Try and convince me this movie isn't hot garbage
>Protip: You can't
I hate that it's Australian. Our 'thing' in horror is to be completely harrowing and unsettling like PAHR and Wake In Fright and then this amateur-hour shit comes along and suddenly we Hollywood now. It's not hot garbage, just 5/10 not very good.
its a horror masterpiece. brainlets need not apply.
I think it had the potential to be good, it's an interesting concept, but mam. All I heard was about how good it is and it was so underwhelming and mediocre.
Except it wasn't scary. And almost all the actors were god awful, including the little autistic shit.
It's pretty entertaining, even if not wholly scary definitely a bit unnerving.
The end is kind of stupid though.
Nu horror like babadook, the vvitch etc all rely on atmosphere to spook people. Unlike alien, tcm, thing which use jump scares to portray horror. Clearly nu horror is better than the classics
Intellectual movies are only good if they can do what a book can't.
A book about hating your autistic son and being frightened by your own desires to kill him wouldn't be as unsettling in book form, it would just be unsavory.
It's not even horror. It's just shitty psychological drama that imitates the style of better movies. The monster isn't real. The woman is crazy and it's all in her head.
It does a pretty good job of encapsulating the struggle of being a single mother.
vvitch isn't even horror...the director has even stressed this. Still a good movie imo
Supernatural things just aren't scary. They can be gross, like Alien, or do jumpscares which literally cats do in older movies. Freddy Kreuger, aliens, ghosts, can't really happen
Nigger aliens aren't supernatural they're just far af
Nothing supernatural happens in the movie. Any "mysterious" things that aren't just her imagination are done by the woman herself, e.g. retrieving the book after deliberately failing to destroy it.
Well I mean the bulbous aliens or freaky xenomorphs, no reason to believe those exist
It was so-so, but way over hyped. Into the same bin as Get Out. Pretty generic and slow with little payoff by the end, but not the worst thing I've ever witnessed.
>remove the scene where you see the Babadook, movie fixed.
If you're that hungry then go eat your shit!
Maybe he shouldn't do a million things horror movies do and perhaps coordinate with the people who make trailers for his film
You are insanely dumb or just didn't understand the movie at all if you think nothing supernatural happens.
The monster is a metaphor for grief. It's not real. It never does anything that couldn't be done by the woman herself. The kid acts up because his mother is crazy. The ending makes no sense if the monster is real.
I didn’t think it was very good. And with films like Get Out that stomp the competition, there’s clearly a power vaccuum in horror
Not him but people seem to bring this up a lot in Babadook discussions on here and elsewhere but I don't understand. If that's the case, may as well just decide the whole movie didn't happen or something. There's too many things that happen to the kid as well as her to all just be some imagined thing.
Small things, like the bowl moving itself in the basement, like the bowl being empty and it having the need to be fed. They really are collecting dirty worms and putting it in a bowl. Or is that not happening?
Then you can cite bigger things:
So the book unburned itself and put itself on her doorstep?
So the book she was clearly flipping through, the tangible physical book that her and the kid is clearly looking at and experiencing isn't real?
So her son literally being dragged into the air and pulled by force isn't really happening? She is freaking out and holding on to dear life of her son in her head? He was just metaphorically being pulled?
The dog sensed her mind in the house, and barked at her mind?
The black goop was just in her head? She was just staring at nothing and watching it run out the room and down the stairs? The basement door closed itself?
If this was the intent (and from what interviews I've read with the director, she address grief and suffering separately from the monster, like it's its own entity) then she did a poor job of making sure that it can go one way or the other, because too many things start to not make sense, there is a complete loss of impact, danger, and whole scenes lose their tension entirely if it was all just 'in her mind' and 'metaphorical'
If it's metaphorical then it's a bad movie. If it's real then it's bad AND stupid.
I couldn't finish the movie, the kid was really pissing me off.
Female directors, not even once.
And this just convinced me to not even give this a watch.
I'm not doing some bullshit all in your mind/all a dream bullshit, and I'm DEFINITELY not doing it if it's fucking ambiguous if that's actually the fucking case or not.
The movie was ruined by them keeping the fucking Babadook in their basement as a pet and happily feeding it bowls of earthworms.
Truly awful ending which totally declawed the Babadook as an actual threat.
>it's fucking ambiguous if that's actually the fucking case or not
It is ambiguous. There are no reliable independent witnesses to anything "supernatural". It's just the woman and the kid, both of whom are insane. E.g. she "burns" the book, but nobody else sees it burned.
It only makes sense as a metaphor. I.e. you can't ever completely get rid of grief but you can come to terms with it and not let it ruin your life.
>loses her shit and kills her dog
>I'm supposed to have sympathy for this character
Even worse if she wasn't possessed and just did it out of..being, overgriefed?
She's just a realistic female character.
Very realistic thing to do. Sometimes I snap and kill my cat, but when I'm grieving less next month I get a new one.
God, what a strong woman.