Of the Best Picture Nominees, which ones have you seen and how would you rate them?

Of the Best Picture Nominees, which ones have you seen and how would you rate them?

They all look like boring Oscarbait.

shape of water should win
monster movies are never nominated, while war and/or drama oscarbaits are common thing


Shape of Water
Three Billboards
Call Me By Your Name

Get Out
The Post

Phantom Thread

Dunkirk is 7/10 but it beats the shit out of everything

>Actually Good:
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
Call Me By Your Name

The Shape of Water

>Actually Bad
The Post
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

>Academy Should be Ashamed of Themselves:
Get Out
Darkest Hour

I think whatever our political tendency is, we can all agree that The Post is the black sheep of the list. The true definition of Oscar bait, another BRAVE Meryl Streep portrayal and never a serious contender for the critics, yet it still manages to slide in the Oscar race. I wonder if Meryl is holding a majority of AMPAS hostage

Saw them all except call me by your name
>top tier
Dunkirk, Phantom Thread

>pretty good tier
Shape of Water, Three Billboards, Lady Bird

>obligatory tier
Darkest Hour, Get Out, The Post

To be sure they're all solid films. I personally think announcing more than 5 candidates was a mistake.

OP Here, thinking about it I might switch Dunkirk & Darkest Hour. It might be recency bias talking (As the only two I saw before two months ago was Get Out/Dunkirk, and I know Get Out doesn't deserve it)

1. Phantom Thread
2. Call me by your name
3. who cares

I'll just put a top 3 in random order, I'd be satisfied if any of those win
>Phantom Thread
>Call Me By Your Name
But in reality, I'd imagine the white AMPAS vote will be split and eventually Get Out will win