Was this an accurate portrayal of Kanye West?

Was this an accurate portrayal of Kanye West?

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Since it was to signify his ego, yes, yes it was.

Accurate enough that Kanye himself was deeply affected by it, to the extent that he raps about it to this day.

>to the extent that he raps about it to this day.
But he only mentions it once in a song in MBDTF 7 years back
"Chock a South Park writer with a fishstick"

He mentions it in Watch The Throne, too.
>South Park had 'em all laughin', now all my niggas designin', we all swaggin'

Hey Sup Forums, what's your favorite Kanye album?

Its really funny to see Kanye fans angrily call people "Matt and Trey" whenever someone mentions they didn't personally like one of his songs. Its only music, no need to turn it into a cult.


Tbqh Gorgeous was the best track off MBDTF

There are people who legitimately think Kanye is going to be the next David Bowie.

>Its only music
And it's not even good music, which makes it even funnier.

Kanye is going to be SOMETHING in the history of music. I'm just not sure what yet. He's already dramatically lost his shit at least once. He also seems to have no self-awareness whatsoever. Like, all this stuff where it seems like he's playing a role or pandering to the crowds, that's actually him.


The fact that he mentions it AT ALL is kind of enough. South Park makes fun of everyone.

But Kanye doesn't have a drug problem and he's already made more money.

Kanye has disassociative disorder. He is legit mentally ill.

Memes aside, Kanye is significantly more woke than any other mainstream artist of this era, puts in more work than any other modern artist, and Yeezus is one of the most cutting edge albums in history

And no great music

t. has never listened to kanye

Reminds me of the Beck thing the way he played it off it seemed like a joke like he was making fun of his last outburst, but then he came out and said it was serious he just didn't feel like pointing out that Beyonce should have won again.

t. has never listened to great music

I'd say Devil In A New Dress desu, but Gorgeous had one of the best verses of his career.

Late Registration always

What makes you say that?

t. doesn't listen to rap because its a black thing

Semi-related but Child Rebel Soldier (Kanye, Lupe Fiasco, and Pharrell) should've released a full album

Go to bed yeezy

>more woke
All the more reason to ignore him

To be fair, black things aren't shit because black people like them, black people just tend to like shit.

To be fair you just have shit taste

>Yeezus is one of the most cutting edge albums in history
I love Kanye but come on man

I am a true patrician, I listen to death grip instead.

Yes, Kanye is really a gay fish.

Is that you Kanye?
Life of Pablo was trash.

>Yeezus is one of the most cutting edge albums in history
Apparently SOMEBODY hasn't listened to Tales from Topographic Oceans.

I only listen to D-Devils.

Kanye, you stop posting on Sup Forums right now

Kanye is fine as far as pop goes.

I miss the old Kanye

I think he is a strange person but I also think he is so aware that people try to make him look crazy for saying the truth.


I love how it was intentionally the opposite of Dark Fantasy which I feel was overproduced at points.

I don't know if this part was intentional but it felt like a kind of glorified take on the older Tupac style of hip-hop that had a stripped-down sound and provocative lyrics, in the same way that Tarantino films such as Kill Bill and Django Unchained evoke the overall feeling of certain classic films without actually being anything like them.

It also reminds me of Plastic Ono Band in how it's really raw and primal in a way that's a departure from their usual stuff.

IMO Dark Fantasy is for the mainstream or a person who doesn't normally like hip-hop, the college trilogy is for the hip-hop aficionado, and Yeezus I guess would be for the self-proclaimed patricians who like weird music, though I wouldn't call myself that.

How the hell is he not? He's a critical darling, he takes a drastically different direction with each album, he's a bit of a wacko, he's friends with everyone in the industry.

What did you think of 'Monster', specifically Nicki Minaj's verse? Not a big fan of that album, but Monster is pretty sick imo

It's great, but it's one of those songs that I've heard so many times now I can't stand to listen to it anymore.

Most everyone agrees Nicki's part is great, she has such great delivery, but it's always been odd to me that the charisma she has on this song doesn't really show itself in any of her solo work.

i'm not even joking, the South Park Kanye was much too rational and coherent. real Kanye is indistinguishable from a schizophrenic person (or he's pretending to be)

Bowie was a bisexual as fuck, nice guy, and all out druggie among other things
Kanye west is the legit opposite of everything bowie was and stood for

I Listen to quite a bit of rap though
correct opinions

Least I ain't married to no hobbit.

You sound like a dad rock kid who acts like the 80's was perfect despite not even being alive at the time.


The 80's was one of Bowie's worst points in his career.

MBDTF definitely, it'd be Yeezus but Yeezus doesn't have Blame Game on it

Kayne is an idiot savant

ITT we talk about how much we love kanye

I liked the one with piano being tapped repetitively and the ballerinas

Did anyone else think it was weird that he actually voiced Kenny West on The Cleveland Show?

I think the funniest thing about this is everyone was like "watch Kanye get mad about this shit" he ended up embracing it tho

Easily late registration

the life of pablo is my guilty pleasure
I legit don't like 808s

>bitching about it in his music
>embracing it

Straight from the go kanye

Is that a rhyme?

Yeezus is my absolute favorite!I'm glad there's a Kanye thread here.

>all this shit taste
Good lord

I like Kanye's music but I don't like the man himself.
It's the same way how I feel about John Lennon.

>making a joke about a thing is bitching now
You must be real fun to talk to.

congrats you've somehow managed to separate the artist from the art.

You can't be the critics' darling if you're successful.

I know. that was the point I was making.

He is already. He was a major influence on rap and music in general already.

I'm curious, why don't you like him?

I was making fun of you for it.

The only one I bought.

Okay. Why?

Lennon or Kanye?


You did something everyone does.

I listened to Ziggy Stardust and Low a few times. The latter was kinda interesting but tame by today's standards and the former sounded like regular rock music. Don't see the hype.

Except not really, there are definitely people who can't separate art from the artist and they are likely a minority, but they're still pretty vocal.

Listen to Heroes, it's my favorite of his

>thinking the 80s was bowie's prime
Lost your argument there

I just think he's a egotistical dickhead. It's part of his charm, sure, I just don't like him for that.

Okay, user. I apologize.

Don't apologize just take the fucking hit.

my african-american compatriot

He is an egotistical dickhead, I will admit that, but I think it's part as a psychological defense mechanism with him. He's an asshole, but I never thought he was intentionally malicious, which I think many people think he is.

No he wasn't retarded enough

I'll check it out. I'll always respect Bowie for giving us Raw Power and saving Iggy Pop's career. I just don't see what's so special about his music aside from his image. Meanwhile I knew The College Dropout was great from the very first song.
What's a rapper with no ego?

>made more money
wew lad he's bankrupt and married Kim solely to prolong his shelf life, otherwise he'd be a walmart greeter by now.

Okay then, I'll take the hit. Sorry, user.

Oh yeah, he's not intentionally being hurtful towards anybody. It just gets on my nerves sometimes.

>What's a rapper with no ego?
His name is Biz Markie.


The College Dropout

Okay, user. I don't mean to make you angry.

College Dropout.Been listening to since it came out, I don't think there's an album I've listened to more in my life.

Just shut up and take the hit.

Heroes is only 40 minutes long and I suggest you listen straight through, the B Side gets very ambient/experimental
>What's a rapper with no ego?

I'm not familiar with him besides this episode and the fact he is married to the big butt woman. But it was still a funny episode, what I got was thst he is a dumbass egocentric talentless jerk.

But I'm bored and I want to talk.

He's a great artist but he never addressed his demons the way Bowie did for stability, and right now he seems more concerned with chasing celebrity bullshit (social media, fashion, being adored) than actually writing and growing as an artist. If he gets his shit together he might be for hiphop what Bowie was to rock but right now he's headed for burnout.

I can't really say because I don't know him personally, but I think Kanye is mostly misunderstood because he isn't very good at conveying what he means and takes heat for it as well as intending well but handling things poorly

He's like the Karl Pilkington of music.

Are Americans this deluded?

He's a rapper. Wordplay and messaging is everything he should know. I don't think it's that, it's that he probably afraid of what others would see him if he actually expressed his true self.