How do you feel about Japanese caricatures of American sports commentators?

How do you feel about Japanese caricatures of American sports commentators?

Do you feel that it's accurate?

Las criaturas gemelas de las Américas...

la creatura...

el demonio.....

los mayores americanos que he visto...

>the very same spics spamming their retarded DB Super memes on Sup Forums

una criatura humanoide horrenda ....


looks like those mongrel memes

westerners look like obese hobbling abominations compared to Asians

la luz extinguida....


el anti cristo americano...

ayy dios mio!!

la abominablé...

They are big guys

I hope this never gets a dub. The whole "Different famous VAs every episode" thing won't work with our shitty stable of VAs in Burgerland.

The racing gag was pretty kino though.

I've always liked Bkub's comics, and I'm glad the show does 'em justice.

Best anime of the season, in spite of being the shittiest.

Seriously why not put this thing out of its misery?

Somehow, a .22 round is less humane than making a spectacle out of him on national television.

would a .22 even make it far enough to reach any organs? only feasible way of taking that thing down with a .22 would be through the eyes

It's the preferred bullet of assassins around the world. A shot to the head and that fat bastard would know the sweet embrace of death.

t. maldito abominacion

el goblino...

is it actually or are u pulling my leg?

dios mio...

yeah, it goes in one end and doesn't come out the other
just bounces around the skull a bit