What directors would you TRUST to make a proper KOTOR/Revan movie?

What directors would you TRUST to make a proper KOTOR/Revan movie?

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Clint Eastwood

Mel FUCKING Gibson

Denis Villenueve
Christopher Nolan
JJ Abrams as long as he stays true to the lore

Garry Goddard

Kubrick. Scorsese. Welles and Wilder if they were still alive. Irvin Kirchner.

No one in Hollywood seems to understand how to tell a story in this universe. Or what even makes these stories compelling.

Either Mel or Villenueve

literally no one. they dont understand it, they wont research it and i dont want revan's story to be turned into a liberal propaganda movie mixed with pandering to dumb american movie goers

>i dont want revan's story to be turned into a liberal propaganda movie mixed with pandering to dumb american movie goers
But that's exactly what Revan's story is

Elijah Wood as Revan and Sean Astin as Malak