Radar going to put a press release out soon.
Wheel of Time /WoT/ General
Stormlight Archive show when?
also tuon is white
Stormlight Archive show when?
this isn't a sanderson safe zone faggot get out
I just realized that they are probably going to skip the Ogier entirely from the story.
Stormlight Archive show when?
nah he's essential them reaching steddings was super important
Stormlight Archive show when?
They can include Le anti magic National Parks without including Ogiers
Should I give this series a re-read?
I was very frustrated over a few characters and I'm afraid it will ruin my viewings of the eventual tv show.
Why would you want to adapt a series not even halfway done? Have we learned nothing from GoT?
Besides, the budget would have to be enormous. Way bigger than GoT even to do it any justice.
*tugs braid*
WoT is great for re-reads because you pick up on all the shit you miss, like Rand already being a bit mad at the very start of the series, Mat's constant association with Fireworks, and all the oblique references to things that don't happen until 5-8 books later, like the dream Rand has of a Raven pecking out Mats eye in the first book. Also Min's viewings make a lot more sense in retrospect.
They can include Loial and ignore the rest.
I did a reread a couple of years ago, or rather, I read the series as it was being published and stopped before the last few books and then just read the entire thing from the beginning. I'd say go for it. It's much better when you don't have to wait for each new volume and then receive a book of wow it's fucking nothing. Also what said. The foreshadowing is pretty damn great.
But the difference between Sanderson and Martin is that Sanderson practically puts out a book every year, whereas Martin started in what, 1996?
Sanderson's better than Jordan though. Jordan was bad enough at writing women.. Wait, maybe he actually just wrote them as they are, but he wrote so many of them so often that half of his books are pure trash. I have never had a worse experience reading than switching from Mat chapters to an Elayne or Egwene one. It's maddening how much the quality shifts.
The series should have all been told from Mat's point of view, honestly. Shit was too good. Dude lost his virginity to a milf queen.
If you do, just get the summaries for the characters who you don't like. He has way too many point of view characters that only last a chapter or two, or never feel relevant enough, plus the ones who are insufferable. I used the summaries on those chapters so I could get through the series.
Jordan's problem with writing women is he wrote realistic women. And even then, a good number of then turned out great. Nynaeve was great after she got the dick she needed and mellowed out, Birgitte is great, Tylin is great, Tuon is pretty good, and Sorilea and the Wise Ones are consistently great. The obnoxious ones are Egwene and Elayne who act like teenage girls. Because they are.
And in his defense, they're at their worst in books 9, 10 and 11, which were all dictated to his Editor from a hospital bed, then written by someone else.
Mat confirmed lost virginity to that darkfriend Aiel in TSR, and probably fugged before then. So no Tylin didn't take it.
Elayne did nothing wrong, but Egwene is an insufferable bitch from book one.
Egwene was always presented as being envious and avaricious though. Even at the very beginning, she initially thinks she's going to marry Rand, but flakes on that to be a Wisdom, which she flakes on to be Aes Sedai, which she flakes on to be a Wise One, which she flakes on to be the Amyrlin. At every turn she takes whatever will give her more prestige and more power. She's basically Lanfear 2.0.
The main characters even remark on it, Rand tells Mat that Egwene left Emonds Field farther behind than any of them.
I'm actually curious what Jordan's notes had laid out for her. Her going bad would have fit in perfectly with a lot of the series, she's very clearly meant to be a foil to Lanfear in a lot of ways.
Stormlight Archive books are once per 3 years or something. Yes, Sanderson is one of the most reliable and prolific writers in his genre but 3 years is still plenty of time for a show to catch up.
Egwene's analog isn't Lanfear but Latra Posae.
Theres no way they can adapt it, its too long they would have to cut so much.
The length is just the first issue. It is a high fantasy series, especially after the first few books. Making that into a series that does not look like SHIT would be so expensive. And if they were to make 1 season per book the actors portraying teenagers would be middle aged by the finale. Maybe making an animated series would work
I agree that Nynaeve gets much better after some dick and even with the braid pulling is much better than Egwene and Elayne before, but either Elayne and Egwene get quite a bit more page space, or it feels that way because they're so bad.
To be fair a lot of the length comes from descriptions and stuff you can "show not tell" in a tv adaptation.
How would you represent the weaves in this?
Depending on the viewpoint you either show them or not. When you show them something like the shit Doctor Strange had might work, just make the weaves different in color and behavior.
first for black Lan
>not including based Hartha
no deal
>Sanderson's better than Jordan
No he fucking isn't.
>le jordan couldnt write women!
this is a bad meme
Stay mad. Sanderson saved the series from the trainwreck it was heading for.
So who will be able to pull off Rand's gradual descent into insanity?
Not that we have to worry about it since the show will not run long enough anyway
>Ishamael did nothing wrong
No u
>Sanderson's better than Jordan though. Jordan was bad enough at writing women..
Sanderson wrote Shallan
She's a schizo that gets away with bad jokes because she's cute. People who don't have a reason to either suck up or pander to her don't tend to react as well.
Jasnah and Kaladin both point out she's nowhere near as witty as she thinks she is, and I don't think Dalinar has ever laughed at her comments either.
Watch them remove most fantastic elements and trying to make it Game of Thrones.
I'm more worried that they don't realize that the setting is actually more renaissance than the cliche fantasy middle ages.
But how will they show the age of legends?
>post-scarcity society with flying cars and rayguns
it's gonna be weird
deepest lore
>Dude lost his virginity to a milf queen.
He lost it long before that, user.
___ ___ _____ __
Not his anal virginity tho.
>More stronky womyn fantasy shit
Gee, I wonder how many straight white men are gonna be in the show... I wonder how many interracial couples?
>Tfw they name each episode after a Drumpf joke
No aesedai gf for you
>stronky womyn
Yeah, and they fuck up everything until the men put them in their place.
Except the men are second class citizens and EVERY society is a matriarchy
Which is one reason why Rand rolls over everybody once he shows up with his Aiel army.
The books suck. We need a harrypotter type copypasta to stifle these threads.
How well does Brandon Sanderson do with the last books?
Which is the reason the world has gone to shit, the ability to channel has almost been culled from humans and the original plan to seal the DO away failed because women didn't want to help which caused the tainting of saidin too. However the moment men decide that fuck it, we'll start channeling again they absolutely steamroll everyone.
Thinking WoT has some kind of a feminist message is the most brainlet thing you can do.
the amount of virgin/chad potential in WoT is always amazing.
Virgin forsaken vs Chad reborn is probably my favourite.
Agreed, especially Demandred/LTT. Virgin Gawyn vs. Chad Galad would be amazing as well.
wow gee maybe the taint causing men to literally destroy the world with magic had some effect on how society evolved
They would miss the point of Sanderson's writing entirely, IE the world essentially being a character unto itself. They'd focus purely on the people and ignore the massive worldbuilding effort that Sanderson put forth. It would be god awful.
Unfortunately I don't have screencaps of either of those, but they probably exist.
There's that Demandred pasta at least, but I'm not sure there has been comparisons like
Yeah, up until the men start learning to channel anyway, and guess what happens? They don't fuck up the world at all, because even though they push themselves to the limit and do everything with the Power, any of them who go mad are immediately put down by their fellows.
Meanwhile, the Aes Sedai spent thousands of years engineering things so that they're seen as people who are looked to in a crisis, only to drop the ball every single time a crisis actually happens.
Yeah, but they DID destroy the world in the past.
true, true