What's some essential soyboy-core? Feeling kinda sadboy rn. Here's an example of what I mean

What's some essential soyboy-core? Feeling kinda sadboy rn. Here's an example of what I mean.

HER is a great movie no matter how many soy boys are loving it. Don't let Sup Forums memes distort your taste my dude.

Anything with Joaquin Phoenix or Jake Gyllenhall

plus anything with Ryan Gosling, Leo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt

Any show from the Sup Forums 3x3


I'm a soyboy through and through. Literally a vegan. I like slower, melancholy films like this.

The second from the right kid, the one with glasses, doesn't really belong there

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind but i guess you have seen it.

The Science of Sleep
Being John Malkovich
Everything is Illuminated
The Virgin Suicides
Scanner Darkly
Life Aquatic
Darjeeling Limited

Manchester by the soy

>The Virgin Suicides
>Doctor: What are you doing here, honey? You're not even old enough to know how bad life gets.
>Cecilia: Obviously, Doctor, you've never been a 13-year-old girl. (smug grin on her face)

I haven't seen it, I just remember that line from the trailer. What did Sofia Coppola mean by this?

Anything widely liked by Sup Forumsedditors such as Drive, Whiplash, Del Toro movies and Blade Runner 2049

From what I remember from that film, it's more of an affecionable parody of the "rich white suburban girl having problems" genre. A deconstruction. I liked it

can someone explain the "sadboy" meme to me?

The Soy
The soy between us
Star Wars revenge of the soy
Terminator 2 soy day
The soy express
The soy buyers club
The lord of the soy fellowship of the soy
The lord of the soy the two soys
The lord of the soy the return of the soy
Fear and loathing in soy vegas
Brown soy
Batsoy the dark soy
The dark soy rises
The soy within
The soy people

My OS gf sucked 342 dicks!

its what we called emo 15 years ago, before emo became discount goth.

it basically just means "depressed young man" in a dismissive, mocking kind of way. More specifically, it's meant to call out normies who exaggerate their hardships and feelings to make girls think they're deep & interesting

soy isn't an insult in this case, it's just meant to describe movies who glorify the passiveness of the early 21st century male like it's something worth celebrating or feeling proud about

this makes it sound like an insult but i've seen a lot of people use it as an unironic description of themselves.

Charile Kauffman is the epitome of sadboy, he revels in his own filth

Fuck this movie and its retarded protag and fuck its dumbass concept

John. Boi. 21. I have depression, anxiety, and ADD. I smoke weed and pop pills all the time. I live on coffee. I love sad/aggressive music and hiding in my headphones. I love texting people cute things and hugs. I love looking for inspiring quotes and sharing them. I'm always writing poetry/song lyrics/little quips and basically jacking off over my own wordplay. Your favorite smartass, caffeinated, medicated, cuddleslut, atheist, 420 friendly musicdork and lover of pandas. I'm a sad boy with a weird taste in music and weirder sense of humor. I like coffee, drugs, food, vodka, Netflix, and touching myself. Frequently. I want someone to cuddle and poke and tickle and have pillow fights with who will listen to pop punk with me, smoke weed with me, act childish, make stupid faces at me, be my Netflix buddy and go on coffee dates with me. l just wanna meet up with other sad kids and bury our pain in drugs, love, and revolution. I need friends. INFP. Crybaby rainbow unicorn snowflake cinnamon roll. Human disaster. Basically an existential crisis in a person suit. P-please love me.

spot on

>my dude
who are you trying to fool

>tfw I do love sad/aggressive music and hiding in my headphones, food (but I am not fat), pop punk (just Blink 182) and touching myself (and I possibly have depression, but that will end once I get out of college), but I don't do any of the other things

What should I do?

Here is a shortlist of things that mark a film as soyboy core:

>open relationship present (BIG BIG red flag)
>man in relationship with woman who has children that are not his own
>interracial relationships within the film
>some sort of anti-gun message
>war is bad message
>anti-nazi message
>anti-dog message
>police are baddies
>military are baddies

stop being in love with being a failure, it's not an achievement
seek self-improvement
get your shit together
change your life for the good
become a man

>but that will end once I get out of college

grow up

Her is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen. I'm supposed to believe this cuck turns down Olivia Wilde for a fucking computer?


>stop being in love with being a failure
But I am not in love with being a failure. I do not even consider myself that much of a failure. Things could be worse

That is an incredibly specific description of someone who doesn't exist

No matter how bad things will be once I get out of college, I will, at the very least, get a salary

That's how people with waifus act.

I feel you're only saying that because it hits to close to home

No they don't. People only obsess over waifus because they can't into real women. The second an Olivia Wilde tier chick is thisrty for your dick you'd drop the waifu like it was hot.

I'm talking from experience user, I was an introverted soyboy for most of my life but I finally had the courage to man up


you are awfully confident about another person doing something the way you think they should

I am not that bad of a soyboy

neither was I compared to the open mouthed videogame playing fatties

>anti-dog message
But why? Isle of Dogs is going to be totally soy.

what do you think his sexuality is like

Anything about love? Non soyboys only watch mature movies for mature masculine men such as myself. Movie about muscular men doing manly things and war movies

>anti-dog message
False. In fact, a thing that all soyboy films have is that they have a pro-animal message, all kinds of animal, dogs included. They don't have an anti-animal message at all, against any animal.

emasculated, white knighting virgin, bluepilled, most probably gay

I think he must always be thinking about him whenever (if) he has sex
people like him are complete narcissists who live in their egocentric worlds

it's always white men


it's not white genocide. it's white suicide. don't blame "jews" or "niggers". you made a choice. now live with it white "men"

Saved to notepad for later use ;)

It sounds quite literally like someones profile description on social media. I bet it actually is.

Unironically Fight Club.

>Scanner Darkly

how so
soyboys either hate fight club or disingenuously twist its message to suit their own ideology

while Sup Forums neckbeards just disingenuously twist its message to suit their ideology

give me an example

This post filled me with violent rage.

It's depicting how impotent or incel men act when they don't talk to real women.

i dont think thats what its about

It's weird that people are upset by this thread

You may like the film but you have to admit his character is a whiny beta-male

Then what?

We could disagree over the kind of people who join the fight club, but the film is clearly about men who are told they don't have a place in society beyond their labor, and who also refuse to form friendships or relationships with women. Maybe these are 'alphas'.

>the film is clearly about men who are told they don't have a place in society beyond their labor

You have a point, but at the same time, these men are victims of child abuse from the Department of Education’s anti-white agenda when they were growing up. They also had to face unwarranted criticism from the mainstream media for thirty straight years. They choose to just withdraw into cartoons and video games.

Faggot, HER is an essential feelscore.

Asian males are even more soy Fight Club is about the importance of masculinity

She drops him because she wants something serious when he was just looking to get laid.

none of this appears in what Sup Forums calls soyboy core you fucking retard

watch this instead. 100% soy free.

>anti-nazi message

Liking a movement created by an angry vegetarian art school student is pretty soy

>anti-dog message
what movie has an anti dog message?

I think he meant anti-god

But they don't think the way out is 'make shit better for your son', they think 'drop out, fuck your son, he's probably just like your dad'. They're engaging in one form of self-destruction.

Fight club is for soyboys, operation mayhem is for incels/hikkos/alt-right. They're both part of the same thing.

Not even trolling bro. It's a prophetic film except that it said physical fights but we got internet arguments and video-games and it said burning smileys into buildings and smashing credit card computers but we got lulz and anonymous hacking stuff.

you're attacking a symptom, not the cause
>fuck your son, he's probably just like your dad
that was definitely not something that was implied

They aren't trying to form functional relationships with women. Durden is creating a dysfunctional relationship with Marla. That's one of the most important parts of the film, the ultimate self-destruction.

Not even trolling again bro. This reading seemed clear to me. And I think my shit on operation mayhem and anonymous is good.

>if you do not have the same political alignment as mine, you are a soyboy
Is soyboy the "you are literally a nazi" of the right?

>anti-nazi message

lol fag

on a roll?