What did Chandler mean by this? Wouldn't they just go to Central perk like they do in every single episode?

What did Chandler mean by this? Wouldn't they just go to Central perk like they do in every single episode?

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>mfw they were such a good friends but now they are heading in diferent directions and with each day they will be a little bit less friends

tfw you didn't spend your twenties having this much fun.

why are there so many friends threads lately?

>tfw never had friends

Because you didn't have enough money even with Freida to have afford an apartment in central New York.

And secondly enough, coffee shops are pretty boring places to hang out.

Because 2018 is the first year when everyone born in the 90s is an adult now

meaning you'll see a lot more 90s/early 00s nostalgiafags from now on.

>Ben is now 23, which is how old Rachel was when the show started
>Emma is 16
>The twins are 14

Feel old yet?

>a character that will forever exist as a child in the friends universe would have lost his virginity before me if he crossed over the threshold into my reality

It debuted on netflix. Also a bunch of faggots found it problematic and tweeted their butthurt over it.