Thoughts on this movie? I thought it was interesting at least

Thoughts on this movie? I thought it was interesting at least.

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Official Sup Forums approved reddit-core.

Kino, pure and simple

it was a mediocre movie propelled by the fact that people want to be contrarian to the tastes of modern critics

give it a rest Max you're a hack

Amusingly dumb. Worth the time, not worth remembering

It had some good ideas, but it used most of them badly. I'd check out the sequel but I would be hoping for better dialogue and direction.

I thought it was kino. Very entertaining with an orcs and magic spin on the buddy cop drama-comedy. Had good characters and fast-paced. Will Smith in his best role in years.

I liked it

Haven't watched it, but heard it had my boy mr Criminal

It looks fun but not kino

Absolute kino. Quality film. The globalist media HATES it, click here to find out why.

It's okay. Nice chill movie to watch with friends.

Better than Star Wars The Last Jedi.

Best buddy-cop movie since Lethal Weapon. The fantasy stuff was done well; worth a watch and by far better than the constant barrage of shit we've got for an entire year.

Bright, Blade Runner 2049 and Valerian are my movies of the year.

Absolute 90’s action movie kino. It’d be a friday night tv movie mainstay

any based yify out yet?

Terribly plotted movie with a bunch of shit that goes nowhere, conflict that has zero resolution or just replaced with another conflict, and Orc Jesus for some reason.

The world and its history was too big to tackle and examine in an hour and a half of fight or flight action.

But for all its faults, it has charm, promise, and fun, if for no other reason than it's completely original. Can't wait for the sequel.

DAT scene

Bright's biggest flaw was that it had to establish an entire new setting and tell a story. They got caught up trying to do too much world building and the overall plot was whatever. It was a story about a "white" cop with a "black" cop and how they overcame racism to stop the crime lord.

However, I really liked the setting Bright established. I want to know more about the setting, the alternate history, and how other parts of the world have been shaped by fantasy races existing. I liked the modern world setting with fantasy elements. I think its an untapped genre that has some good potential, hopefully we will start seeing more of it.

3/5, I'm glad it came out on netflix since I wouldn't haven gone to see it in a cinema. It was a mess but a fun mess. I'm looking forward to another movie. Hopefully it will inspire more modern fantasy.

I know Shadowrun exists. Shadowrun isn't modern, its cyberpunk.

It was so bad it made max landis quit twitter

no originality. fanfic level dialogue and characters. uninteresting plot.

They put more work into the worldbuilding rather than into the story

enjoyed thoroughly despite the flaws. 8/10
if it had a Marvel logo above the title it would be 85%+ on RT

I loved the elves, especially FBI elf

Ha, gay

I have a thing for Noomi Rapace too, I guess that means I'm double gay

I liked it a lot. Fairly straightforward story and characters meant that it didn't feel rushed or pretentious, I could just invest in the characters and then enjoy the action sequences, which I thought stayed grounded and good even with fucking magic wands and shit.

Everyone got all triggered by the perceived "problematic" worldview behind it but whatever it's a fucking movie with orcs and elves in it, god forbid something be kinda new and un-PC.

Also liked seeing Will Smith back in his strong suit.