Will he ever be able to work again...

Will he ever be able to work again? I really don't see how he could get up on stage and say the things he does after what he's done.

The only thing he did wrong was give that cunt without tits a shot. He’ll be back and better than ever like Chapelle

Let the Sup Forums poster who never jacked off to JOI cast the first stone...

Who knows. Most normies wouldn't give a shit if he came back now, but the vocal internet obsessed freaks will keep bringing it up. But he should because that's what a punishment is. You suffer for a bit and then you get forgiven (Depending on how bad you did)

Weinstein will never be back, but I think Louis might be okay 3-4 years from now unless this #metoo shit gets even more out of control.

He likes ugly comedy chicks and doesn't mind getting naked and sexual in front of them?

Better than the cucks and bull stories we tell about him.

i mean he's already back doing sets at the Comedy Cellar. I don't know if he'll ever have a big show like before though.

>epic comeback special
>enters a completely dark auditorium
>lights go up
>pretends to be caught masturbating
>oh... hello there

That would be pretty damn funny.

Is he? I didn’t read about that. If he went on tour I’d pay some decent money to watch him live. He was always someone I wanted to see perform live. I’ve seen Dave , Chris Rock, Jerry and Hannibal. Louis is definitely on my bucket list

he really should. it's what everyone's going to be thinking anyway

He is? I'd try to stop by and see him if I was ever in New York.

Considering the sordid history of many stand up comedians, jerking off is more pathetic than it is offensive.

He’s a real talent who’s talent makes other people a lot of money . He will be back because everyone needs money

This would literally work

He should be able to in some time. I don’t think what he did was unforgivable. He shouldn’t have his career ruined over it.

>better than ever
>like Dave Chappelle

Chapelles washed up

I feel like most of his core audience are 'uncool' white men, so I think he'll be just fine. He'll never be as famous/successful as he was when he had the sjw crown on-board, but he knew that wasn't going to last.

I jacked off to Luv

Louis CK will be the stalking horse, the litmus test, the trial balloon for the rest of the recently accused.
He will release a comedy hour on his website, his own platform, as he has done before. No one can stop him.
If he sees his shadow then we get 6 more weeks of winter; otherwise, we get an early spring. So to speak.
Then a company owned by a company owned by Weinstein will quietly buy a flick or two at Sundance. It will win an award or two. Shortly thereafter Harv will reveal that it was his joint and "I've still got it!". After all, Weinstein's expertise is buying an unknown film, polishing it up, and making a profit. No one knew or cared who he was for a long, long time.
Louis and Harvey will be back. Louis will be redeemed; Harvey will quietly work behind the scenes.
There's a reason why Harvey isn't behind bars: he knows where the bodies are buried. People still owe him favors. And after Louis is redeemed Harvey will start inching his way back into the movie business.

He should open an account and post dickflash videos on sites like xhamster and pornhub if he hasn't already

Women are more offended by the pathetic displays than the truly evil ones.

Hugely important for everyone to realize that this is what's actually going on here. Women unconsciously change societal rules over long, gradual periods in order to create even more strenuous conditions for potential mates to have to overcome (the same way the levels in a video game become more difficult), so that the quality of the pool of potential mates is honed more and more and more. Identity politics are an evolutionary sexual side effect, not an intellectual thing. Wimps who align themselves with feminists/progressives? Out of the gene pool, along with gays, transsexuals, pedophiles & zoophiles (groups which are next to be normalized), asexuals, celibates (MGTOWs), etc. Only the strong survive/Survival of the fittest/Adapt or die, whatever. The point is, if you suck, getting laid is only going to get harder and harder for you. Become a chad or become a rapist, or disappear forever.




He'll never be able to perform stand-up in the same way due to heckling. But more than that, when something publicly embarrassing happens to a comedian it fucks their comic persona up so much that they're unable to perform the same material in the same way anymore. Everyone will just be thinking, 'he masturbates in front of people'. Instead of his material being the comedy, the thought of him compulsively masturbating becomes the joke, which distracts from his performance.

>sopmeone said I was insensitive
>but I'm black, so they don't know the pain of growing up in a middle class suburb and going on to become a rich and famous comedian and acotr

Tell me more user, I love listening to mentally ill people ramble about things from a safe distance.

If only he never presented himself as a normal person who only liked to masturbate in private.

Major portions of his act were entirely about how he enjoys being sexual in unconventional places and he made tons of jokes about how he enjoys masturbating. He even mimicked masturbation on stage numerous times. If anybody is guilty of anything, it's in presuming that his act was just that: an act. He may play certain aspects of it up, but the kernel of reality was always there.

I like this.

I've never jacked off to JOI, it just seems weird and forced.

that's what I was thinking

not to mention he has a bunch of controversial material about pedophila that people are now looking at with more disgust considering he's a card carrying pervert now

ha ha

That theory has so many holes in it you could drive a bus through it.

The Cuck King had left as suddenly as he came

He was a gust of wind.

He was never funny so...who cares.

truth. weird how the entire media all of a sudden decided he was the funniest person on the planet.

cuck king was a plant

too easy. his comeback masturbation joke would never be that cheap

he was one of the few funny ones actually