Tfw you're a normal 15 year old girl

>tfw you're a normal 15 year old girl
>tfw day at the beach with the girls
>tfw your tranny freak """friend""" starts to tell you how because she has a micropenis she can't turn it into a vagina and instead has to turn part of her poop chute into a vagina, then tells you how her doctor said it would smell, and finally jokes about farting out of it

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I think 50% of people who push this degenerate shit on Sup Forums are mentally ill suicidal trannies

There was a thread on here maybe last night or the night before how the surgery basically involves slicing up the dick, and the "vagina" being a literally inverted penis

Get on with the times faggot.

B-But that thread happens e-every night

>not already knowing this because of Mr Garrison

binging this show, it is so deranged it's bizarre. I'm amazed that Sup Forums and Sup Forums haven't memed it more, every member of their family is a meme
>dad is a beta cuck
>mom is a turbo roastie
>sister is a stacy
>chad brothers
>old kike grandparents

w-would you protect her, Sup Forums?

The grandmother is fucking grotesque

what would my duties be?

I don't even bother visiting Sup Forums but I suspect that some of the marginally smarter people there know that it's an utter waste of time to give this garbage any sort of publicity whatsoever.

It's better to let these very ill people destroy themselves. I suspect that in 10 or 20 years, if American society can survive that long in light of the idiotic "left" ideology, there will be reality programs that follow people around to undo their gender reassignment surgery and revert to the gender encoded in their DNA.

I guess this depends on what you mean by "protect (((her)))"

The Munchausen by proxy is strong with this one...

these shirts are incomplete, should say protect me from my "mother"

It means to throw (((her))) in the oven.

Definitely, she even made him into a malerina, just like momma.

I am completely fine with people choosing whatever gender they want to be

But this shouldn't be allowed for kids under 18. I'm sorry, it just shouldn't. Kids legally can't even technically have sex under 18, why should they be allowed to take horomones and possibly sexual reassignment surgery before 18?

In that case then, yes. Off it goes.

Why, the precious little girl in your photo of course.

Are you some kind of bigot sweetie? Not only is this allowed, it is encouraged, and soon it will be enforced.

His name is Ben.

um sweetie??? no
just no


*blocks your hormones*

>tfw you're a normal 15 year old girl
>tfw you're uglier than someone who was a guy 10 years ago

How are you so sure that one is girl? I thought the only cisgenders they showed were the rest of the family. Also Cole didn't "transition" until he was 12/13, which was about 5 years ago.




>mwf no Lynchian pasta

Did this actually happen in the show?

Didn't watch that episode but they literally show worse stuff so, I guess.

Pinche maricon


Literally everyone on the planet stopped giving a fuck about this show 2-3 years ago and the only place I still hear about it is Sup Forums. Sup Forums is unironically Jazz's most devoted fanbase.

how could you hate Jazz user?


David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

based Lynchian poster

>undo their gender reassignment surgery
yeah thats not happening buddy

this post was better when it was on /r9k/

Reminder that these people and their culture of abuse can be brought down, this can be stopped.
>So when the nice people from the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) showed up at our my door, my husband explained to them that our daughter was transgender and her name was legally changed to Rebekah. The two men were confused. They said, “well then why would someone call this in?” My husband patiently explained our public advocacy and the backlash we’d received. The two men were still confused. They said, “Okay, but still why would someone call making this accusation?” My husband still patiently, bless his heart, further explained that, at best, these people believe children cannot be transgender and so it could only be a result of abuse. They said, “Oh. So they’re just ignorant.”

Why the fuck did she pick the name Jazz anyway? Was it because she was improvising her gender?


Quality post my dood

>The American College of Pediatricians urges healthcare professionals, educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.

Hey, I got my new vagi- braaaaap oops, was that me? haha, just girl things, right fellow ladi- BRAAAP excuse me hehehee braaaap I've never felt so womanly.

Give that a whiff. What a womanly odor. BraaaaAAAAAP ooo, wet one! Haha, looks like you guys were in the splash zone for that one! Does that mean I charge you extra for the tickets to the sho- BRAAAP SNIIIFFFFF oh yea oh yeah SNIFFFFFF oh fuck yeah FUCK YEAH SNIIIIIIIIFFF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IM A WOMAN NOWWWW SNIIIIFFFFFF BRAAAAAP SNIIIIIFFFFF BRAAAAAP SNIIIIIIIIFF BRAAAP SNIIIIIFF BRAP

You guys are such good friends. Wow, look at that. My womanhood blew a hole right into the sand!

I wonder what tricks and psychological abuse "that mom" used to force her son into this transgender fantasy of hers.

Season 6 in a nutshell

Sup Forums just watches it for meme shit. Same with 600lb life.

>can't expect children to feed themselves at that age
>can expect them to understand enough about themselves and biology to give them drugs that permanently and dangerously alter their biochemistry

really gets the noggin joggin

>all these transphobic posts on Sup Forums

You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance

>tfw even some old monk living in the desert in the 300s knew this shit would happen

Yeah, someone needs to post the webm, Jazz makes a joke about farting out of his vagina in class and the girl in the picture shows visible disgust.

so hol up, you be saying skylar has an ass pusy too?

>o-oy vey, mister, just leave me alone! how many shekels do you want, just g-get your hands off me!

this was actually hilarious, he went and cried about pissing his yalmulke on twitter afterwards too

>not just pointing out that "I'll kick your fucking ass" isn't how a woman would react to a man offending her

one job lil' Benji, one job

Why was this man allowed to touch a Jew like that in public?

Thank you for the (You), friend.

The "dad" is numale "pastor".

anyone else would have found it hilarious and made fun of the guy, I think Ben was actually scared

>Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous. Reversible or not, puberty- blocking hormones induce a state of disease – the absence of puberty – and inhibit growth and fertility in a previously biologically healthy child.

>Pre-pubertal children diagnosed with gender dysphoria may be given puberty blockers as young as eleven, and will require cross-sex hormones in later adolescence to continue impersonating the opposite sex. These children will never be able to conceive any genetically related children even via artificial reproductive technology. In addition, cross-sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are associated with dangerous health risks including but not limited to cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

>collared """"pastor"""" having a wife

that's what always blows my mind, shit like estrogen actually causes a ton of shit to go wrong. that's why they discourage people from buying it from black market pharmacy sites, because if you take slightly too much you wind up having a stroke.

>Worrying about MtF
(Women live longer than men. Even trannies.)
>not implying FtM
(Who gives a fuck about them)
This seems a little one-sided...

>8. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to “gender clinics” where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures they will “choose” a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.

This this this.

Most of the kids that are forced to transition are otherwise healthy boys, and white to be more specific.


>My husband is a Lutheran pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

If you want to be a tranny, something more is wrong with you.
People transition because of dysphoria, not because it's 'okay' to do.
Most dysphoric people put it off because of the social implications.
2/3 of people on HRT don't get sexual reassignment.
People who are identifying with a disorder for better perceived social stature are ignoramuses.

Why doesn't "I Am Jazz" get as much attention as fatkino, aka "my 600 lb life"? Is it a classic case of "Mad Men" vs "Sopranos"? "I am Jazz" being the former, "600 lb life" being the latter? Does "600 lb life" have a bigger fanbase solely because it is more visceral and immediately repulsive, while "I am Jazz" is more subtle and more of a slow burn?

everyone can appreciate 600 pound trainwrecks

trannies are divisive and i dont want to watch them

The absolute state of western (((religion)))

hmm. so like Mad Men, it seems I Am Jazz filters out plebs as well.

>forced to transition
Aren't White people more likely to be autistic? Also I think dysphoria is just a symptom of neonatal hormonal imbalances, just like gay people. I assume certain types of people are more prone to this.

>3. A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5). The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.

This makes me ill reading it

Do you feel in charge?

>Children cannot consent
>Children cannot decide to change their gender
>If their genders are changed it is according to their parents' wishes
The only way for children to transition is to have their parents have them do it, therefore they are forced.

>otherwise normal
Trannies are not normal. They are not normal boys. Gayboys get to know this. Trannies do as well. Most are only seemingly normal.
I for one, was seemigly normal as a kid, even though I'm a spergburger. I kept to myself and hid my autistic troubles.

You only look normal because you were ignorant of the signs. My parents were.

The paper stresses the fact they are referring to biological health.

Children are forced to do anything a parent commands, pretty much.
A parenting issue.
With a psychiatrists' okay and supervision, there is nothing wrong with blockers till 18, when it can be reexamined.

why is it so much browner than the rest of the family?

>permanently damage your childs physical and mental health because they weren't born the gender you wanted them to be
>this is "progressive"

absolute culture kino

Biologically, my behavior was not that of a normal child. Mindset plays an integral part of biology.

the rest of the family is pretty brown bro. Only the mom and sister are a tiny bit lighter.

>Children young enough to not know how to do the most basic human things
>Blurts out how they wish they were the opposite gender because of some thing they saw someone of the opposite gender do that they thought was "amazing"
>Parents, usually the mother it seems, pushes the opposite gender onto them
>Suddenly child is transgender
Really activates my almonds.

>that "my 600 lb life" countdown in the corner
every time

>wears turtleneck to hide adam's apple

Spray tan

Gotta look sexually available for the camera.

No wonder she got fat.

>there is nothing wrong with blockers
There is though. It messes up the body's correct biological functions, and it has been proven to increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.
>till 18
This number is also a huge problem, kids are being put on blockers by the time they're 9, but at about 13 they are also getting HRT, then they are getting SRS at 16 ffs. By the time they are 18 they are so incredibly far gone it's not even worth talking about it anymore.

Say that to her face faggot, not online and see what happens

>kid acts like gay

>Leave them alone
They turn out straight and normal or just a regular gay

>Give them injections and stump puberty because your 6 year old knows more than you as an adult

>Kid has no future sex life. A freak who will never have kids

Why are parents/doctors allowed to do this to kids under 18 or older? If your son wears a dress just let him and guarantee he will grow out of it. Or maybe be gay. But damn I'd rather have a gay son than a son with a micro dick and fucked up trans problems.

Fuck these parents. These kids are better off homeless or being raised by literal wolves and monkeys. A fucking squirrel would probably do a better job

I hope these trans kids and kids they parade at gay parades like whores stay on social media and I can't wait to see how many suicides and broken lives come of it

defines ITself as transwomant
hen why tf does IT buffs ITself?

>blurts out being a different gender because they saw something the opposite sex does
I'm trans does this really happen?
I had no problem doing stereotypically female things as a male.
I never thought it made me any more or less of a tranny.

Literally their story. The mother in this case has pushed him since he was a literal baby to be this way. She goes by hippypastorwife on social media.

The real kino of this show that anons never post in the webms are the literal DOZENS of times Jazz talks to her parents about sex. The absolute best is one episode where Jazz and her parents are eating table, discussion her bottom surgery options, and Jazz asks her dad how far into her mom's vagina he has seen, because Jazz wanted to know if the aesthetics of the vaginal canal were important for sex.

>Honey our 2 year old pointed at something pink, quick get the estrogen!
>Pastor, Wife Allowed Son to Start Identifying as Girl at Age 2 Because He Liked 'All Things Girly'

Is it just me or does Jazz talk with a nervous twitch?

Know what i mean?


>do you feel in charge?

I know I've done it once or twice when I was younger. Mind you I have an older sister I look up. Parents just told me I can do whatever a girl can do. Sometimes more. kek

>Implying anyone will want to fuck Jazz before it kills itself
>Someone out there right now wants fuck Jazz with a neovagina