Rec me some kino to watch while on acid. Not a high dose, just half a hit.
Anti-drug shitposters please refrain, just rec some stuff.
I remember watching 2001: A Space Odyssey once on acid and that shit was bananas. So go ahead, blow my mind.
Rec me some kino to watch while on acid. Not a high dose, just half a hit.
Anti-drug shitposters please refrain, just rec some stuff.
I remember watching 2001: A Space Odyssey once on acid and that shit was bananas. So go ahead, blow my mind.
>white chicks
A friend keeps trying to convince me to do acid. Is it worth it?
I get where you’re coming from but I’d prefer something a bit more “mental”. Something that’ll really rustle my synapses and also something with nice visuals that I can enjoy.
Clockwork Orange+acid+a few beers=surprisingly hilarious (and harrowing) viewing experience.
I saw Watchmen for the first time on acid and it was pretty good.
Enter The Void
Mulholland Drive
Ex Machina
read the first letter of each movie (not memeing about the movies though user)
watch some old looney tunes especially shit with duffy or bugs or both
I’ve only ever done low doses. But yeah, you should do it. Always in good company, with people you feel comfortable with and who won’t make you fall into a hole of self-doubt and negativity, but who will rather share the wonder and curiosity of an acid trip with you. Do it out in the field, nature and wide spaces are always good to keep a happy mindset, and after that if you feel comfortable you can try it on a closed space or alone like I’m doing now. Always be safe and have fun. That’s my advice for you, bruv. It’s definitely a mind-opening experience and can widen your perception to a lot of different things. And also it’s fun as shit.