Well, how would YOU describe her, Sup Forums?

Well, how would YOU describe her, Sup Forums?

>Muslim America
Is she from Islamistan? What the fuck is a "Muslim American"?

brown person who isn't Hindu or Sikh

A Sikh Ms. Marvel would be awesome.

The fuck does this mean?

5'5 -ish you autist.

Fucking burgers and their retarded system.
Why can't you use metric like normal people?

A poxy whore who is ruining our great nation from within.

Are Christian-Americans also a thing?


Masked girl. Red long scarf. Superhero. Small.


She is five times five feet, or 25 meters tall

Like you wouldnt say "brown"

Yes but it's probably worse than saying Muslim American since there's no real Christian racial stereotype. When saying Muslim American we obviously mean brown girls.

>Oi! M8! You seen a masked paki?

Why give a description? Just shout about seeing Cap and Thor kissing, she'll either sperg out or rush up thinking you read her fic or some shit.

"Brown-skinned" I think. And I'd mention the mask.

Unlike Muslims Sikhs don't screech and howl that they're being oppressed while they perform their rites to Khorne. As such they're not Designated Victims and Lefties don't care about them.

Does Kamala have a clitoris or was it removed?

Well yeah. A Sikh would be a noble hero, and an interesting one at that. Caring for the community and the people as both a superhero and as a person.

one can never be a Muslim and an american
the very first law of sharia which states that the words and actions of a jew, christian and non believer should be treated harsher then that of a Muslim go directly against americas value that all men are created equal

Because we don't fall for your metric booby traps!

A Sikh villain would be good as well, even if he wouldn't believe in it.

Pakistan is pretty tame, and she was born in New Jersey where that kind of shit is not condoned, so I'd say the former and why the fuck do you care?

Do we have practicing jew super-heroes? That don't work on saturdays and stuff?

Also, what does Kamala do when she's chasing a villain, or is mid-fight but she needs to do her prayers?

>Pakistan is pretty tame

It always seems strange how even Sup Forums and even a lot of Sup Forums is always pretty chill about the Sikh. But yeah, a Sikh villain with a clear code of conduct would be cool.

Kitty Pride, Thing, a few others.

Yitzak Topol is a practicing jew. but then again e is one of Moon Knight's personalities.

Sikhism's history and origin are rooted in a struggle against Islam, it's hardly surprising Sup Forumsniggers back them even if they don't know much about the religion. But with people posting shit like the details evidently don't matter too much.

There really aren't many Sikh Marvel/DC characters though, it would be nice to have some more. I think Tiger from the Grayson series was a Sikh.

It's like having that one black friend to prove you ain't a racist.

A lot of what I know about the Sikh involves their charitable side, which I respect a great deal. They seem like a noble people, which I suppose is incredibly romantic and childish for me to say.

Maybe. Might also be something like how Sup Forums like the Ghurkas, or other specialized forces.

It's more like having that Filipino friend who hates Black people and you use it to confirm to yourself "Everybody hates Niggers".
Also he has a really cool sense of style, or atleast some of his relatives do.
They do the same thing with those Buddhist terrorists.

>Red long scarf.
Yes everyone be on the look out for "person wearing clothes"