Alright, this is peak twee. This is the first time I don't think I can handle it. Wes Anderson has gone too far

Alright, this is peak twee. This is the first time I don't think I can handle it. Wes Anderson has gone too far.

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Fantastic Mr. Fox was good

This is the first one that has looked good in years. He has always been better at comedy than drama.

He already hit that point with Moonrise Kingdom.

His last film was a straight up comedy

Let me rephrase: his comedy films where the entire concept is absurd (Bottle Rocket, Life Aquatic etc.) work a lot better for me, and Isle of Dogs seems to fit into this category.

Grand Budapest was that as well.

No it wasn't. I fucking hate it when pretentious fag directors take a beloved children's story that's popular exactly because it's happy and simple and add a whole dump truck of unnecessary complexity. For fuck's sake, there were literal OC DONUT STEEL characters that he put in.

Also forgot to mention in my first comment, what the fuck was up with the ending? The whole point of the original story is that the fox gets to keep his home and live happily ever after. It's classical good triumphing over evil but I guess that's not good enough for a faggot like Wes Anderson who needs everything to be postmodern and >le subverted.

Lies. Outright lies.