Just posting the best series

Just posting the best series

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sad to see this with no reply
Sup Forums really only cares capeshit and starwars

We talked about that show quite a bit when it came out I dont really care anymore. Although maybe its worth a rewatch.

It was good.
I wonder how season 2 will be.

>no Jude Law
True Detective season 2 all over again.

it was shit

it's been a year and a half since it aired in Europe and a year since it aired in the US

there's nothing much to talk about anymore, it's only a 10 episode miniseries

Sell me this show, Sup Forums.
I, honestly, am having hard time imagening this actor in a role like this.

Watch Paolo Sorrentinos other work first

Imagine Gutierez as the New Pope enacting reforms everywhere.