What did he mean by this?

>"I just think political correctness is crap. That’s what I think about it. I think it’s like, take a fucking joke. Get over it. ... I don’t know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we’ve all said those things. We’re all fucking hypocrites. That’s what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word [nigger] or that fucking Jew? I’m being brutally honest here. It’s the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy. Or maybe I should strike that and say 'the N word' and 'the F word,' though there are two F words now."

>After defending Alec Baldwin for "calling someone an F-A-G in the street while he's pissed off coming out of his building because they won't leave him alone", Oldman continued to lament Gibson's predicament. "Mel Gibson is in a town that's run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he's actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him – and doesn't need to feed him anymore because he's got enough dough," said the British actor. "He's like an outcast, a leper, you know? But some Jewish guy in his office somewhere hasn't turned and said, 'That fucking kraut' or 'Fuck those Germans,' whatever it is? We all hide and try to be so politically correct. That's what gets me. It's just the sheer hypocrisy of everyone, that we all stand on this thing going 'Isn't that shocking?'"

A noble sacrifice, a real an hero.

based gary oldster

I think its pretty clear what he meant: stop being such hypocritical pussies.

a fucking men. pc practitioners should be burnt at the stake.


>I'm a racist bigot so we all are amirite

How is he racist?

Who is this based man and what movies is he in?

I'm so glad we found another actor to support.

well it's starting to be somewhat true when it comes to anglos

how long until #metoo?

What was racist? When did he indicate superiority of one race over another, or judge others based on their race?

Humanity has always been racist. Bigotry is simply racism.
Notice how the kike needs needs to invent a new word and definition to feel special about his lot in life as a thieving, half-dicked, dog fucker. Pathetic.

>He got drunk and said a few things, but we’ve all said those things.

When I'm angry I don't really start going off on niggers and jews cause I don't have any underlying hatred in my heart.

he was blacklisted a couple of times
>Some media outlets reported that Oldman was unhappy with the finished product of The Contender (2000) because DreamWorks had edited the film to reflect pro-Democratic leanings, stirring controversy.

he's probably well known amongst normies for his roles in Leon: The Professional, The Fifth Element and the Harry Potter films

His best work is stuff like Sid & Nancy, Coppola's Dracula and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
he also played recently in Darkest Hour, you should check it out if it's still playing where you're at

What about those words implies hatred? Seems like you’re imbuing some motive Mr. Mind Reader

then you know not what true anger is
nor true pain

Yes I'm sure you're a completely innocent person who has never gotten angry with someone or hated them posting on Sup Forums no less.

Then you need to leave this site forever you fucking nigger faggot kike

If all it takes is you getting drunk and upset to start whining about niggers, you deep down don't like niggers, otherwise you'd pick a different target. That's fine, but he's putting a blanket generalization that all people do that to try to downplay his own opinion because he knows he hates niggers himself and his peers would start casting him out the same way Mel has if his true beliefs surfaced. He's literally being politically correct in his argument against political correctness.

I've been here forever and I'll stay till it dies faggot.

Did you forget he plays Commissioner Gordon in the Dark Knight Trilogy?

Okay neogaf.

He said the taboo words. We must burn him in a pyre like the witch he is.

based Oldman, there is a reason he is my favorite actor Because he knows what the fuck is up, and his acting is without question amazing

When did he say he didn’t like niggers? Again with the mind reading Mr. Postmodern Armchair Psychologist

Give us a fucking source or i just call this crap.

yeah forgot about that. and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

how do you anti-semites even breathe every day without all this malice weighing on your conscience?

no wonder you autists browse this place

>SJW soyboy STILL finds a way to turn this discussion into virtue signaling

nobody cares, feel free to kys then fuck off faggot

After criticism from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Oldman apologised to them in an open letter.[144] ADL director Abraham Foxman acknowledged that Oldman was remorseful, but felt his letter was insufficient and asked for "a little more introspection, a little more understanding and a little more education".[144] Oldman then made a public apology on the 25 June edition of late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live!, where he stressed that he was "profoundly sorry" for his "insensitive, pernicious and ill-informed" remarks.[145]

he got a nice taste of the shit too

>"I just think political correctness is crap"

massquoting scum

since when hating jews make me an antisemite? that doesn't make sense

>Anti-Defamation League

Because i'm a human. Not a piece of shit in skin that thinks it's superior because a stolen work of fiction says so.

fucking oven dodger

I inhale
then I exhale

Jews mutilate babies, I need no other reason to be anti-semitic (and also anti-islam for the same reason).

When he implied he says it when he's drunk/angry too. This isn't armchair psychology this is reading his words and using a logical sequence of events to come to a conclusion. I don't give a shit about whether he likes niggers or not as that's not my argument, my argument is not everyone thinks like him.

>when people get drunk/angry their inhibitions are lowered and they speak their mind more truthfully
>when Mel is drunk/angry he complains about niggers/jews
>Mel doesn't like niggers/jews
>"we've all done those things" = "I do that too" = "I complain about niggers/jews when I'm drunk/mad"
>I have an underlying hate in my heart for niggers/jews (and so do you)

I don't really because they don't affect my life in a negative way. I live in fucking Arizona. I can't remember the last time I saw a black dude niggering. They're kinda just background people to me. Jews control society and there's nothing I can do about it so I don't pay them much mind.

Doesn't mean I hate either group. So fuck you Gary Oldman you don't speak for me.


He should have apologised to the world for his role as Lee Harvey Oswald instead. Actually everyone in the movie JFK should and Oliver Stone should still get the death penalty.

>Anti-Defamation League
if you google image it you'll get pepe

>t. White male endowed with misguided guilt

Just because you complain about someone doesn’t mean you hate them. I complain about my wife’s son all the time on Sup Forums but in reality I love him like my Bull’s own flesh.

>my argument is not everyone thinks like him
Damn, did you need a PhD to come up with that?

>getting this mad over LITERALLY one word from an actor
Go ahead, get madder. This is hilarious.

I am raging at my keyboard right now holy shit fuck gary oldman fuckkkkkk

what is it that compels you to try to be a special snowflake about everything? is it something in the soy? something you picked up from reddit?

Darkest Hour is dogshit. For a guy who spent 30+ years saying awards are all politics and worthless bullshit, it’s pathetic that he’s now all gimmie, gimmie, gimmie

>without all this malice weighing on your conscience?
Because Jews are fucking assholes.

By we, he isn't talking about you. He is talking about real men. You obviously don't fit his profile.

Hook, line and sinker boys! Let’s all go home! We got em!

you forgot to call me a numale cuck and libtard bro

no one Sup Forums does so what's your point

Guess what, you're using the word "nigger" right fucking now, you complete hypocrite. Gary Oldman's point is that people say politically incorrect things in private, which is exactly what you're doing now, and that a person shouldn't lose their career if one of those things is exposed. God damn you are dense and possibly autistic

This is a private place you nigger

Majority do and that's what counts. If you're a special case, great but it doesn't change the fact most, if not all the people throughout time have said and thought something racist.

jews are vile and i wish they would all go the fuck away

>no one Sup Forums does so what's your point
Since when are we talking about Sup Forums? I thought this was about you. Everything is about you, isn't it? Even when its not about you, like this thread, you force it to make it about you.

Re-read my post you fucking moron.

It literally isn't since mootycunts was forced by the gubment to abide by the law.

>doesn't realize you can actually joke about stereotypes without being raging racist or whatnot
I'm pretty sure thats a sign of autism.

Its a public domain, and now that legacy captcha is gone, every post we make is being recorded by google.

Gary Oldman's point is everyone calls people niggers and jews in private so we should be open about it.

He can speak for his faggot self. My underlying hate is aimed at spics and queers. People should lose their careers for what they say.

Why did you reply to him twice while you only gave me one (You) to me? Bullshit.

That's not his point and you are so hell-bent on being a reddit-Sup Forums hybrid that you are now forced to hold and defend a ridiculous position. Congratulations, retard

It is about me. The world revolves around me and no one gives a shit about you, not even your Mom after I fucked her.

Gibson wasn't joking though. He's genuinely mad at nigs and jews and Oldman is implying everyone gets like that.

I've only replied to any one post once in this whole thread

to the attention whore itt

you're an idiot and it's time to stop posting

>he thinks implications are real life
Implications aren't facts for the sole reason it can be interpreted in more than one way, pleddit.

You can keep going on and on about soyboys reddit sjws and tumblr. Your buzzwords are glazed over. I'm defending a very simple position, Gary Oldman needs to keep his faggot opinions to himself instead of trying to speak for everyone.

fuck you faggot

why do jews get their own word for racism? not even niggers get their own word for racism. Just seems weird to me

>implying implications don't run the world

hurf durf reddit cause I disagree

Nah, Gary can speak for anyone for all I care.
I'm not a tumblrite so I don't really care.

he's just baiting for (you)'s I dont know why you guys keep feeding him

dumb cuck

If you didn't care you wouldn't reply. Also don't try to one up me with dubs kid I'll fuck you any day.

It's not even about bigotry. It's about getting cut off in traffic by some Mexican American and screamingbend your tacos when you're not driving ass hole! Or in a more delicate way, some woman driving down the road swerves in to your lane a little almost forcing you of the road. And you wanna scream putt he phone down you fucking bitch!

You don't hold ill will against their entire race and culture, just the idiotic shit that one specific cock sucker is doing to impede your happiness.

>can’t say nigger or jew
>faggot’s ok though

>Oldman expresses mainstream view believes by most of the population
>liberal media has somehow managed to convince a large portion of Sup Forumss userbase that he's a pariah and expressing a fringe opinion

What the fuck happened to this board? When did it become tumblr 2.0?

>I'm racist so everyone else is too!

numale bugman

never said you can't say either dipshit, just don't claim everyone does

That's a perfectly reasonable position

It should honestly be legal to kill people like those.

I know Autralians go apeshit on people when someone interferes in your driving experience.

I'm Jewish but it's still fun to hate on Jews.

2016: I think pc culture is the kindest warmest most wonderful movement ever concieved and the Jewish people are Gods chosen people
2018: Gets oscar

> I'm an anonymous virtue signaling faggot

most people that claim to not be racist are almost as racist as racist people.

>why don't you complain about the diversity in black panther
>"cuz fuck other races!" - Boyega

no you're just a faggot

Everyone does it though, you did it in this thread, so the one person that couldn't have done it already did it in this very thread. You don't have an argument anymore. Just empty words.

And you're a nigger

I blame the jews like Republicans blame Obama.

My words are not empty and my position remains that Gary Oldman does not speak for me because he has his own prejudices.

no u

it's counter-semitism. Jews are a parasite who eat the host from within, and we're the immune system, you racist sack of shit.

It doesn't matter what you claim, you already did what Gary spoke about. You're one of his bitches now.

All he was trying to say is that the vast majority of people who show fashionable outrage, are doing so for the capital of themselves and their kind and not for the good of humanity as a whole. Then he gave them too many words to roast him with.

You're acting like a redditor that's had his first taste of actual human interaction after years of the dick sucking they call up-voting. Stop whining like a bleeding bitch on an anonymous image board or fuck off back to your corner of soydom.

Point out where I complained about niggers in a seething fit of drunken rage

No I'm fishing for (You)s and you're biting my bait like every other retarded Sup Forumsfag



right now, or you would have said black people

>hurr tendin ta be tarded meme
Have an extra (You) because they mean so much to you

>I’m just pretending to be retarded, stupid idiots I sure got you

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded
hating niggers and jews is completely natural

Blacks aren't people though.

They are more human than the user in this thread though.