Why are modern Western "men" unable to keep up with women? Lol I thought you guys were superior or something
Why are modern Western "men" unable to keep up with women? Lol I thought you guys were superior or something
Wrong board friendo
>but only half of them will graduate
and this is Sup Forums related how?
notice how they specified attending med school and not graduating
Modern education is catered to girls. Boys aren't getting the same threatment and as a result of it, lag behind.
Woohoo! We did it! And all we had to do was sacrifice the integrity of the medical field by giving precedence to racial and gender groups rather than actual performance!
Men are just ahead of the curve, they have become lazy nihilists while women still think careerism is the promised land
I joined the military instead.
The nation is in need of self promoting trade jobs and women don't know how to do that
Women can't be doctors, most of them quit in under 10 years because it's too stressful.
>Dies in poverty
this is why
The age of white men is over
because video games
This. We need to stop the manchild epidemic
The bigger picture is self evident.
The Petro dollar will collapse this century. We better be able to do more than export cinema and Anglo memes.
How on earth is this a bad thing? No straight man should want a male doctor seeing and checking his ding dong.
Men are too busy Sneedposting
Because women are the superior gender.
>trusting someone who has no male genitals themselves to understand what's going on with your dick and balls
whoops this is for
No straight man comfortably walks into a locker room and no straight man wants a male doctor to see and touch his tootoo.
In a way, men have it easier. Even the betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practise and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we dont become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, it's a gradual process of things getting better
It's the opposite for women. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard. That is what it must be like to be a 30 year old woman. She starts life as a young girl girl, hits puberty, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held and drinks bought for her
But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. She clings to it, desperately. Resents the younger women around her and the men whose glances, little by little stop falling upon her. Maybe she even doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party of being a 20-something girl in a big city.
But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. And one by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. The tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza. But like her rapidly fading youth, it's slowly sliding away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, it's still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, is it worth saving?
>t. incel refugee
t. roastie
Haven't you seen how it works by now? Schools will just lower the standards until they all graduate, just so they can say
>sooo many women are becoming doctors now
>men BTFO
shut up virgin, you're pathetic and lonely and we all laugh at you for it
you aren't white
men are smart enough to not be in debt for 60 years of their life
>he's so insecure about his junk that he thinks other straight dudes are going to waste their time staring and judging you