What are the best simpsons seasons/ episodes?

I've been getting really into the simpsons lately. (Obviously only the early seasons). So what are the best simpsons episodes and or seasons? Lets just talk about our favorites.

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IIRC "Last Exit to Springfield"(aka DENTAL PLAN) is typically considered to be the best episode in the series.

What about marge vs the monorail?

How many of these threads do we have every day? This specific thread.

Listen, I'm gonna be a contrarian and suggest you watch it all the way up to s17 at least

Why would you do that?

I just bought the season 5 box set. Looking forward to watching it.

because there are still good episodes and jokes there that he shouldn't miss

Yeah, but at least twice as many jokes and episodes that you'd rather forget.

that doesn't negate the existence of the good ones and I feel like they're good enough to be watched

My favorite episode is pic related.

Honestly this. post-s10 is hit-or-miss but it still has some great episodes.
Avoid anything post-s20 tho

I'll agree that maybe, some of them, but I would not recommend them to anyone without a viewing guide. It isn't worth it looking for needles in that haystack. When you recommend earlier seasons there's a guarantee the good will outnumber the bad, and that guarantee disappears after, say, 11. He'll feel like he wasted way more time than he enjoyed.

that's for him to decide, your tastes don't count for everyone
still, post-10 pre-20 has some really great episodes and not watching them would be a terrible loss

>that's for him to decide, your tastes don't count for everyone
You're right.

And since the whole point of the thread is to post favorites, you got me remembering a later season episode I like where Lisa becomes student council president in a parody of a musical. Highly recommended.

what the HECK I was about to post that! I swear! It's s15 episode 3 anyway, it's called The President Wore Pearls, and yeah I highly recommend it as well

Let's make a list of good post s10 episodes.
I remember that the one where Bart creates a comic about Homer was really fun.

Just start at the start and keep going until you get angry.

The best episode is A Milhouse Divided btw.

I'd like to bring up the episode where Lisa befriends Fat Tony's son. The amount of moments I laughed was on par with the classic episodes.

I usually suggest watching up until like s18 because I know those great episodes exist, but at the same time taste is greatly subjective so while you night make a list of your post-s10 favorites other people might not like it, and maybe they would have liked an episode not on the list, this is why it's better to just try it all out and see for yourself
the episode you're talking about is s13ep18 anyway, another great one as well

I remember liking an episode I just found out is called The Computer Wore Menace Shoes, in which Homer makes an website, but reading a synopsis I can't remember half that shit happening and it honestly sounds terrible. If anyone else can confirm it is good, add it to the list

I really like Blood Feud, the last episode of season 2. The jokes were pretty great and every person's actions were both true to their characters and made logical sense. This is also one of the only episodes that inspects Mr. Burns and Smithers with a level of maturity. Granted, Mr. Burns is at his best when in a whackier plot, but taking him seriously was a welcome one-episode-only idea to me.

That's the one where Homer starts writing conspiracies as Mister X.
That episode is really good too.

My favorite episode ever is Bart on the Road. I like the bonding between Homer and Lisa especially, and how they did a story for every family member without it feeling convoluted. It's pre-season 10, though.

alright so, I'm making a small list, but take this with a grain of salt as I'm skipping some episodes that I do think are pretty solid because of certain iconic jokes, but not enough to be truly remarkable (they're still enjoyable though so don't use this list to skip):
-s12ep18 (this one definitely)

ok this got longer than expected, I might have to make the list in a different way, but it's a start I guess
I'll make one that goes all the way up to s18 eventually, if people are truly interested

I know that a problem with modern simpsons are celebrities cameos but i love the one with Nsync

I like this, and I joined the thread to prevent someone from recommending later seasons. Turns out it's way more fun to try and remember the hidden gems on them. I'll try to contribute further.

I love how studio magic is a knob that they just turn all the way up.

it would work great as a chart with brief descriptions of each episode.
also i would add s11ep11 aka the one where bart believes he has healing powers.

I'm working on a pastebin right now if that's okay, and noted, I'll make sure to add that
in fact in the list I just made I realized I should put some other episodes that I didn't put

Was about to mention blame it on Lisa and realized it's already there

I can't believe I forgot s11ep9 on the list, one of my favorites, how could I


by the way I'm not gonna finish it anytime soon so feel free to suggest other episodes
another I recommend a lot is Moe Baby Blues



posting this here because it would be hysterical if the show actually did this at one point.

that was awful, never post again

>i hear those things awfully loud
"it glides softly as a cloud"

reminder that simpsons belongs to australia








>Obviously only the early seasons
Pic unrelated, I assume.

that episode was good, by the way

From my years of experience watching The Simpsons, I think the best episode is Homer Badman, or the one where Homer is accused of sexual harassment. There are just so many great lines in the episode, so many iconic moments that I would basically just be writing out the script if I were to list them all (though my favourite is probably "His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees - he's literally stewing in his own juices") , and the message of the episode is as true today as it ever was.

I don't know why people are suggesting anybody watch past season 10, I think the golden seasons are between 2-9 and each season after that just gets weaker and weaker, there are still a few good episodes in 10 and beyond, but around season 10 you start getting the dud episodes like "Sunday Cruddy Sunday", "When You Dish Upon a Star" or "Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble". 10 is still an overall enjoyable season but at that point it feels like The Simpsons has lost its classic feeling to it and you'd be better off watching just about anything else. I'd say around 12 it becomes wholly "Zombie Simpsons" with maybe a handful of good episodes studded in the rest of the series.