

Other urls found in this thread:


>i cant wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and emotionally manipulate all these rocks


>i cant wait to cry with almost no provocation

Let me guess, the thread is gonna flood with Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposters calling a fictional character fat and ugly. Man, they must be really insecure about themselves since you're basically just him, so make threads like these to make you feel better about yourself. Pathetic.

Do you enjoy living behind a computer, eating cheetos in your mom's basement, never going outside, or even trying to find love in your life? You rather just make a thread like this instead of doing something productive? That's sad. You could have prevented yourself from being this way.

That was pretty horrible.

>not understanding how weight/gravity works
>just throw speedlines because "anime reference"
I want to make cartoons so bad, but the way things are going i feel like trying to master it would be obsolete.

I'm so sorry nobody finds your husbando attractive. It must be eating you up inside to have that strong a reaction. Have a sympathy (You).


Every decade needs a standout different from everything else that defines the next one. Maybe it will be you.

You're right
Mark my words user, i will bring back action cartoons. Blood, no pulled punches and villains alike.

At this point SU hatedom has become more cancerous that the fandom itself

Is there a name for this fallacy yet? It's so old already.

>baawww stop making fun of muh show


This gif would be much better if it just continued with Steven flying and not hitting garnet, that would make a very nice reaction gif

I'll translate
Someone please make this?

I told him



Yet here you are. Right alongside us.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone walk like that before.

It is often referred to as sad reality

Just give up. You're shit anyways.

I'm neither of those things, but I would prefer be a vigin beta basement dweller living in my mom house eating carbs all day than watch that horrible show t b h pham

I'll go ahead and wait on your explanation why, I'm curious.

>tfw I walk like Steven but with my hands balled up in a fist
being black only makes it worse

Yep. It's called "the truth," and it's the saddest fallacy of them all.

He won't, not without buzzwords at least

This shit got old back when ponies were still all the rage, yet you "people" tried this with just about everything you got called out on. It's pathetic. All it does right now is prove you're in the wrong.


i warned you about hiring tumblr to write your show
>it keeps happening

Holy projection batman!


I know you wouldn't explain shit, just whining, as always

Nah, I doubt he'll get anywhere.

It really is. I've seen more posts about the general about SU from the hatedom than the fandom.

Cut the kid some slack, he's a 14 year old midget who is constantly attacked by aliens and everyone shits on him for things his mom did. Being Steven is suffering.

"horseshoe theory" kinda works but its really just another flaccid attempt at deflecting and disarming mockery by implying that those who mock you are losers for finding anything funny or interesting. its sort of a "NO U" situation. SU fans are at the point where they realize that everyone hates them and their shitty cartoon, but they cant understand why, so they think its just an obsession with them specifically since theyre so cool and interesting.

its one of those nerd fallacies. "if you spend any amount of time doing anything at all you are obsessive and weird". they expect everyone to shitpost, watch cartoons, and play video games all day because they think thats a 'normal' (read: inoffensive) thing to do.

No seriously trigger came to visit them, did they not learning anything from them? Or are these guys just THAT uncreative when it comes to choreographing a fight scene.

Do it for PerĂº

Obsessing over a cartoon you don't like is a lot more autistic than obsessing over a cartoon you do like.

I know it's slowpoke but this is just begging for a shooting stars edit

the point is that nobody is obsessing you dope. you are just so thoughtless that you believe any amount of thought at all is on par with 'obsession'. you cant handle mockery so you use the classic witless nerd self-defense mechanism of "theyre just obsessed with me and my awesome cartoons".

people dont make fun of you because they cant stop thinking about you, they do it because its fucking FUNNY.

t. Barneyfag in the making

Are you actually retarded, user? If making constant threads with 300+ replies which are basically the same argument repeated over and over again for years isn't obsession than what is?

To be fair, he's usually trying to manipulate them for their own benefit and growth.

And he's got a pretty good success rate in that regard.

Look user, it's my first post in this thread (the IP counter before I post is 27), I've never even seen SU, but even I can see that the hatedom is getting annoying. I constantly see hate threads pop up in the catalogue and they stay in there for a long time and get giant amounts of replys. Plus whenever someone mentions SU in any thread, there are always people that will give them (You)s and tell them how SU is terrible, even if the thread has nothing to do with it. From the outside, it honestly feels like there's a bunch of SU Barneyfags always ready to circlejerk and argue with someone who doesn't agree with them.

>those autistic rants I go on about SU are just a joke

yeah okay

wow its almost like i dont read these threads youre talking about. maybe you should stop being so obsessed with cartoons if you cant keep yourself from reading internet posts about them and getting mad?

is this really a problem here? i dont read SU threads so i only have a passing knowledge on the 'SU mock culture' on Sup Forums. its just not a good show is all.

This desu

>is this really a problem here?
About as much as any other dissenting opinion in this board is. The only difference is the other subjects' audience is mostly male and won't throw a fit over mockery.

Aren't Ben 10 and other kids younger than Steven totally ok with fighting a new threat each weekend?

Buzzwords? But its SU fans who spout "homophobic, xenophobic, heteronormative etc etc."

Anyway. The hate for steven universe is justified, and the hate is based on critical analysis of the show and its lack of story, consistency, and sense. If the hate was baseless and the only reason peple disliked it was because "theyre gay" then, sure the hate could be seen as cancerous.

The fans and defense of the show is far worse because it ignores all the shows inconsistencies and honestly the only defense they have is " i like it".

Critics open a debate on the shows values, and quality. Fans just cover their ears and say " you dont get it"

Most of Steven Universe's fanbase is male too.


Connie only recently joined the crystal gems and even shes more composed than steven when faced with threats. Steven is such a lame character

>constant 300 post threads with the same arguments everytime
>people even ranting about how much they hate SU in threads not even related to it

Meanwhile, the rockfuckers stay in their general threads. Hmm I wonder who is more obnoxious?

t. An Autist that literally cannot comprehend humor.

>not chilldawg.jpg

>literally r/Sup Forums

>Buzzwords? But its SU fans who spout "homophobic, xenophobic, heteronormative etc etc."
Maybe on tumblr, but definitely not on Sup Forums
>The hate for steven universe is justified, and the hate is based on critical analysis of the show
I wasn't talking about the hate itself, I was referring to the amount of it, which is autistic at this point.
>Critics open a debate on the shows values, and quality.
Screaming "SU is the worst show ever, cancel it!!" in threads that don't even have anything to do with SU is not criticism, user

Missing the point, it's not just the fighting that weighs on Steven's heart. Though I haven't seen Ben 10 so I can't do an accurate comparison
Connie also hasn't had to watch any of her friends die, get attacked by a Ruby in the vacuum of space because she hated her mother and get forced to (before we found she made it back in season 5) condemn said Ruby to an eternity floating in oblivion, or fight her mother's weapons engineer that her mother had locked up and lied about because of a difference in ideology.

Connie is also still in the honeymoon phase of her magical girl adventure. She hasn't actually DONE anything besides fuse with Steven to fight Jasper or kill a few gem mutations.

And you would do it again

Has anyone from the hatedom bullied anyone into killing themselves yet?

It's not a fallacy. At least here on Sup Forums, the hatedom for the show is just as retarded and obnoxious as the fandom in, say, Tumblr.

Well really it's all bad, and all of the cancer stemmed from this show is it's own fault
Show sucks fandom/hatedom sucks worse, case closed

>If the hate was baseless and the only reason peple disliked it was because "theyre gay" then, sure the hate could be seen as cancerous.
That's literally the only reason it gets hate in here. You're not gonna find a lot of criticism outside of "Sugar is turning the children gay!"

Get a toad from this guy

>trigger came to visit them
Oh, so that's where the QUALITY came from

There's also "inconsistent art," "too much crying," and "too much focus on town life."



Nice of you to still use her as shitposting fodder after she said her problems went beyond tumblr users bullying her (which didn't even start with SU art)


it's pretty refreshing to see a cartoon that takes a fantasy world and actually gives the characters realistic reactions/developments in relation to the events going on. Steven went from being a retarded, annoying kid to a teen trying to keep a positive outlook while constantly dealing with all the bullshit the world is throwing at him.

This is blatantly false, Steven Universe has pretty terrible animation, tries to blatantly lift scenes from anime, and has severe pacing issues with the story, a lack of gravity for its villains....it has a lot of problems, but personally I still like it anyways.

The problem is that while some of the hate is justified, it's getting to a degree like that of the hate towards MLP where the mere mention warrants 500 hate posts. It's happening to SU and Rick and Morty right now, it's starting to happen to Star vs and even Samurai Jack because of season 5...eventually we'll just run out of cartoons to discuss because everything is cancer and Sup Forums will be the safe space that no one wanted.


oh, so were turning into Sup Forums

Please, nigger.

Steven is a confirmed homosexual.


he probably smells

Fuck off, that sounds like shit. The way you were talking I thought you were looking into bringing back Richard Williams-seque realism or otherwise tell deep emotional stories. You'd fit right in with modern animation.


I wouldn't sit next to him on a bus.

No, I want to make tournament arc the cartoon.


Do anti-heroes and selfish, LE """villains"""
Like Dr. Doom

Yours is season 1, mine is seasons 3 and 4.

Why is stevens dad such a fucking loser?

>deadbeat beach bum who lives in a van
>hardly ever sees his son despite living in the same small town

Yes, but mine's bigger.

I agree that the show is a fucking mess (I, too, still like it though), but just like you said, even uttering the name of the show or using a reaction image makes the people here get fucking triggered.

The only times I've seen legitimate criticism for the show in this board is when someone who actually watches the show mentions it. Most of the people hating the show here have never watched and are under the impression it's some sort of left-wing propaganda show.

People here only really hate these shows because of what they think it is, based off of experiences with the cancerous fandoms.

Yet he has a better harem of rocks and human girls than you'll ever have.


>Maybe on tumblr, but definitely not on Sup Forums

>bringing back Richard Williams-seque realism
As impressive as it was it's not gonna happen in today's society. A one off feature film to show off the technical aspect of it given today's computer animation(digital not cgi) maybe but we're talking about vanilla straight to TV cartoons.

He never gets a boner over them. He's a fag.