Ms. Marvel #20 preview

I'm just gonna leave this here

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Any theories on who the blue guy with the mask is?

I'm pretty sure that citizenship things are up to the Federal Government, not the Mayor's office.

>Nico Leon may come back for Legacy but Miyazawa/Alphona never for now

Why you didn't post the cover first?

How exactly could something like this happen without the media, politicians from all over the country and the ACLU being all over it?

What? Law is not retroactive. His citizenship should not be affected by a new law.

Because the cover given on the CBR page was too small. But here's the cover courtesy of Google.

Oh great more SJW bullshit. When will the cucks learn?

Wow, Aamir's a flake.

>it's a "white woman writer defends her Muslim fetish by going full retard" issue

Haha, it's fucking unreal. Another Ms. Marvel issue where muslims think they're being oppressed on the basis of their religion and they aren't.

Anyone watched four lions? I thought that it portrayed Muslim radicalism quite well. Or was that just more SJW bullshit?

>You wanna know how people get radicalized?
>They get radicalized when they think the only way they can have a starring role in their own lives is by playing the villain.

Well, it also helps if they're born and raised in a toxic ideology.

>Let me describe a precise narrative
>Oh, but there is no narrative
What did Wilson mean by this?

Is that lesbo's beard still around? I remember there was something about how he was profiled to be a potential danger. Everything Aamir's rambling about with the chicks and the partying and the being sidelined and bombing places all seem to resonate around him.

>three fucking pages of soapboxing just to be told it wasn't even relevant
For fuck's sake, Marvel.

maybe if you actually read it you would see that there is nothing toxic or violent in the Quran

if you want a toxic ideology go read a bible

No, it was just good, edgy comedy. It's probably true that lot of those british born radicals are stupid or real life fuckups but I wouldn't call that a good portrayal.

>there is nothing toxic or violent in the Quran

"It is not the case here and have nothing to do with a plot, but try not to forget that muslims are super oppressed"

>this is what SJWs actually believe.

>the MOST PIOUS MUSLIMS are the LEAST LIKELY to be TERRORISTS or be violent!!!

Remember the Taliban or ISIS or Boko Haram? They certainly don't dress or act western. Boko Haram means books (other than the quran) are forbidden. The reason terrorists in western countries look western is because they were told to blend in.

Bravo "One day we will all be brown, brown will rule" Sana Amanat! Bravo!

I doubt it's him. Basic Becky is the one that arrested him in the first place.

>Remember the Taliban or ISIS or Boko Haram? They certainly don't dress or act western

I don't want to defend this crap writing, because jesus fuck, but what the hell kinda point are you trying to make? You're naming terrorist groups fighting in their own lands, of course they're not going to dress western-like.

Meanwhile terrorists that attacked placed in Europe reportedly ate bacon and drank alcohol as a mean to blend in, and the teen in Manchester was literally a teen that used instagram and dressed like any other douchy teen in Manchester.

>You're naming terrorist groups fighting in their own lands, of course they're not going to dress western-like.

>The reason terrorists in western countries look western is because they were told to blend in.
> because they were told to blend in.
> told to blend in.
> blend in

read full sentence
fair point though, bad examples

>Taliban or ISIS
Stop thinking what you see in movies and TV is what real life is like. Terrorists aren't a bunch of old bearded men in turbans, they're young dumbfucks who dress like all the other young dumbfucks or wear military gear. They're essentially activists and soldiers.

They make them wear gowns and shit on TV because it's more different and thus more scary. Like how Deliverance made people think there were all these murderous tribes of deformed hillbillies killing people in the mountains, or how SJWs think there are these secret KKK cults all over the place where everyone is dressed in white robes or Nazi uniforms.

Yeah sorry, I realized we were saying the same thing a second too late.

This is actually retarded

This is an actual problem. People get into law enforcement to jerk off on their own power and twist the law to make examples out of the first guy they don't like.

>be muslim in america
>grabbed by vaguely government guys, told you doesn't belong in their community
>thrown in white cell
Isn't it reasonable to assume this is a DEUS VULT kind of thing?

The imans and shit wear the robes and everything. The average grunt wears whatever is modest by the terrorist standard.

The way it's framed and executed, yes, but I could see it as a point in certain context.

Take the early Incredibles premise where Supers were forbidden to have kids with each other, or at all I can't recall which either way, I could see how in a setting like that with enough superpowered people and data on the logistics they might begin enforcing some form of regulation that isn't entirely concentration camps levels of denying someone rights but is somewhat big brothery in that if you intend to immigrate somewhere where the birth of superpowered citizens is regulated in accordance with their resources and capacity to manage, and you claim you have no superpowered genealogy or the potential to genetically pass on your superpowers even if they're not genetic, and they only accept people at that time under that clause to keep population problems at a low in the foreseeable future, and then down the road you get caught glowing at night and just go "WHOOPS turns out my folks didn't really do any background check on any of that even though we probably should have", and now you're getting married and there's a risk of you pumping out a bunch of superkids the government has no data on. Well, it's not hypothetical!Aamir's fault what happened when he was only 8 and it's not ethical, but it is legal to tell someone in that situation that for the safety of the rest of the population they're going to have to go back until they can do the proper paperwork like everyone else to guarantee there will be no potentially volatile and clearly unregulated shit in the cards.

Of course such a scenario isn't quite the case here, and likely wouldn't be even if Marvel reintroduced registration and mutant policies because to frame government regulation in a positive light, especially in current year, would not go over well with their audience.

>Literally "Make Jersey City Great Again"

Nice touch with the armband on resting bitch face.

you know this issue could sound a hundred times less retarded if it just referenced secret empire happening right now

but it can't I guess cuz spencer wrapped up every character in some retarded side plot so it's impossible for them to do their own thing

so books that want to tie in somehow are left floundering doing shit like this

>You wanna know how people get radicalized?

>there are people that were blind to Wilson's soapvoxing until now

She always slipped a little in but went all out the moment Marvel decided the book was immortal and contained.

Just because we're reacting to this doesn't mean we didn't know about her until now.

>How To Make Comics When Your Hands Are Literally Made Of Ham: A Primer

He's spitting some real truth here. When was the last time the US had a domestic terrorist attack committed by a stereotypical looking raghead?

Aamir is talking about domestic terrorist you fucking idiot.

You know, people like your boy Dylann Roof?

The quran literally tells them to blend in and lie about their beliefs if they believe it will protect them, just like the jewish bible, which makes sense because they originate in the same area. I mean, the terrorist doctrines shown on the internet show that they will disguise themselves in order to carry out these acts, because it'd be stupid to walk up in traditional muslim garb to a crowded target area and blow yourself up, you'd want to hit as many people as possible.

It's just like the christian fundies who suicide bombed abortion clinics, they didn't roll up looking like a fucking priest or dressed in their sunday best, they roled up looking like an average joe.

What exactly is Marvel's endgame with their roster of agenda-pushing political comics at the moment? Do they really think they'll gain lots of new readers with this stuff?

>When was the last time the US had a domestic terrorist attack committed by a stereotypical looking raghead?
Literally less than a year ago.
>2016 Ohio State University attack, 11 people were hospitalized for injuries after a car ramming attack and mass stabbing occurred at Ohio State University. The perpetrator, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was a Muslim Somali refugee and legal permanent resident of the United States.

The Comic almost gets it right; it just fails to mention those "Vultures" are the Imams in the Mosques trying to pressure them into a more devout state of Islam and showing them the parts in the Qu'ran and Hadiths that are utterly fucking evil.

In the Qu'ran it says, clear as day from Mohammad's mouth "Religion is not compulsory"

Yet every Imam in the land will tell them how Islam MUST be followed.

Modern Islam is and always will be a cancer.

Was he dressed like a stereotypical "raghead"? Didn't think so

But they're not actively disguising themselves. They were dressed like normal Westerners long before they were radicalized, that's the point.

Everything I needed to learn about Islam I unironically learned on 9/11

Fine, here you go. This one was pretty recent too if you remember.

Where's his beard, robe, and turban?

Use San Bernardino as an example instead if you want to be autistic about it.

So if they're not blending in then they have no intention of committing an attack. That's what Aamir was saying. You should be looking for the wolf in sheep's clothing, not the wolf who is minding his own business.

>if they're not blending in then they have no intention of committing an attack

came to post this.

make the city great. Lady is wearing an SS uniform.

bravo Marvel.

Nice cherry picking of images.

The man has no bushy beard, robe, or turban. The woman is wearing a hijab which doesn't even apply to Aamir.

>Posts a pic of them months before the attack

>months before the attack
Right, because we should wait until after the attack before trying to prevent it.

How do you predict an attack? Are you advocating putting Muslims in concentration camps, Carol?

Can pol and pol crossboarders just stop? Of course Ms Marvel is a fucking SJW book it always fucking has been. Go home

Here's a little bit of the life of that wacky prophet Muhammad that YOU can read about in the magic book called the Quran. Call now for your free copy.

Don't let them in in the first place. Society has nothing to gain from more muslims.

That line about how people get radicalized is 100% true, to be honest.

It's almost never healthy, middle class, educated people with prospects that turn out this way, whether they're joining IS or the IRA or whatever. The overwhelming majority of people in the west who fall prey to this shit are people who feel they have no stake in the good life, who are directionless and angry.

This is why you get so many white converts to Islam being super radicals who get funny looks from second generation immigrants for being way too halal. Because the real reason they signed up is to disengage from western society, because they feel like it's jettisoned them already and they have no part in it.

Yeah good luck on getting people to back your idea. Even Trump's ban on Muslims isn't indefinite. Hell, he and the rest of the Republican leaders are too scared to outright say it's a Muslim ban.

Eh, I honestly didn't really mind this. Brought up some interesting perspectives that I appreciate having read now. I like how it's even brought up that many of the individuals who perpetrate terroristic acts have a history asshole, criminal behavior even before.

Terrorist organisations aren't run by idiots, they teach terrorists to blend in and hide, even telling them that eating during Ramadan and drinking alcohol is okay because their sins are justified by their holy quest. This is what happened with the turkish failed coup against Erdogan as well, there were many military- and tech officers who disguised themselves this way.

Or maybe there should be a travel ban and immigration reforms of some sort, like exactly what the federal government has been working on for the past eight months or so. Also Comey testified to the senate judiciary committee that there was evidence they had been talking about jihad and martyring themselves as early as two years before the attacks. If they'd been adequately scrutinized earlier there were ways they could've been found out and the attacks could've been prevented. It would be harder to find an example of an attack that couldn't have been prevented in retrospect. They usually talk about these things before they do it and they also usually turn out to have known red flag contacts. Every time an attack like this happens the FBI has to deal with explaining why they fucked up.

>The overwhelming majority of people in the west who fall prey to this shit are people who feel they have no stake in the good life, who are directionless and angry.

You nailed it exactly. Sup Forums loves to meme pic related without realizing they are exactly like the Islamic terrorists they claim to hate. The point of the image was that Red Skull was selling a bullshit ideal to a bunch of disenfranchised young white supremacists. Literally they commit a suicide bombing in his name on the next page.

>many of the individuals who perpetrate terroristic acts have a history asshole, criminal behavior even before.
Yeah, that's exactly why muslims with a criminal record of some kind are the ones the government tries to keep an eye on.

>Disenfranchised young whites are exactly like the Islamic terrorists because this fictional suicide bombing literally non-literally happened

They commit suicide bombing because otherwise some people may think "he doesn't sound that unreasonable tbqh". Islam would sound more reasonable too if it would preach just separating yourself from infidels instead of bombing the shit out of them.

Ok then you just agreed with the character's point. Look for the guy who's blending in, not the raghead who is taking out the trash dressed in some holy garment.

>White supremacists have never committed terrorist acts


How does Red Skull sound reasonable to you when you'll turn around and ask how is the Quaran reasonable to Muslims?

>Literally proving his point

Sup Forumsacks are a special breed of stupid.

You see, this page would be golden if he didn't imply things like domestic abuse and drugs weren't actually a part of Islamic doctrine.

There are rules in the Qu'ran on how to properly beat your wife, children and slaves, and he also conveniently forgets the opium trade and the Hashashin.

There's this growing disconnect between what Islam is and what people want Islam to be perceived as, similar to how even Israel has begun condemning Westernized Jews for being liberal, weak and destructive to societies.

>How does Red Skull sound reasonable
Probably because it's possible to take reasonable ideas held by people you don't like and put them in speech balloons coming out of Red Skull's mouth and somehow doing that doesn't make those ideas stop being reasonable in reality.

And I have absolutely no problem with that. Same if it's a white dude with a history of violence and drunk driving or an African American who has been jailed multiple times for armed robbery. I don't know many people that are upset with the idea of a sex offenders list (outside of outliers like a 17 year old boyfriend sleeping with his 16 year old girlfriend).

If you have a history of being a dick, I would like the police to keep tabs on you.

I may be left-leaning in many areas, but I that doesn't mean I can't find common ground with other opinions :)

This is good. fuck the Sup Forumstard, this fits very well in her book

And you know what? An Islamic version of yourself is saying the exact same thing about things he feels are anti-ISIS propaganda right now. What makes you different from him?

>anti-ISIS propaganda
Do they actually need propaganda against them? They literally put out their own videos torturing, immolating, drowning, and beheading random innocent victims. What possible "propaganda" would you even come up with to try to make them look WORSE than that?

Amir is a piece of shit who used his religion as an excuse to be a NEET for years. Nothing of what he says should be taken seriously.
However Wilson wasted 3 pages on his rant because she wanted to make a point about real life events and that's something I can't forgive

"Everything" is not an answer. You advocating for the same ideals under a different banner.

>They literally put out their own videos torturing, immolating, drowning, and beheading random innocent victims.

So things white supremacists have done and still do?

>They literally put out their own videos torturing, immolating, drowning, and beheading random innocent victims.

Emmett Till.

She wants to keep Kamala at the foot of her bed in one of those Leia slave costumes.

Now lets update those covers and get this ball rolling wth proper homages.


How many lynchings have happened in the past decade?
>Maybe 2 or 3
How many islamic terrorist attacks have happened in the past decade?
>Over 300

Remember when Ms.Marvel used to be a Where's Waldo of zany crap on almost every page backed up by villains that were birds with the minds of dead geniuses.

What the fuck happened?

And keep in mind these are just raw totals, this doesn't even get into the fact the percentages of their respective populations make the disparity much, much wider. These two sorts of crimes aren't anywhere close to comparable for that reason, you might as well say ISIS is justified because Christians did the Crusades.

Oh shit, do we have an antagonist returning? That's a first, isn't it? Good.

Every time I see the worthless hacks at Marvel shit out another one of these comics, I'm immediately reminded of the episode of MST3k where they sat through Rocket Attack USA, a godawful Cold War propaganda film barely disguised as a thriller.

As the film staggers to its death-and-destruction filled final scenes it abandons what's left of its flimsy pretenses and a narrator says directly to the viewer "WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN." An utterly depressed Tom Servo then mutters, "This is a REALLY FUN film, guys."

>your book about made up magic bullshit is dangerous and toxic
>my book about made up magic bullshit is perfect and unquestionable

Fun, what is fun?

>here he is. here is that faggot again

>cute girls
way to throw your wife under the bus.
>wants to talk about racism and prejudice
>too scared to say white girl

News flash retard, Dylan Roof was a muslim practicing extreme taqqiya.

the san bernadino couple were total ragheads. are you a moron?

I just love this. Like, if you can contain your burning hatred for a minute and appreciate on how many levels this scene works.
Aamir thinks he's detained for his religion. And he's so fucking ready. He has his big speech that details his perspective and demonstrates how he is just not the guy they are looking for. Just to get shot down by the chubby agent with the simple fact that he's not even there about that and would he kindly shut up. That's hilarious in and of itself.
Then the speech also tells you everything about Discord his name didn't tell you already. The cut to his face just spells it out. He's a henchman. A misfit who does this gig because he can't get a good job, can't get to where everyone tells him he needs to be. This speech is about where he comes from.
Becky is that vulture who dragged him out of some gutter to work for her.

Also interesting to see how Aamir just ignores himself manifesting powers because it's ideologically inconvenient.

And with that back to the regularly scheduled 2-minute hate.

Mudslime bombing is pretty damn anemic compared to us bombing mudslimes.

I have the answer to that. When a white person flies a plane into a government building it doesn't count as terrorism to them.

Nice cherry picking

CW2 happened, most likely Kamala got a bigger editorial overwatch because of other books she was in (Avengers, Champions)
there are still elements of those, just not when there's BIG AND IMPORTANT STORY ARC inbound, ffs her last villain was a sentient computer virus gone full retard

Read the thread fucktard.

But the fact is that you believe in what the red skull is saying.
You brought the propaganda hook,line and sinker and then advocate for violence.