Thank goodness that father of two who was just trying to do his job got what was coming to him
Thank goodness that father of two who was just trying to do his job got what was coming to him
Other urls found in this thread:
>movie made for women
all fathers must pay
"i hope i dont fall down and crush my baby"
One of the few problems I have with this movie is the cartoonish lengths it goes to make Strickland look "evil".
>outspokenly racist
>violent towards civilians (attacking and threatening Octavia Spencer)
>sexually harasses the main character
>shitty husband and father (silencing wife during sex, ignoring kids, wanting to cheat on his wife with the main character)
Same with the diner scene. It's one thing to have the pie guy recoil when Richard Jenkins grabs his hand - but then he angrily kicks a black couple out of the restaurant in the literally same shot. No subtlety, the movie just basically shouts "HATE THIS GUY".
The diner scene was pretty comical. Like it wasn’t enough for him to just be a homophobe who angrily rejects Richard Jenkins’s advances, he must also be a racist! Richard Jenkins had gone into that diner dozens of times and evidently no black people showed up, but thank goodness two just happened to walk in while the guy was bullying him.
How did this movie get nominated for 13 Academy awards
Toro cant into writing anything that doesnt attempt to preach. He should be lynched by other spaniards.
Are jews ever going to stop?
He represents a dying America era
>dude look at me I'm implying no one was ever racist/sexist/homophobic lmao
sure, but putting all of these qualities (each dialed to 11) in one character, makes for a pretty hamfisted, amateur critique of such a time
Also his “toxic” masculanity traits are straight up comical. Imagine all of those “scenes, characters, and movies that women will never understand” memes. It’s like they have a group of women and soyboys who put all their twisted misinterpretation of masculine traits into one character.
Guillermo del Toro is a filthy communist spic.
You do know why those couples have to walk in at that moment. Without the couple in that scene, the gay artist looks like a creepy old man who tries to make unwarranted sexual advanced on a much younger guy way out of his league. That would paint a slight negative view on a character who is supposed to represent the gay community. That is bad especially after the whole kevin spacey case. It was reasonable for the pie shop owner to ask the gay artist to leave his shop after what happened. Therefore, the interaction with the group of black people had to happen right then to establish that the pie shop owner is a bigot so the audience can hate him and put the gay artist back in favorable and sympathetic light.
Just have him get unreasonably angry about it and call him a faggot. Isn’t not being accepting of advances from gay people more than enough for modern audiences to dislike someone?
It pays homage to the golden age of hollywood with a black & white music & dance number, that's pretty much a guaranteed nom
The time for subtlety is over. Racist, bigoted straight white men had their chance to be portrayed as "complex" or "nuanced" but they gave that up when they voted a racist evil cheeto monster for president over literally the most qualified candidate in American history purely out of hate for women.
Depicting verbal violence against Queer peoplx could be triggering for LGBTQ+ audience members who just wanted to watch an entertaining movie
Did you miss the part where he was hiding his cruel monstrous nature beneath a thin veneer of a normal family life? Oh shit, I mean, "yet another Hollywood smearing of the average, upstanding caucasian man."
What do you get out of baiting? Do you literally just like bringing Sup Forumsposts in to destroy threads?
It’s not enough for normies, especially when the pie shop owner is young and way out of the gay artist’s league. Even imagine the scene in a heretosexual scenario: a young hot woman bartender in her early 20’s angrily reject an old 60 year old making strong advance on her.
There are also plenty of other things wrong with the movie writing
Why is the antagonist guy has to torture the creature? They just show him hurting the creature just because he’s so evil and mentally sick. It’s not even part of the scientific study.
Why didn’t the gay artist even get upset and disturbed by the creature even after it killed his cat and hurted him? He just quip with his other cat afterward
Why does the black friend and gay artist accept the fact that Elisa was fucking the creature so readily? Just because she’s black mean that she’s so open-minded about interspecie sex. Black people in period are as if not more adament against sexual taboo. The gay artist just saw the creature as a wild animal incident, and yet he also accept it.
Stop whining.
We are not the ones politicizing these movies. Hollywood and the kikes who run it are the ones who politicize everything and frame their movies as a binary struggle of them vs people like you and me.
>you and me.
Anyone who isn't part of the tribe or doesn't have a 6 figure salary.
They had to do stupidly cartoonish things like that because every scene where he wasn't doing something (((problematic))) he was a stone cold badass. How the fuck are we not supposed to think he's awesome after he rips his own fingers off and how are we not supposed to feel like he's doing the right thing after they show the fishman to be a fucking dangerous animal when he attacks the gay guy and when he kills the cat?
What makes it even worse is the fact that the actor playing the gay guy resembles Spacey a lot.
I actually liked him but it was set in the fucking 50s and he just grabbed the guy's hand; what exactly was he expecting? Shit was retarded and not realistic but thanks to the character conveniently being racist no one gave a shit.
I know this is a joke post and all but Del Taco's dumb ass quite literally made Stickland the most sympathetic character in the film towards the latter half. His biggest crime was being creepy towards Eliza and that was it.
was right in saying that this is a movie for women because only a fucking woman could feel more sympathetic for a character who's entire motivation is wanting to fuck a fish over a character who's been loyal to the military for years and is told that all those years of reliability, service and loyalty mean nothing because of one fuck up (caused by said other character and her fucking fishlust) and is just trying to do his job, get rid of a creature that's shown on multiple occasions to be volatile and dangerous and lost his fingers in the process.
He was a literal sociopath, even his family was perceived by him to be noise making objects that he had to have to pass as normal. It was nice when the more powerful sociopath made him piss his pants.
I found his subplot of an artist struggling due to the advent of photography a lot. There could have been discussion about the quirk and nuance of painted art vs photography. It was terrible that it was side-lined by a much worse literally gay subplot. I also expected good and interesting conflict between him and elisa after his cat got killed and he got attacked. I thought he will also be jealous of the creature taking his only friend away from him. However, he just act like a total cuck, be passive, and accept everything.
Almost all Del Toro movies feature a traditional male villain. This is nothing new or surprising.
> what is pacific rim?
>"he was a good boi, he was just doin his job"
There is right and there is wrong, with or without law. Hiding behind formal authority and legal impunity does not excuse bad behavior.
What bad behavior?
>sure, but putting all of these qualities (each dialed to 11) in one character, makes for a reasonably accurate snapshot of 4channers.
hence the ass-pain.
>yfw this movie is about bestiality
absolutely shit, would not recommend, this only got Oscar noms cause it caters to left wingers and women
A stupid robot movie made for tweenage boys and adults with no self respect?
it stars only hot guys and boyega its girl fan service as well
He silences his wife so he can pretend hes fucking the mute. Its obv he develops a love hate for her.
More like it represents brown people.