I've always enjoyed Harrison Ford, but he genuinely impressed with his performance in 2049, especially after he slept through the recent Indiana Jones and Star Wars films. His scene with Wallace in particular is fantastic.
Harrison Ford in BR2049
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I agree.
He was going through the motions in Star Wars 7...and the most recent Indiana Jones, but I felt he put effort into BR 2049.
I love Harrison Ford.
He's right up there with Cary Grant and Bogie IMHO
it's really clear that he loves the character and material and actually gave a shit unlike in TFA.
The Message in both Blade Runner films is that through Good Actions, beings (both humans and AI robots) may become entitled to be rewarded with a Soul by the Holy Spirit, which is portrayed by the White Dove released by the replicant at his death in the original film. Now; in order to become Spiritual one needs to BELIEVE (BE-LIVE) in GOOD, LOVE and SACRIFICE for your ideals (CHRIST´s Message in a nut-shell) and, in order to BELIEVE, WE (MORTALS) need to SEE (MIRACLES) or experience THINGS OTHERS WOULDN´T BELIEVE, just as the replicant states in the first film: “I went to ORION.. I saw things u people would not believe” (HE RECEIVED SPIRITUAL REVELATIONS AND VISITED THE SPIRITUAL REALM).
REPLICANTS are the creation of the NWO Agenda success; PERVERTED (human) BEINGS = TRANSHUMANS. 2049: GOD has destroyed Babylon as punishment for its perverted ways ) with the Apocalypse (Perverted world (BLACKED_OUT) as in: slavery, totalitarian mind-control techno government, naked statues, sex and inmorality) after the NWO faked the end-times with an orchestrated EMP global false flag attack.
JOY is the Jezebel Spirit which rules this world (Babylonian system) and spiritually posesses everyone taking advantage of our weakness: self-pleasure and our need for being loved. EGO.
K is the number 11 which symbolizes the DOOR TO THE SOUL or KA of any regular Joe.
THE WALL is the DIVISION between Spiritual & Material (WALLACE and the WALL of Revolution). WALL-Ace is Trump trying to breed evil from evil to become Eternal and BUILD A WALL between GOD and MORTALS. The shooting in Vegas….well…let´s not comment on that…
DECK-CARD is the manipulated citizen who unsuspectedly gets caught in the middle of the Spiritual Battle and discovers the plot the Spiritual realm plays with its CARD game for our Souls/ENERGY. You get the drift…
TOY HORSE (Troy Horse) which hides a Soul within. That one is clever…
The sister lives in a simulated reality created by the NWO…just like us today. Are you LISTENING..??? Then, do you hear The HUM…? Well, you are not hearing it with your ears, for it is not a sound but a frequency.
We are also shown several signs and wonders of the soon to come Apocalypse, like: Lights in the sky, drone surveillance and warfare, trans-humanism, military nwo system, mind-control techniques, spirit cooking and soul condemnation, child abuse, destruction of the environment…
Be ready and wake up, read the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) and put on the whole armour of GOD.
HOLY SPIRIT´S MESSAGE: It really doesn´t matter if u are a human or a replicant…TRUTH is WE are either BELIEVERS or unbelievers, good or evil, SPIRIT-FULL or spirit-possessed, serving GOD or self-serving demon manipulated.
Most of u WILL not BElieve. Hebrew 2049 = RUINS…but there is not that much time. TEARS GET LOST IN THE RAIN...AS DOES TRUTH IN CAOS
I just finished watching it for the first time minutes ago. I can't recall a scifi movie making me feel like shit before.
Agree about HF's performance, though.
I didn't read this and feel sorry for the sad sap who did
basically he's saying our actions make us what we are. To act human is to be human. That's why the "is deckard a replicant?" thing doesn't matter. Deckard understood this at the end of the original, and you can also see this when he said "ask him" about the dog.
he just seems decrepit
>the recent Indiana Jones
2008 is recent?
It's the MOST recent Indiana Jones film nigtard. I'm not even him, but shit stop your autism.
they could have given the guy more to act in than a grey hanes tee
Thanks, man. That made me sneedle.
he just wore what he woke up in to the set probably
Thanks. I typed it and was like wtf, oh well let's roll with it.
Alex Jones go to bed its late
anyone else get their K action figure?
He's been by himself for years doing nothing but sitting around drinking. Of course he wouldn't care how he dresses at that point
Ah yes the shill posting about ford
lmao they're not even trying to hide it now
>Im still not sure if this thread is unironic
If you actually think that Harrison Ford's acting in Blade Runner 2049 was good you are beyond retarded
go back to your cuckshed reviewjew
Im not a 15year old to watch gay youtube reviews faggot
Go back to Sup Forums trying to act edgy, then back to masturbation
He was easily the high point and made the other actors seem like amateurs
He was good though
>he slept through the recent Indiana Jones and Star Wars films
I disagree. When he gets killed in TFA, he's able to show shock, regret, and sadness on his face all within a few seconds. One of the best moments for me and it shows hes still got it.
Also seeing him 420 no scoping was awesome.
>might'nt happen to have a piece o' cheese about ya?
>soyboy triggered by cheese
It's shills
You're a shill cunto