What was the joke?

What was the joke?

mmm.... Thai Food...

Implying it used to be a pet factory but it changed it's name to a Thai factory. Thai eat pets.

Asians feed on animals we see as pets.

>the current business would let you know what it used to be

gooks eat dogs and cats

It's implying that Thai food is pet food. Fucking racist, much?

that's an awful fucking joke.

Petco Food Factory??? I don't get it

>"""Thai food factory"""
"bob where you work at? oh yeah the thai food factory right here"

Burmese Feed Factory

As a proud Asian man I'm very offended by this.

gooks are subhuman

Formerly Myanmar


Go comfort yourself with a cup of warm soymilk

Sneed's Asian cousin

underrated geography kek

Petco Pood Pactory.

They're conscious that some people use buildings as landmarks when they're meeting up with friends.

>"I'll meet see you outside Chuck's"
>I'm there now. It's actually Sneed's Fuck and Seed now."

your whole fucking life bro

which episode is this?

Petco's fuck and suck

This could never air today