Is Calexit comic kino?

>Calexit #1
Written by Matteo Pizzolo
Art by Amancay Nahuelpan and Tyler Boss
Lettering by Jim Campbell
Published by Black Mask Studios
‘Rama Rating: 10 out of 10

>“Now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild West / A state that's untouchable like Eliot Ness” - Dr. Dre

>Calexit is a book that hits your brain like a slug to the chest. You finish it and your ears get a little hot. This is a work of fiction, but it feels so real. And that’s part of the strength of what writer Matteo Pizzolo and artist Amancay Nahuelpan have created here. They imagine that the California secession movement, Calexit, was successful, but to somewhat tragic ends. A state already dealing with massive infrastructure failings as part of a large country would hardly be self-sustaining on its own. But rather than tell the story of how the revolution started or how it ends, Pizzolo and Nahuelpan take the road less travelled - they show us how people survive.

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>The reality of these characters’ lives is unsettling, but they are doing what they have to do. For Jamil, that means dealing drugs to local Homeland Security agents, delivering packages and cracking wise. He has a drone with a built-in AI that serves as his companion and enables him to work by keeping track of various customers’ orders ad information. He’s a bit of a scamp with that smuggler’s charm that works so well for Han Solo minus the overcompensating masculinity. Jamil’s easy to like and provides an easy point-of-view character for readers. It’s hard not to root for him despite the contradictions in his personality and actions. He’s a fully formed character, and that’s what is key to this book. That’s how Pizzolo treats all of his characters. We don’t get that much time with Zora McNulty/Donato, but we come to understand her quickly. She’s adopted. She’s the de facto rebel leader. She’ll resort violence seemingly only when pushed to it. But even her patience has a limit, and her anger is real. These are the different ways in which survival manifests itself.

>Pizzolo’s approach to pacing really impresses me as well. Mostly because the story moves but the exposition isn’t overwrought. (In one scene, it’s actually played as a joke.) And for any reader that thinks they need to suspend disbelief to have read these characters talking about the crazy state of current events in their world, I invite you to eavesdrop on basically any conversation going on at happy hour in the wake of the latest storm of tweets. It’s all we talk about. Why wouldn’t these characters?

>And despite the dire circumstances that Jamil, Zora, and the rest live in, this book does have a sense of humor about it. Pizzolo writes a whole sequence outside the Chinese Theater that features some familiar costumed heroes juxtaposed with villains who look eerily (and no doubt purposefully) like Steve Jobs and Steve Bannon. But none of these shambolic imitations of Captain America or Wonder Woman are going to have the save day. Jamil isn't even going to be particularly heroic. He’s going to do the job that gets him some cash and keeps him out of trouble. Survival remains the key theme, even in the face of evil.

>Artist Amancay Nahuelpan does an incredible job bringing this world to life, and that helps make Pizzolo’s work so much more effective. By creating a California that looks recognizable but just slightly off, Nahuelpan is able to sow the seeds of discomfort in readers. It all looks right, but something is wrong. L.A. is overrun with a faceless enemy. It’s unnerving. And the faceless helmets of the soldiers helps underline the characters’ existence as well. Nahuelpan’s expression work is excellent, whether he’s using it for comedic or dramatic effect. We only get to see the characters’ reactions to the soldiers. We don’t get to see how the soldiers feel in any given situation. Their presence in any scene is in human and it draws your eye in every panel. Danger is always present. Colorist Tyler Boss keeps his palette fairly simple, opting for consistency over experimentation. It works well because when he does stray from that the intention is clear, whether is a wash of red in a panel signaling impending doom or bright pinks and oranges to show the changing light of the day.

>Calexit is the most political book on the stands right now. Hell, it might be the most political book of the year. But it doesn’t succeed just because it builds a story our the worst fears some of us might be able to perceive under our current administration. In part, it succeeds because at the end it acknowledges the context of its existence. The creators use the backmatter to speak directly to their intentions and to show readers that resistance isn’t futile. Pizzolo interviews activists and fellow artists about the ways they resist and how their personal politics intersect with what they do. A comic book isn’t going to change the world. I know that. You know that. The creators know that. But art can be part of what spurs people on to do things bigger than themselves. Calexit is a triumph not just because the craft and the storytelling is good, but because by the end of it, it asks “so what are you gonna do?” Moments like this never last. Books like this don’t either.

Step the fuck down, Watchmen. New king is in town.

my god I don't think the comic was the worst but come on this shit is not good.

The only people who genuinely dislike this comic are dumbfuck Trump voters. We are LITERALLY nearing a civil war and we can finally get rid of these low educated fucks. Fuck all the Sup Forums tards on this site who supports Orance Onceler and his racist and sexist cronies.

Not sense America have I read a book so profound especially in today's world of orange idiots and nazis

Seriously if you aren't reading it you really should start

It was her turn!

>Calexit is the most political book on the stands right now. Hell, it might be the most political book of the year.
It's the same shit as Divided States and Secret Empire and

Please give us an excuse to slam the hammer down on California.

>bitch about electoral college and how its not democratic
>become a republic instead of democracy

Does Newsarama ever rate anything less than 7/10?


>He’s a bit of a scamp with that smuggler’s charm that works so well for Han Solo minus the overcompensating masculinity.
>minus masculinity
Beta cucks aren't charming. 0/10.

You could also read an actual book

thats retarded.

it flat out admits, the essay in the back is the only thing of any value..

>dumb enough that he has to sell drugs to get by
>sells to HS agents (who are OF COURSE CORRUPT)
>has a fucking AI DRONE
pick one please?

>without masculinity
Pick one please.

>most political book of the year

I want a civil war because you retards will be the ones who end up lined up and shot like all socialists deserve. You retards don't even realize that most of the military is conservative and most gun owners are conservative. What can you retards do? Burn trashcans and wield bike locks

Why do americans have to be such massive dipshits?

They are for the author of this fascinating piece

>lapsed punk | nonbinary | they/them | writer @newsarama | singer @cutters_ny | co-host of @CWBYHPodcast | museum employee

Oh please you retards will be too busy ducking your sisters to actually fight back whereas we'very been training to put you hicks down since November plus we'll have the army on our side

They did, just not that one.

Can we agree that both of you are equally retarded?

No joke, I have it on my shelf but I haven't read it yet.

They won't even understand.

I don't think you'd like the outcome if a "civil war" were to happen today.

Can you give me the cliffsnotes?

Ya know people trying to rage at a comic is starting to get out of hand.

Honestly there is more talk about how terrible this comic is than how anything else any other comic is.

Hell the comic ain't great but it ain't the worst out. That's prolly America or something even shittier that people aren't even bothering to give a second glance.

I don't even want to argue with you backwards dumbfucks. Go drive a pickup truck Cletus and Billy Bob

We already spent our ragebucks on America. That account has run dry for now. What else can be said? The politics are sophomoric, the dialogue is grating, the art is objectively bad. It's just hard to keep the rageboner going that long. Sometimes you just have to agree to take a break and hate other people for a while.

there's a of books in the world and you'll never read them all, so we can settle for talking about the culturally relevant ones, and books that we care about personally, even if we haven't all read the same stuff. don't fixate on understanding every reference to every single work that's ever been made.

it's not a book about bullshitting, that's how he gets you

>We have guns and are army trained

The average libtard argues with emotion rather than sense. If you use logic against the average libtard, just be prepared to face insults, assumptions and several other fallacies, solely due to them not using common sense and/or logic, but sheer emotion.

The reality happens of calexit is that the secessionist wouldn't get the whole state since northern is Republican, so there goes all of their agriculture. The US military also operates several bases in the state like the San Diego Marine Corps boot camp so the calicucks would either have to buy the land from the feds or figure out a way to overwhelm several heavily armed bases. Next, Hollywood and silicon valley, which drives their economy, would leave the moment the state secedes so there goes your economy. So now all you have are a few heavily populated coastal cities with no military, trade agreements, and no solid borders. You also no longer have access to water from northern Cali and neighboring states and probably now have to contend with Mexico, who might be considering some reconquista. Good job libs

>We been training since november

We been training since 1865...

Honestly, 17776 is better speculative fiction than Calexit.

Could all of your Sup Forumsshits go back to that shithole?

>be liberal from Cali
>nazis won in America, time for secession
>state can't function independently, turns into shit
>annexed by Mexico
>all of the good things on the other side of the border
>try to sneak into US
>raped by coyotes

>>>annexed by Mexico
>>all of the good things on the other side of the border
>>try to sneak into US
>>raped by coyotes

>Get Annexed along with Canada and Mexico

>Conscripted to be on Team Wall #2

Oh oh what is this, the writer of this book is a co founder of a domestic terrorost group from the 60s, it looks like he was kicked out for no being commie enough

It's an amazing miscarriage of justice how many of these genuine terrorists got off virtually scott free, and are even celebrated. I don't hate the left as a whole but this is a pretty damning open secret on their part.

I honestly think if California left Mexico would try to take it back.
And have it be governed by fat Zorro villains.

No. It's "Let's Make Antifa Look Cool: the comic". Basement trolls are never cool. Giving them guns instead of bike locks does make them cool either.

Time after time, college educated leftists prove to be dumb as a Box if crayons about the real world. Sonehow their degrees in Gender Studies and Ferengi Poetry didn't qualify them for the real world.

Is there ANYONE who doesn't want CalExit? Anyone at all? Cali hates everyone else and everyone else hates Cali, so what's the hold up?


As someone who lives in DC, let me tell you that you are both being played.

"Anyone on the other side of this indistinct political line I just drew is totally a subhuman idiot who you should never listen to and you totally outnumber" is just bargain-bin tactics for both sides.

The great lie of american politics is that we have a Right and a Left. We dont. We have a Right and a Further Right. Compared to other western nations, out political divide is fucking trivial, and the differences almost inconsequential. They need you to attack the very idea of the Other Team on sight because otherwise you might realize how little difference there is in the choices, and that means voters who are more likely to waffle back and forth between parties. That happens enough, and candidates have to actually campaign outside of the current swing states, and no one wants that.

Speaking of which, how do people understand each other in Star Trek? Can anyone explain the Universal Translator to me? How is it that a person being "translated" still has their mouth moving in the form of the English words we're hearing? Does the translator also adjust visual perception to compensate for the after-dub effect? What other visual data might it be "adjusting"?

The other side is just as much larping faggots as antifa. Just because they've spray painted an American flag on their garbage lid shield doesn't make them cool

Cali would never pull the trigger.

They are only as big as they are in agriculture because they leech water from other states.

They leave and that is gonna get cut off.

US has bases all over the world, I dont see why California being a separate country would prevent the US from keeping ownership their bases. It'd probably be part of any secession negotiation.

Isn't the whole Calexit thing about California retaining more of their money instead of sending it to shitty welfare states back east?

And they just got kicked in the teeth by something that wasn't supposed to happen.

A political Dark Horse with the backing of the populace.

Republicans were never gonna repeal anything. Its just another in the list of issues they'd swing around to get votes.

But now they are confronted by someone that actually wants to work. And that makes them nauseous.

>actually wants to work
Good joke.

Have they missed Secret Empire? Or how about Divided States of America? Oh, I forgot, that lost its SJW cred by being too real.

Nope, was only brought up because Trump won.

Yeah, but the money thing is what the whole thing is Jerry Brown talked about as their plan. I thought states rights were a good thing?

States rights are a good thing and I'm glad Dems suddenly discovered that. It doesn't mean Cali is self-sufficient enough to leave the union; its success comes from being part of the US ecosystem.

They would have no agriculture actually because northern California, where most of their agriculture is located, is republican and would split from the rest of the state

The Cali funds everyone else is a funny meme considering most of Cali's money comes from loans

But they still put the most into the Federal Government?

Because Lincoln set a precedent when he refused to allo the South to secede. The US would not recognize the California Republic if that happened.

The more money you give the Federal government, the less money you have left for running your own state.

Nigger go back to /r/edditwith the "America has no real Leftist Party" BS. Every country has a variation on what is Conservative or Liberal. Most Leftists in Europe are rich assholes who won because the established welfare state will never be taken down through democratic or republican means.

>States rights are a good thing and I'm glad Dems suddenly discovered that.

They've "discovered" it very selectively.

Conservative and liberal have always been only relative terms.

I'd rather watch a show.

Is this the future? Hyper political comics from now until forever?

>future tense
But this was written after FDR came into office.

Mobileposting should be a bannable offense.
>people actually fall for such obvious bait

You guys all really need to read this essay:

>People tend to think that the Right will be an awesome, horrific force in political violence. The SPLC’s donations depend on that idea. Righties tell themselves that *of course* they’d win a war against Lefties. Tactical Deathbeast vs. Pajama Boy? No contest. Why, Righties have thought about what an effective domestic insurrection would look like. Righties have written books and manifestos!

>It’s horseshit.

>The truth: the Left is a lot more organized & prepared for violence than the Right is, and has the advantage of a mainstream more supportive of it.

On an individual level, the right may be more prepared to win a civil war, but on an institutional level, the left is.

Think about it this way: If someone like this guy mentioned here had been a right-winger, he'd still be rotting in jail. But since he's a left-winger, he's got a cushy tenured job, celebrity status, and the last President was a disciple of his.

That article's old news. Antifa folded like a lawn chair once the righties started hitting back. Chomsky was right, if lefties want to play the "who can perform more brutality" game, they're going to lose.

What parallel universe are you in? My friend got attacked on the street just last week for wearing a MAGA hat. The only reason things seem to have briefly calmed down is because colleges are on summer break. And half of antifa is busy rioting in Hamburg.

Because lots of rich people live in the state and they have to pay higher tax bills. It's certainly not because of most of the hipster lib cucks and even with such large tax sponges, the state still has to borrow money to fund itself because it shits money on stupid shit

Believe me, if California wanted secede, most of the country would let them because we fucking hate them. Californians are like a plague, everywhere they go, rot and destruction follow. Let them self quarantine themselves if they want, they'd be doing the rest of us a favor

That doesn't disprove the fact that ANTIFA likes to pick soft targets.

This. The US has plenty of leftist parties and organizations in the country but most of the country isn't stupid enough to give them power which is why they never became relevant. Bernie cuck rode his wave because of popularity from young idiots who think socialism is cool and means they'll get free shit.

Keep spamming Calexit every hour, it's great and ebin

This is nice swagbored

ITT: faggots trigger each other over shitty political comic, espouse radical policies, and showcase ignorance.

We rule the world.

Nice liberal faggot talking points. Go see where Trump campaigned.

People always seem to forget that Trump worked his ass off in his campaign whereas Clinton treated it like a sure thing and only visited the liberal strongholds. Trump doesn't flip the rust belt without the heavy campaigning he did in that area. For fucks sake, he turned Michigan red and they haven't been red since Reagan

Trump won because he convinced union workers that he would be good for unions, which is my favorite thing ever. Maybe this time the Republican party won't fuck you over guys, I mean it's litterally never happened but it's gotta this time.

Same with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Of course. Who doesn't? Especially bullies. They don't like to pick on people who fight back.

>we'll have the army on our side
The same army that you guys constantly insult and accuser of being fascist murderers? The same army that 40% of its personnel comes from Texas alone?
Yeah in sure they will be your biggest supporters.

But user, Sup Forums always said that if there were an uprising that the military would never follow orders to attack us citizens?

>The same army that 40% of its personnel comes from Texas alone?

Sauce plz

True. The military will hesitate to fire on civilians right-wing or left-wing.
Unless the civilians fire on them first. With antifa, I can easily see that happening.

What's more likely is that the cops, who've been steadily militarized over the last two decades, will be the ones rounding up and/or shooting civilians.

It's called a police state for a reason.

He wouldn't have been able to convince them had the dems not completely burned all the bridges with the unions first.
Bernie saying he wanted to put truck drivers out of work and Hillary saying she wanted to shut down all the coal mines.
The whole election cycle was democrats making every wrong decision

>there's a of books
sure there is a book

Would you stop posting this shit already

Not that user, but this is what I could find.

Dems basically told people they're fucked, Trump basically told people they're fucked and he was going to try and unfuck them, but misidentified the problem (automation is 100 times the problem outsourcing is)

>A political Dark Horse with the backing of the populace.

Who are you referring to? It can't be the guy who didn't actually win the poplar vote, right?

He did among the living :^)

Califag here. North is looking really appealing. State of Jefferson could work.

Califag here

1. Next to no one in California actually wants this
2. If it did happen, it'd be a massive disaster for both the remaining US and California, California LITERALLY is the 6th biggest economy in the world, the results of losing that would be a big disaster for the country, not to mention the loss of the bulk of the tech industry. inb4 flyoverstatefags think their state that produces nothing and take all the financial aid actually matter
3. When Obama was president, there was a vocal minority of Texas that wanted to succeed. Florida tried the same thing in 2015. Montana tried the same thing in 2008. South Carolina and Georgia tried the same thing.

Gee, its almost like there are whiny faggots no matter where you go.

>believing in conspiracy theories that even trump abandoned