I enjoyed this movie

I enjoyed this movie.

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it's ok user, there's some people who are into scat

It pissed me off a lot. But I can't complain too much.

John C. Reily played it up almost to Dr. Steve Brule levels of memes.

autism, you didn't even watch the movie.

Good shit. Watched it at the drive in. Weather was cool and I had a nice, heavy stout.

Yuh-huh I watched it in the office at work on a Friday night.

it had shitty characters and designs though.

I liked it. And Godzilla.

Everything about this movie was kind of stupid but it was still pretty alright considering it pretty much only exists to be a monster mash. The effects were cool, it didn't take itself seriously and moved from setpiece to setpiece without dragging along.

I mean you don't go into movie about a giant gorilla smashing helicopters expecting citizen kane, you go to watch a giant gorilla smashing helicopters and that's what happened.

Gross face.

It lacked any sort of focus. The director had all these ideas and didn't have the balls to cut the ones that didn't work.
Why do you follow like 5 mini-plots in the movie?
Just too many characters vying for the center spotlike. Sometimes, Loki was the main character. Then it was camera girl. Then it was Dr Stephen Brule. Then it was Sam Jackson. Then it was Goodman. Then it was that one guy who is alone at his crash site and gets eaten. It just cycled around without any drive.

How to improve Dustin Checks In: Stay with one group of people the entire time. Stay with Loki and you can pick up characters along the way.

I posted this in an earlier thread but the characterization in this movie is a fucking mess

>John Goodman convinces like 50 people, including a group of soldiers who are hours away from returning home from war, to go to an undiscovered island under the false pretense of mining for natural resources or something even though he's fairly certain there's monsters
>lies again to get them to drop bombs on the island knowing it will awaken even more monsters
>within minutes of arriving, half the crew is horrifically killed and/or eaten, they continue to get picked off in increasingly more gruesome ways, only like five people end up escaping
>gets confronted about this one time by SLJ, who just completely lets it go after that
>SLJ is the antagonist for the rest of the film because he's mad about his men getting killed, while Goodman is portrayed sympathetically as this misunderstood scientist who no one believed in

What the fuck?

her tits distracted me the entire movie. I enjoyed it too, but i don't remember one thing about it

I really just wanted a SLJ vs Kong movie.
Like cut all the other characters except for Jackson and Goodman.
The opening is mostly the same. Jackson and his company are tricked into going to the island.
Shit hits the fan. Now the got to fight their way out.

It's one of the best blockbusters recently made. It's a self-aware monster movie and knows just the right balance.

>there was no tactical precedence, we did the best we could

Loved that guy.

I'd honestly call it a 10/10 monster movie. It was objectively bad, but I still really loved it and would rank it #1 of 2017. It reminded me of great 90s shit movies like Lake Placid and Anaconda

fuck off roberts

I think it was too boring but otherwise had some good scenes they should have cut all the shit with the villagers and Samuel Jackson. I just wanted to see King Kong fight dinosaurs and giant spiders and shit.