What is next for her career?

what is next for her career?

Some McNuggies by the looks of it.

Her character in The Heat is the most obnoxious character in movie history.

Wow Amy Schumer got fat

pretty sure she’s gotta start migrating with the rest of her kind soon

Her improv is so bad. I've never laughed at it.

>Mike and Molly gets cancelled because she starts losing weight and it doesn't match the character anymore.

>Then she gains all the weight back again after everybody else is jobless.

Hopefully, a heart attack.

Leg Amputations.

Probably a sandwich of some kind.

rebooting indiana jones with her as the tumbling boulder


Beverly Hills Ninja remake


Would watch.

based gevalt poster

>thread about a woman
>everybody comments on her looks/weight
You fucking idiots are why there are so many sjws screeching about mysoginy. You're literally all the proof they need they're right.

Well done.

Taco Bell

a leading role in a Free Willy reboot.
>as a stunt double for the orca

Shut up roastie

>women hate
>Sup Forums
Like fucking clockwork.
But you forgot to post your alt right meme dicklet.

Zone of Enders


>what is any thread about a fat person on any board for $500

An appearance on an episode of my 600 lb life on TLC

Fuck off fatso

>Woman builds a career off self-deprecating humour based on her body.
>Critics comment on her body

Drugs and a heart attack....FYI she did replace Chris Farley in the comedy group they were part of

Sitting on my face and farting. Making me clean her asshole with my tongue every time she takes a shit.


regardless of what they want you to believe, calling a fat person fat doesn't make someone a misogynist. They just want to be immune to all criticism and use that as a shield.

I wish she didn't shave and made a movie where she shows her pit hair and leg hair and all that.

I wish more BBWs didn't shave, it's really annoying that they even have shaved pussies in porn nowadays.



Mr. Brosnan.

Death from diabetes



Fucking kek