I let you know me... see me

>I let you know me... see me...
>I gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it...

>tfw no spinoff series of Hannibal, Will, and Abigail living as a murder family

Can anyone explain how season two was as incredible as it was?

the last episode is one of my favorite of any show, ever.

Did nothing wrong

this show was pretty gay. in an entertaining way.

I'm actually one of the few people who prefer series 1. But yeah, the last episode of series 2 was literal perfection

Yeah that is actually very surprising to me. Why did you prefer it?
To me it seemed like the show was looking for its identity at first. Came off like a regular crime-drama but then evolved into something more.
Season 2 on the other hand just had this very specific vibe, a tone set in stone from the get go - absolutely mindblowing cinematography and the score was even better than it was in season one - imo anyway.

I think not being sure if there was going to be a third season let them really go for broke. That season finale could have been the final episode of the series and it was perfect.

I'm still glad we got season 3 but season 2 was the best.

>Season 2 on the other hand just had this very specific vibe, a tone set in stone from the get go - absolutely mindblowing cinematography and the score was even better than it was in season one
I think looking at it objectively you're probably correct about all that. But I think I prefer the first series simply because Will didn't know what Hannibal was, and it was about him slowly realising his true nature, through a fog of manipulation and mental illness. It's very spooky
Also, although lots of people disliked the 'police procedural' element of S1, something about the distinct nature of the different cases makes each episode a lot more memorable for me. It had some amazing set pieces
S1 is probably easier to rewatch as well, simply because it is so episodic - whereas S2 works best seen as one whole

Because a gay guy directed it that way.

it was a pretty gay show.
i honestly thought they would end the show with a slow mo fucking of each other

>implying the plunge into the ocean wasn't an allegory for that

To this day I remeber the night when I saw this for the first time. Mesmerizing.

How did noone see him through? Everyone except Verger and Crawford got manipulated as fuck by him

>>mads homolust intensifies


S3 should've been a time skip with Clarice Sterling as a protagonist.
Will, Alana, Abigail and Jack should've died.

You can't prove me wrong

>and Crawford

Ahahahahaha no.
Wish I was at home so I could post the meme with Will's dogs disparaging Jack's incompetence

They didn't have the rights to Clarice's character.

They should've died

Based Fag Kino

>tfw no mads husband

Gillian Anderson has still got it


I still don't get whether this show is set in an alternate universe where Hannibal is literally God, or whether we're supposed to suspend disbelief like we've never suspended disbelief before.

I also prefer s1

She ain't got her leg though.

the only thing that annoyed me about this show was the constant background music when it was unnecessary.

He's the devil. You can literally (100% seriously, go check it out) hear his skin burning when he swears on the bible in season 2.

lol, really?

There are dozens of us

Yes. Best episode I've ever seen of anything.


Shit, I absolutely don't remember that.
I thought he was God rather than the Devil because of how he says God loves killing in S1.

such a great series, definitely in my top 5 favourite t shows of all time

it's really weird when he slaughters an entire police squad while wearing his plastic overalls

He's the dark side of God, the destroyer

>tfw didn't get experience hannibal as it was airing and missed out on all the threads and memes

>it looks like two serpents with wings





Abigail did die. I agree with Alana, but S3 was still pretty good with Will and Jack. I hate that it's implied that Will survived at the end of S3 though because it is a literal perfect end to the character's story arc. I read somewhere that Fuller intended to replace Clarice with Will, should they get another season and be unable to acquire the character rights....




i only have this







>"wow, nice sloppy joes, user"
>I can barely control The Beast

It's a travesty that we didn't get a conclusion to this show. I mean I guess the last ep of season 3 was pretty neat as an ending, but meh....we never got the Silence of the Lambs storyline. Shit would've been epic.

Fricken EBIN


she's the best, probably my dream woman when she was in her prime

shame she ruined herself with plastic surgery