leaders from every country except Israel
>Write down the names of the first high-profile individuals who publicize this fact

NO, It is impossible to get caught unless you kill your friends and family.


>unless you kill your friends and family
then what's the point in even fucking having it?

I'd just become a hitman with it

humanity is shit their no point in ruling it

>then what's the point in even fucking having it?
To do something great obviously, killing a couple people and getting away with it is not even hard

>then what's the point in even fucking having it?
Nuclear Holocaust. we see if Samson Option is a meme.

You get caught if you are a faggot and test it with someone near you.
After getting it you have to keep your cool, no delusions of being God or any stupid lame ass insecure shit like any version of Light had.
There's no way you get caught, what I always wonder is if this could actually be the way to change the world and do something good. Purging shitty people or at least the ones you think are shit.

the real reason why he got caught is because he started killing with heart attacks and in places where people was being filmed live on tv

if you don't do that then there's no way to get caught

why not just
>write down the name of every jew

You sound like a retard who'd get caught before you even used it anyway.

As long as there isn't a deus ex machina like L who suspects that I'm using magic to kill people

no, actually he tested it in his own town and it's the only death that correlates to the weird ones that happening at the same time.
Later on L fucks Light up with the decoy making the TV statement live.

Why do you think they change their names, blood magic shit already exists.

Is it a coincidence that there are no smart neonazis or extremist muslims, that pol is populated exclusively by literal retards?

Because there are too many cryptos, lack of faces/jewish names--too difficult overall. And if you start doing that and are (inevitably) unable to complete the task, you fail. Because now you have unlimited normie sympathy, give (((them))) a righteous self-defense position, and a privilege that would make our post-WWII world look like nothing.
No, you have to motivate the entire world to be complicit. So there will never be any guilt or misunderstanding of what had to be done.

the kike fears the dubs

Dumb people are more vocal and noticeable. Truly smart people wouldn't be here at all, most likely.

Why are there zero smart people who share your world view and your obsession with Jews? Is it a """""""COINCIDENCE"""""""?

>lack of faces
they all look the same

>those dubs
the higher powers are telling me you can still be saved.

I posted this before but essentially
>write the us president's name first
>wait exactly one year, write the vice-president(new president)'s name on the anniversary
>repeat every year
>watch as America struggles to deal with no one wanting to be president anymore and government imploding on itself
I'm not American so it'd just be good tv watching them discuss it on the news. My favourite part would be when they inevitably blame it on politics/God and elect someone with the opposite values and then see the same thing happen yet again.

This would also be pretty funny

Because as soon as we identify one or many "smart" people, you'll move the goalpost or kvetch or ad hom. And that's predictable and boring and retarded, so it's best to sidestep that autism altogether, savvy?

You need a face and a name for the Death Note to work. Other than browsing Israeli business websites and J-Date, you'd run out of candidates pretty quick.

If you have the best detective in the world searching for you chances are that your fucked

Actually there just are no smart neonazis, literally all of you are retarded.
>far right retard talking about fallacies
You're literally part of the dumbest group of people in modern history, there is no group less intelligent. There isn't even one that comes close.

Do I get it after I've read the manga a few times and seen the series/movies? Also maybe I should watch the newest one to see what NOT to do.
but probably not, no "L" would exist and I'd only kill selfishly, like if someone pissed me off or paid me. Eye deal is out of the question

Me? I'd look at hollywood.

Yep, all retarded. Every last one. Literally the dumbest. You won.

Fuck the writer of that show for moralfagging at the end of it. Pussy gook bitch

No because I probably wouldn’t use it. I’d probably just burn it, at most id quietly kill criminals in prison painlessly to take their lifespan if they were already on death row or something and only often enough to keep myself from getting old.

the soymurder

>Don't ever use it
>Don't ever get caught

>run out of candidate pretty quick
I don't think you understand the magnitude of parasitic sickness we've inherited. Even if you got every single KNOWN hollywood jew and got known Israeli politicians, you'd still have plenty of "everyday" yids and unknown business owners, no to mention plenty of virtue-signaling leftists who would claim to be jewish to goad you into killing them, and then garner sympathy for the normie fence-sitters once you did.

the virgin death note user vs the chad light

I'm a simple man, getting rid of the media jews would make me content.

It's fucking amusing when a far right shill finally learns to pretend he's not retarded by using human grammar and keeping memes to only 50% of his sentences. It doesn't work because your extreme low intelligence bleeds through in ways you can't comprehend, because you're stupid.

You don't take their lifespan.

Probably, since I would kill every single high school classmate I had.

Would be kinda odd to see how me and my friend are the only ones to survive from that time.

You can’t use it effectively otherwise, the show makes it pretty clear it’ll wind up fucking everything up one way or another. You can’t take credit for anything without going to jail or being dissected by the government, and you’d probably just fuck everything up anyway. People deserve a trial, not magic executions.

Also no matter how well you plot everything out and execute your master plan, the shinigami will always intervene and fuck with your idea to make it “interesting” for them. Ryuk fucked over Light’s plans for his own entertainment if I recall correctly and eventually it’ll want the book back and engineer your downfall. It’s a no win game

>tfw wait for far right shills to say things like this and then report them to tip lines

so fucking mad lmao

Doesn’t someone have that power in the manga? I remember someone having an extended lifespan, was that the shinigami or the humans?

I would only kill all non-black men, and all non-white women

Are you thinking about the shinigami eyes that cut the lifespan by half, like the blonde girl had?

i forget are you alloed to kill yourself with it

>implying you can read or write

>make your old classmates have a reunion where they die in a fire
>you and your friends obviously weren't there because you never got along

i'd kill myself first, so no.

Didn’t one person get an extended lifespan? Like a shinigami gave her one? I haven’t seen the show in 10 years, I just vaguely remember someone human having a really long clock and something about some lifespan shenanigans.

Then you're short-sighted and a faggot. This would only make things worse in the long run. You think Holocaust guilt is bad now? Imagine invisible-conspiracy Death Note holocaust if you failed.
Oh, okay. Glad to amuse you, sire.

nice god delusions

what would happen if I wrote

Well, they were tried. He starts by killing the worst convicted criminals and eventually moves onto just the convicted ones. It's not a perfect system because you don't know if they were wrongfully accused or what, that's why I don't believe in the death-penalty unless there is beyond a reasonable doubt
after Light "lost" at the warehouse, he asked Ryuk for help for the first time and Ryuk said no. usually it was Light just telling him what to do, like to trade notebooks with Rem or to drop it and transfer ownership, find the cameras and he'll give him apples
Shinigami use the notebook to survive. If a human is 20 and is going to die at 45, the shinigami kills them, the shinigami get 25 years added to theirs

>ywn be this jewish

>Imagine invisible-conspiracy Death Note holocaust if you failed.
how could I possibly fail?

I would have liberal white people die from being attacked by niggers.

Damn. I guess with the power of Sup Forums by my side. I might get away with it. That does feel kinda nice.

I would kill Moot for selling out tho.

ooh, what's he look like?

I'd just kill a slew of people I didn't like (some personal and some in the media so to stop suspicion) every year on a spoopy date like Halloween or Friday the thirteenth.


netflix is such trash, i'm actually amazed at how terrible their shows are.

It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it but I thought Ryuk occasionally orchestrated issues for Light out of entertainment.


I don't think you understand how much all actual humans despise you chimp-tier IQ pathological lying brainwashed alt right drones. There isn't a single person worth their own life that considers you to be anything more than a rat. Most people will actively try to harm you at any possible opportunity.

Lol you liberals are genuinely nuts and need to be locked up, demonizing your opposition to this point wow fucking psychos.

This. If you want to kill the jews, you gotta kill everyone else first and then let them take the blame.


Ryuk literally ALWAYS helped Light.
Near telling Light he was a shinigami tool solidified anime Light as the true beta virgin

>he's still going
based butthurt autist


When a shinigami kills for a human they care about, they die and the human gets their lifespan.

Being Jewish is a mental disorder.

>you can't take credit for anything
What are you, a woman? You don't need recognition.
>people deserve a trial
People don't even deserve to be alive, let alone have rights, or a fucking trial.

Also Ryuk didn't do shit. Light fucked himself over because the plot demanded it.

>25 IQ neonazi education

He's probably not a neo-nazi or even part of the mythical and elusive altright.

I wouldn't use it as often as Kira did, so there's no real reason to think I'd be suspected. Plus I probably would eventually write my own name into it.

Write down
>Bernie sanders
>Corey booker
>Kim jong un
>Kathleen Kennedy
>daisy Ridley
>Roman Polanski
>woody Allen
>sean penn
>Michael Moore
>Jane Fonda
>amy schumer
>Jennifer Lawrence
>different African warlords and commie and Middle East dictators

Its genetics.

>Surname in reverse is I am gay because he's noe insecure about his sexuality.

there are many more people you should kill before offing yourself, user.

Like, you literally just killed puppets, and then yourself. So you won't even live long enough to see if what you did worked? Nigga you autistic.

Also Canada doesn't deserve to be saved, let Trudeau live.

t. Fidel Trudeau

Autism must also run in the Tribe.

you forgot the rothschilds

Thats actually wrong though. Lights surname is Yagami. Backwards it would be imagay

>Mickey Mouse

yeah we know you're gay.

but does an L exist?

Yeah, you're holding it right now

I'm so secure in my heterosexuality I can say Imagay without worrying. I'm sorry a virgin like you couldn't do the same

L is my dick?!

queer detected

Snarkiness is a huge red flag for a homo. Smoke some more cock

get a load of this homosexual




Yes user obsessing over your ethnicity to the point you try to enslave all humans who arent yours is the best way to describe a mental illness that is nothing but pure evil. I mean you are jews right so like fucking what? You dont see Brits or Poles going muh master race like you middle eastern lunatics who have been doing this shit since Assyrian times. Jews are the most insane humans in all of history.

>assyrian times
Gilgamesh was based tho. The king of kings.