Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

>Hey Brian, thanks for the character we changed just enough to not have to pay you royalties."

>Bendis not getting a special thanks at the end of GotG2

Get rekt, even they know your run is shit

McDuffie got credited
Huh. That's awesome but what for? I get Bendis since he made Aaron Davis and Ned was just Ganke, but I can't think of any characters or major stories that Homecoming used.

>Filmed in Australia

He was credited for Damage Control, which he created

>with Special Thanks to

Bendis doesn't get royalties from Miles, Marvel owns the character.

>Ditko doesn't get referenced.

Worse. Adaptation. Ever.

>Literally credited as Co-Creator

His credit was at the start of the film.

Whats this for?

>captain america created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
everybody knows Stan Lee created captain america

Wait, I thought McDuffee created Damage control.

Quite a lot of movies are filmed in Australia.

there's no laws in australia, you can do whatever you want

Except with regards to guns because we had one little shootout and our goverment got scared

They said you're moving with your auntie and uncle to Bel Air

I didn't do that line because I could not think of a good way to do it.

Nig I don't think you know how royalties work.

Almost sure he made money from The Winter Soldier.

I imagine he's getting the special thanks credit since they based a lot of it on USM?

Who is Sara Pichelli?

Artist for Miles. Not sure if she did the Ultimate Peter returning from the dead story. Anyway, it doesn't really matter.

Well, got the info below. Not sure why she was included in the credits at ALL.

Marquez did the revival story. She did the issues before Pete dies in USM. The ones with Black Cat

Italian waifu that draws goth bondage porn and some Marvel characters.

>special thanks within a special thanks section

>Special thanks to Sarah Pichelli and Brian Michael Bendis for Ultimate Spider-Man
Bagleys face when

They had his name spray painted on a wall during the movie as a nod at least.

Yeah that's a little odd

Damn she's as hot as her art

>Sup Forums
You are not a regular here. Go back to whatever raidcentral shithole you came from.

Jokes on you, Bendis doesn't, and never, gave a shit about the Guardians. It was just another paycheck for him.

Who wrote these credits, Bendis?

I believe she is credited because her and Benis made Ganke, who is the basis of Ned's character

They might have renamed Ganke to Ned, but they still used Aaron Davis as-is.

Ah, that makes sense. I forgot about DC.

Wew lad.

You should know how triggering that post is on Sup Forums.

>Not sure why she was included in the credits at ALL.
Co-creator of Aaron Davis.

Damage Control was created a good decade before Bendis was working for Marvel.

I know exactly how they work, and I've worked with them several times as a marketing developer.

Bendis would only get royalties if if he owned the Miles character or if Marvel and Bendis had some deal where every time Marvel appeared on a certain product, Bendis would get a royalty for that. Bendis does not own the Miles character and never will. I also highly, highly doubt he gets any royalties as part of the creation of the character because that would be unprecedented and highly unfair to other Marvel creators who create characters all the time and receive nothing but their payment for writing the comic.

