Antman and the wasp trailer tomorrow!

Ready for marvels epic romantic comedy.

You have to go back,user

Jesus fuck, how many Marvel movies is enough?

You guys know they do 3 a year now don’t act surprised.

why does every random tiny super hero get a movie now? who the fuck wants to see Dr Strange, Antman, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, etc

I'm not surprised, I'm disgusted. Who still buys tickets to this shit?

This is the first time since Guardians I've thought a MCU movie might bomb critically.

Disney want to make another 30 films of the MCU. There is no escape.

Since we are all grown up and not children, let me spoil the next wave
>Tom Holland's Spiderman dies and is replaced by a black teen
>Thor is replaced by a woman
>Captain America dies and is replaced by Captain Marvel (a woman)
>Iron Man is replaced by a black woman

Ant man would've been kino, but marvel wants each movie to be tonaly consistent, ie, no auteurs allowed.

who wanted to see iron man

Didn't Wright want an actual half Ant half Man in his movie or am I making that up?

>why does every random tiny super hero get a movie now?
Disney want to make the biggest cinematic universe. Sadly they are never going to stop the MCU until probably 50 years time.

We can only hope that cinematic universes die out so we can go back to movies that were actually good i.e. standalones.

Homecoming sucked and the only good thing was Keaton's character cos he was in the right and was very releatable.

I want to cut myself knowing they want to do like 5 more Holland movies and show him slowly grow up through his school years.

>Evie gets more buff than any other capeshit actress
>Cover her from head to toe

Oh boy! I can't wait for The Wasp to completely out-power Ant-Man at every turn, and solve every situation while he's bumbling around!

The future is FEMALE!

Thread full of autistic fucking 18 year olds soy boys.

Yeah, the raimi trilogy is still peak spiderman, and also, the best action scenes in any comic movie.
The Gwen Stacy rescue still amazes me, whomever was the action scene coordinator, designer or what ever, needs to come back.

Also, what bugged me about homecoming, it removed the things that make spidey. Semis? Boats? Fucking airplanes? He is supposed to web helicopters, fall from skyscrapers and swing 30 blocks in a second, not run through a suburb.

>Homecoming sucked
This is bait?

If they really cared that much about women they would have made some female superhero stand alone movie by now

So, its basically like a really expensive tv show now?

It did sucked, took everything about Spiderman, through it all out, but didn't add anything to replace it. Just another
>MUH avengers set up

stop doing this "I'm a fucking retard" routine
it does no one any favors

>Coming 2019

It deconstructed Spider-Man in order to give us something new. It sounds like you didn't like that, which is fine, but a bad movie it does not make.

hey fuck you Strange is goat.

anyway they were forced to use little known heroes seeing how they didn't have the rights to use Spidey, XMen and F4. aka they're most famous heroes. that's all changed/going to change though.

I said by now. MCU started 10 years ago.

how do you go from L O S T to this?


>Indian slaps white boy on ass and runs away

>premier after infinity war
So, they will survive it, Earth will survive it. What a spoiler

>movies must take place when they are chronologically released

> Black Panther

Do you not know what times we live in fuck'n niggers be mad as hell like we in civil rights again, fucking blm fortifying the world against them and the world is racist.
Black panther,black lighting are hero that are were created to discuss civil rights and give them to young viewers.

a superhero that is just black is not enough he need to be fighting the oppression and shit nigga

What are you ranting about? Did they run out of soy for your soy late or something?

What is the marvel shitematic universe?

Actually that's what they've been doing all these years you little shit.

your mom.

Didn't realize the first captain america movie came out in 1945.

>>Tom Holland's Spiderman dies and is replaced by a black teen
>>Thor is replaced by a woman
>>Captain America dies and is replaced by Captain Marvel (a woman)
>>Iron Man is replaced by a black woman

Wow, how you know it? is almost like it happen in something like comics.

Why would they make thedsqq and mistakes as in the comics, though? The race/gender switched comics were failures and got cancelled aik

Is no on going to talk about the penis on her costume?

Now it can't be unseen

>One exception is the rule

>dr strange

Antman isn't even in Infinity War you fucking retard.

My point is they've made exception's before. There's no reason to believe they won't make another one.

Also canonically, Thor, Iron Man 2, The incredible Hulk and the ending of Cap 1 all take place in the same week.

Did you really think infinity war is the end of mcu?

I canonically fucked your mum in the same week


i hope he crawls up her feet

God she posted some hot as fuck training videos when they were filming this, I hope she gets a chance to show off all her hard work at least once during the movie.

Fuck off she is no Gal Gadot

ick, wasp's costume looks like shit. that's not even yellow.

Because marvel knows how to turn b and c list heroes into really interesting well written characters. Doctor Strange especially with its exploration of the multiverse and ant-man the quantum realm, black panther the idea of a secret technologically advanced tribe etc.


Its nice they turned a shit costume into a better one. But I still don't like it.

Parents and their kids, socially well adjusted millennials, and manchildren.

Because they need the spotlight you idiot.

>paying for cable or netflix or hulu etc. every month
>a movie every couple months

It's the same costume, they just put a shitty filter on it

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 takes place in 2014.