>film student plot
>film student symbolism
>film student setting
>film student everything
Jesus did anything go right?
>film student plot
>film student symbolism
>film student setting
>film student everything
Jesus did anything go right?
I don't think a film has pissed me off as much as that one. Directors usually have symbolism as a backdrop, not the main fucking attraction.
and a nomination for worst actress in a leading role: J-Law
So glad this cunt got brought down several pegs with this movie. I bet they genuinely thought this was going to be an Oscar caliber movie.
alright, now hear me out guys.
you're right, this movie is film student city.
if this movie was titled "people are mean to JLaw," it's amazing
I really really, REALLY hate people who have to throw "pretentious" at everything that's smarter than fast and furious and transformers, but holy fucking hell this is the quintessential definition of it.
Blown away how vapid this was. They knew it too, they tried to trick audiences into paying for a ticket
I actually enjoyed this movie
it's a good surreal horror movie if you ignore all the symbolism.
What was the symbolism?
what's funny is that the movie can actually be pretty fun if you turn off your brain, just like with Transformers or Fast and Furious
He peaked with The Fountain. Also Jlaw to Aronofsky what Miley Cyrus was to The Flaming Lips.
"mother!" is good if you consider it the final boss of the fappening.
>film student symbolism
It wasn't suppose to be some hidden meaning.
I bet you feel really stupid now
>muh plot
I think the funniest thing is that it's supposed to be this deep thing and yet it's shallow as fuck. There is only one interpretation. I was laughing at "theory" videos and blogs, acting like there's multiple meanings. Nope. The director has even said as much in interviews.
What is there to enjoy in this movie besides Lawrences forehead?
It's not suppose to be deep.
I liked it
Only people who hate JLaw disliked it
It's not supposed to be good, either.
Film student criticism.
Make some actual point that people can respond to. Greentexting this is the forum-equivalent of stuttering.
>Jesus did anything go right?
the danzig soundtrack was spot on
He wrote the script in like a day, it could have been worse
It Is good though . Maybe stick with MCU pal
>darren aronofsky
found your problem
Wait, is this a joke or they did they literally use "Mother" in a movie called mother?
It wasnt, though.
Also the director himself has proclaimed the movies deep. In multiple interviews
I hope that the film school students have more talent then DA.
He literally tells you what the movie is about (in case you were too stupid to get it)
He clearly made it with a message in mind. I guess you could call it propaganda but to say it even tried to be deep is embarassing
You're admitting that you're dumb by saying that
Tells you What it's about while trying to say it's layered. He's a pretentious faggot.
Stop defending a horribly made movie and trying to act smart dude, it isn't working. And you clearly watched 0 interviews. Try again.
It's a self-important piece of trash, but Lawrence is quite good in it.
I don't think her facial expression changes a single time. Is that good acting ?
can one give us a quick run down, sore the webm of her getting gang bashed and it got my interest
Me too. I really don't get why people love to hate this movie.